omnetpp.ini 2.8 KB

  1. [General]
  2. network = DiffservNetwork
  3. sim-time-limit = 50s
  4. # client applications
  5. **.numClients = 1
  6. **.client[*].numUdpApps = 2
  7. **.client[*].udpApp[*].typename = "UDPBasicApp"
  8. **.client[*].udpApp[*].destAddresses = "server"
  9. **.client[*].udpApp[*].messageLength = 1000B
  10. **.client[*].udpApp[*].startTime = uniform(0s,0.1s)
  11. **.client[*].udpApp[*].sendInterval = 100ms
  12. **.client[*].udpApp[0].destPort = 5001
  13. **.client[*].udpApp[1].destPort = 5002
  14. # server applications
  15. **.server.numUdpApps = 2
  16. **.server.udpApp[0].typename = "UDPSink"
  17. **.server.udpApp[0].localPort = 5001
  18. **.server.udpApp[1].typename = "UDPSink"
  19. **.server.udpApp[1].localPort = 5002
  20. # default router queue
  21. **.router.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue"
  22. **.router.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 100
  23. [Config VoIP]
  24. description = "client[0] executes a VoIP application"
  25. **.numClients = 2
  26. **.client[0].numUdpApps = 1
  27. **.client[0].udpApp[0].typename = "VoIPStreamSender"
  28. **.client[0].udpApp[0].packetTimeLength = 20ms
  29. **.client[0].udpApp[0].voipHeaderSize = 4B
  30. **.client[0].udpApp[0].voipSilenceThreshold = 100
  31. **.client[0].udpApp[0].repeatCount = 1
  32. **.client[0].udpApp[0].soundFile = "../../voipstream/soundFiles/ria_44100_stereo.mp3"
  33. **.client[0].udpApp[0].codec = "pcm_mulaw"
  34. **.client[0].udpApp[0].bitsPerSample = 8
  35. **.client[0].udpApp[0].samplingRate = 8000Hz
  36. **.client[0].udpApp[0].compressedBitRate = 64000bps
  37. **.client[0].udpApp[0].localPort = 1000
  38. **.client[0].udpApp[0].destPort = 1000
  39. **.client[0].udpApp[0].srcAddress = ""
  40. **.client[0].udpApp[0].destAddress = "server"
  41. **.server.numUdpApps = 3
  42. **.server.udpApp[2].typename = "VoIPStreamReceiver"
  43. **.server.udpApp[2].localPort = 1000
  44. **.server.udpApp[2].resultFile = "results/${configname}_results.wav"
  45. [Config WithoutQoS]
  46. description = "Diffserv traffic conditioning and queueing is turn off"
  47. [Config WithPolicing]
  48. description = "Diffserv traffic conditioning is turned on in the ppp[0] interface of the router"
  49. **.router.ppp[0].egressTCType = "TrafficConditioner"
  50. **.efMeter.cir = "70%"
  51. ** = 50KiB
  52. **.defaultMeter.cir = "30%"
  53. ** = 2KiB
  54. **.defaultMeter.ebs = 4KiB
  55. [Config WithQueueing]
  56. description = "A DiffservQueue is added to the ppp[0] interface of the router"
  57. **.router.ppp[*].queueType = "DiffservQueue"
  58. **.router.ppp[*].queue.efMeter.cir = "70%" # reserved bandwith for EF packets
  59. **.router.ppp[*] = 5000B
  60. [Config VoIP_WithoutQoS]
  61. description = "VoIP application, without QoS"
  62. extends = VoIP, WithoutQoS
  63. [Config VoIP_WithPolicing]
  64. description = "VoIP application, traffic policing at the router allocates bandwidth for voice packets"
  65. extends = VoIP, WithPolicing
  66. [Config VoIP_WithPolicingAndQueueing]
  67. description = "VoIP application, traffic policing at the router allocates bandwidth for voice packets, and voice packets are prioritized in router's queue"
  68. extends = VoIP, WithPolicing, WithQueueing