omnetpp.ini.ftl 4.4 KB

  1. <#assign startTime = 0.1>
  2. [General]
  3. network = ${targetTypeName}
  4. total-stack = 7MiB
  5. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  6. #debug-on-errors = true
  7. #record-eventlog = true
  8. <#assign tcpTraffic = tcpDataTraffic || telnetTraffic >
  9. <#if tcpTraffic>
  10. # TCP Traffic Configuration:
  11. **.server*.tcpType = "${serverTcpLayer}" # "TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC"
  12. **.client*.tcpType = "${clientTcpLayer}" # "TCP", "TCP_lwIP", "TCP_NSC"
  13. <#assign appIdx = 0 >
  14. <#if tcpDataTraffic>
  15. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].typename = "TCPEchoApp" #//TODO must set only tcpApp[${appIdx}]
  16. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].address = ""
  17. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].localPort = 1000
  18. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].echoFactor = 2.0
  19. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].echoDelay = 0
  20. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].typename = "TCPSessionApp" #//TODO must set only tcpApp[${appIdx}]
  21. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].active = true
  22. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].address = ""
  23. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].localPort = -1
  24. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].connectAddress = "server"
  25. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].connectPort = 1000
  26. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].tOpen = ${startTime}s
  27. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].tSend = ${startTime+0.1}s
  28. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].sendBytes = 100MiB
  29. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].sendScript = ""
  30. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].tClose = 0
  31. <#assign appIdx = appIdx + 1 >
  32. </#if>
  33. <#if telnetTraffic>
  34. # tcp apps
  35. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].typename = "TelnetApp" #//TODO must set only tcpApp[${appIdx}]
  36. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].address = ""
  37. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].localPort = 23
  38. #IP address intentionally set incorrectly
  39. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].connectAddress = "server"
  40. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].connectPort = 1000
  41. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].startTime = uniform(${startTime}s,${startTime+5}s)
  42. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].numCommands = exponential(10)
  43. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].commandLength = exponential(10B)
  44. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].keyPressDelay = exponential(0.1s)
  45. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].commandOutputLength = exponential(40B)
  46. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].thinkTime = truncnormal(2s,3s)
  47. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].idleInterval = truncnormal(3600s,1200s)
  48. **.client*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].reconnectInterval = 30s
  49. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].typename = "TCPGenericSrvApp" #//TODO must set only tcpApp[${appIdx}]
  50. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].address = ""
  51. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].localPort = 1000
  52. **.server*.tcpApp[${appIdx}].replyDelay = 0
  53. <#assign appIdx = appIdx + 1 >
  54. </#if>
  55. **.server*.numTcpApps = ${appIdx}
  56. **.client*.numTcpApps = ${appIdx}
  57. # end of TCP Traffic Configuration
  58. </#if>
  59. <#if videoStreamUdpTraffic && ipv4Layer>
  60. # Video Stream UDP Traffic Configuration:
  61. **.server*.numUdpApps = 1
  62. **.server*.udpApp[*].typename = "UDPVideoStreamSvr"
  63. **.server*.udpApp[*].videoSize = 100MiB
  64. **.server*.udpApp[*].localPort = 3088
  65. **.server*.udpApp[*].sendInterval = 10ms
  66. **.server*.udpApp[*].packetLen = 1000B
  67. **.client*.numUdpApps = 1
  68. **.client*.udpApp[*].typename = "UDPVideoStreamCli"
  69. **.client*.udpApp[*].serverAddress = "server"
  70. **.client*.udpApp[*].localPort = 9999
  71. **.client*.udpApp[*].serverPort = 3088
  72. **.client*.udpApp[*].startTime = ${startTime}s
  73. # end of UDP Traffic Configuration
  74. </#if>
  75. <#if pingTraffic>
  76. # ping app (server pinged by others)
  77. **.client*.numPingApps = 1
  78. **.client*.pingApp[*].destAddr = "server"
  79. **.client*.pingApp[*].sendInterval = 50ms
  80. **.client*.pingApp[*].startTime = ${startTime}s
  81. **.client*.pingApp[*].printPing = true
  82. </#if>
  83. <#if sctpTraffic && ipv4Layer>
  84. # SCTP Traffic Configuration:
  85. **.server*.numSctpApps = 1
  86. **.server*.sctpApp[*].typename = "SCTPServer"
  87. **.server*.sctpApp[0].address = ""
  88. **.server*.sctpApp[0].localPort = 1000
  89. **.server*.sctpApp[0].numPacketsToReceivePerClient = 30
  90. **.server*.sctpApp[0].echoFactor = 0
  91. **.client*.numSctpApps = 1
  92. **.client*.sctpApp[*].typename = "SCTPClient"
  93. **.client*.sctpApp[0].address = ""
  94. **.client*.sctpApp[0].connectAddress = "server"
  95. **.client*.sctpApp[0].primaryPath = "server"
  96. **.client*.sctpApp[0].localPort = -1
  97. **.client*.sctpApp[0].connectPort = 1000
  98. **.client*.sctpApp[0].numRequestsPerSession = 30
  99. **.client*.sctpApp[0].requestLength = 1000
  100. **.client*.sctpApp[0].thinkTime = exponential(0.1s)
  101. **.client*.sctpApp[0].queueSize = 0
  102. **.client*.sctpApp[0].startTime = ${startTime}s
  103. # end of SCTP Traffic Configuration
  104. </#if>
  105. # ip settings
  106. # Ethernet NIC configuration
  107. **.eth[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue" # in routers