omnetpp.ini 3.1 KB

  1. [General]
  2. #record-eventlog = true
  3. # debug-on-errors = true
  4. *.numHosts = 20
  5. num-rngs = 3
  6. **.mobility.rng-0 = 1
  7. **.wlan[*].mac.rng-0 = 2
  8. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  9. # mobility
  10. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  11. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  12. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  13. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
  14. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 1000m
  15. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 1000m
  16. # nic settings
  17. **.wlan[*].bitrate = 2Mbps
  18. **.wlan[*].mgmt.frameCapacity = 10
  19. **.wlan[*].mac.address = "auto"
  20. **.wlan[*].mac.maxQueueSize = 14
  21. **.wlan[*].mac.rtsThresholdBytes = 3000B
  22. **.wlan[*].mac.retryLimit = 7
  23. **.wlan[*].mac.cwMinData = 7
  24. **.wlan[*].mac.cwMinMulticast = 31
  25. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW
  26. [Config Random]
  27. network = GPSRNetworkRandom
  28. **.host[*].mobilityType = "StationaryMobility"
  29. # ping app
  30. *.host[*].numPingApps = 1
  31. *.host[*].pingApp[0].startTime = uniform(1s,5s)
  32. *.host[*].pingApp[0].printPing = true
  33. [Config IPv4]
  34. extends = Random
  35. description = network layer for IPv4 network protocol only (default)
  36. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv4)"
  37. [Config IPv6]
  38. extends = Random
  39. description = network layer for IPv6 network protocol only
  40. **.networkLayerType = "IPv6NetworkLayer"
  41. **.routingTableType = "IPv6RoutingTable"
  42. **.gpsr.networkProtocolModule = "^.networkLayer.ipv6"
  43. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv6)"
  44. [Config Generic]
  45. extends = Random
  46. description = network layer for generic network protocol only
  47. **.networkLayerType = "GenericNetworkLayer"
  48. **.routingTableType = "GenericRoutingTable"
  49. **.gpsr.networkProtocolModule = "^.networkLayer.gnp"
  50. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](modulepath)"
  51. [Config AbstractMulti]
  52. extends = Random
  53. description = network layer for multiple network protocols
  54. **.networkLayerType = "MultiNetworkLayer"
  55. **.routingTableType = "MultiRoutingTable"
  56. **.gpsrType = "MultiGPSR"
  57. [Config MultiIPv4]
  58. extends = AbstractMulti
  59. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv4)"
  60. [Config MultiIPv6]
  61. extends = AbstractMulti
  62. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv6)"
  63. [Config MultiGeneric]
  64. extends = AbstractMulti
  65. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](modulepath)"
  66. [Config Manual]
  67. network = GPSRNetworkManual
  68. **.host*.mobilityType = "StationaryMobility"
  69. # ping app
  70. *.host0.pingApp[0].destAddr = "host1"
  71. *.host*.numPingApps = 1
  72. *.host*.pingApp[0].destAddr = ""
  73. *.host*.pingApp[0].startTime = uniform(1s,5s)
  74. *.host*.pingApp[0].printPing = true
  75. [Config Dynamic]
  76. extends = Random
  77. description = some nodes are shut down and restarted to trigger route changes
  78. *.host[*].hasStatus = true
  79. *.host[0].status.initialStatus = "down"
  80. *.scenarioManager.script = xmldoc("scenario.xml")
  81. [Config DynamicIPv4]
  82. extends = Dynamic
  83. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv4)"
  84. [Config DynamicIPv6]
  85. extends = Dynamic
  86. **.networkLayerType = "IPv6NetworkLayer"
  87. **.routingTableType = "IPv6RoutingTable"
  88. **.gpsr.networkProtocolModule = "^.networkLayer.ipv6"
  89. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](ipv6)"
  90. [Config DynamicGeneric]
  91. extends = Dynamic
  92. **.networkLayerType = "GenericNetworkLayer"
  93. **.routingTableType = "GenericRoutingTable"
  94. **.gpsr.networkProtocolModule = "^.networkLayer.gnp"
  95. *.host[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "host[1](modulepath)"