migrateini.cmd 486 B

  1. @echo off
  2. if not "x%1" == "x" echo Please change to the directory you want to convert and run the script there without any command line argument! && goto endlabel
  3. echo.
  4. echo Press ENTER to convert all INI files under the current directory:
  5. cd
  6. echo.
  7. pause
  8. dir /s /b *.ini >inifiles.lst
  9. echo The following files will be checked/modified:
  10. type inifiles.lst | more
  11. echo.
  12. echo Press ENTER to start the conversion, or CTRL-C to quit.
  13. pause
  14. perl %~dp0\migrateini.pl inifiles.lst
  15. :endlabel