3.4 KB

  1. TODO: attempting to receive multiple parallel radio signals is intentionally not supported by the radio
  2. %description:
  3. Testing ideal radio
  4. host1 and host2 send UDP packets to host0: both senders use full transmit capacity, host0 receives all packets
  5. Nic modules use internal queues
  6. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. %inifile: omnetpp.ini
  9. [General]
  10. ned-path = .;../../../../src;../../lib
  11. network = NetIdealRadios
  12. #record-eventlog = true
  13. #eventlog-message-detail-pattern = *:(not declaredOn(cMessage) and not declaredOn(cNamedObject) and not declaredOn(cObject))
  14. num-rngs = 3
  15. **.mobility.rng-0 = 1
  16. **.wlan[*].mac.rng-0 = 2
  17. #debug-on-errors = true
  18. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  19. **.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  20. **.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
  21. **.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  22. **.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m
  23. **.constraintAreaMaxY = 400m
  24. **.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  25. **.debug = true
  26. **.coreDebug = false
  27. # nic settings
  28. **.wlan[*].typename = "IdealWirelessNic"
  29. **.wlan[*].bitrate = 2Mbps
  30. **.wlan[*].mac.address = "auto"
  31. **.wlan[*].mac.headerLength = 22B
  32. **.wlan[*].radioType = "IdealRadio"
  33. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.bitrate = 2Mbps
  34. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.maxCommunicationRange = 100m
  35. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.maxInterferenceRange = 500m
  36. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.maxDetectionRange = 1000m
  37. **.wlan[*].radio.receiver.ignoreInterference = true
  38. description = "host1 and host2 send UDP packets to host0: both senders use full transmit capacity, host0 receives all packets"
  39. *.numHosts = 3
  40. *.host[0].numUdpApps = 2
  41. *.host[0].udpApp[*].typename = "UDPSink"
  42. *.host[0].udpApp[0].localPort = 1001
  43. *.host[0].udpApp[1].localPort = 1002
  44. *.host[1..2].numUdpApps = 1
  45. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].typename = "UDPBasicApp"
  46. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].destAddresses = "host[0]"
  47. *.host[1].udpApp[0].destPort = 1001
  48. *.host[2].udpApp[0].destPort = 1002
  49. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].startTime = 1s
  50. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].stopTime = 101s-1us
  51. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].sendInterval = 10ms
  52. *.host[1..2].udpApp[0].messageLength = 2450B # +8(UDP)+20(IPv4)+22(wireless) bytes headers, = 20000bit --> 20kb/10ms = 2Mbps
  53. # mobility
  54. *.host[*].mobility.initFromDisplayString = false
  55. *.host[*].mobilityType = "StationaryMobility"
  56. *.host[*].mobility.initialY = 200m
  57. *.host[*].mobility.initialZ = 0m
  58. *.host[0].mobility.initialX = 300m
  59. *.host[1].mobility.initialX = 270m
  60. *.host[2].mobility.initialX = 330m
  61. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. %contains: results/
  64. scalar[0].udpApp[0] rcvdPk:count 10000
  65. %contains: results/
  66. scalar[0].udpApp[1] rcvdPk:count 10000
  67. %contains: results/
  68. scalar[1].udpApp[0] sentPk:count 10000
  69. %contains: results/
  70. scalar[2].udpApp[0] sentPk:count 10000
  71. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. %not-contains: stdout
  73. undisposed object:
  74. %not-contains: stdout
  75. -- check module destructor
  76. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------