omnetpp.ini 4.6 KB

  1. [General]
  2. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  3. sim-time-limit = 100d
  4. **.radio.displayCommunicationRange = true
  5. *.visualizer.dataLinkVisualizer.packetFilter = "ping*"
  6. *.visualizer.dataLinkVisualizer.lineStyle = "dotted"
  7. #*.visualizer.networkRouteVisualizer.packetFilter = "ping*"
  8. [Config WiredDHCP]
  9. description = Hosts configured via DHCP
  10. network = WiredNetWithDHCP
  11. *.numHosts = 10
  12. **.numUdpApps = 1
  13. **.client[*].udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPClient"
  14. **.client[*].udpApp[0].startTime = uniform(0s, 1s)
  15. **.server.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPServer"
  16. **.server.udpApp[0].numReservedAddresses = 100 # ip to start to lease
  17. **.server.udpApp[0].maxNumClients = 100 # number of ip to lease
  18. **.server.udpApp[0].gateway = "" # gateway to assign
  19. **.server.udpApp[0].leaseTime = 1000s # lease time in seconds
  20. [Config WirelessDHCP]
  21. description = Wireless hosts configured via DHCP
  22. network = WirelessNetWithDHCP
  23. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  24. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
  25. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  26. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 500m
  27. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 500m
  28. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  29. **.configurator.config = xml("<config><interface hosts='gateway' names='eth0' address='' netmask=''/><interface names='eth*' address='192.168.x.x' netmask=''/></config>")
  30. **.numHosts = 1
  31. # DHCP client in the wireless hosts
  32. **.client[*].numUdpApps = 1
  33. **.client[*].udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPClient"
  34. **.client[*].numPingApps = 1
  35. **.client[*].pingApp[0].destAddr = "remote"
  36. **.client[*].pingApp[0].startTime = 3s
  37. # DHCP server for the wireless network
  38. **.dhcpServer.numUdpApps = 1
  39. **.dhcpServer.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPServer"
  40. **.dhcpServer.udpApp[0].numReservedAddresses = 10 # ip to start to lease
  41. **.dhcpServer.udpApp[0].maxNumClients = 100
  42. **.dhcpServer.udpApp[0].gateway = ""
  43. **.dhcpServer.udpApp[0].leaseTime = 100s
  44. [Config Wireless2DHCP]
  45. description = Wireless hosts configured via DHCP
  46. network = WirelessNetWith2DHCP
  47. **.numHosts = 1
  48. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.power = 2mW
  49. **.configurator.config = xml(" \
  50. <config> \
  51. <interface hosts='dhcpServer1' names='eth0' address='' netmask=''/> \
  52. <interface hosts='dhcpServer2' names='eth0' address='' netmask=''/> \
  53. <interface among='server dhcpServer1' address='192.168.3.x' netmask=''/> \
  54. <interface among='server dhcpServer2' address='192.168.4.x' netmask=''/> \
  55. <wireless hosts='client'/> \
  56. <route hosts='server' destination='' netmask='' gateway='dhcpServer1' /> \
  57. <route hosts='server' destination='' netmask='' gateway='dhcpServer2' /> \
  58. </config> \
  59. ")
  60. # DHCP client in the wireless hosts
  61. **.client.numUdpApps = 1
  62. **.client.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPClient"
  63. **.client.numPingApps = 1
  64. **.client.pingApp[0].destAddr = "server"
  65. **.client.pingApp[0].startTime = 3s
  66. **.client.mobilityType = "RectangleMobility"
  67. **.client.mobilityType = "RectangleMobility"
  68. **.client.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 60m
  69. **.client.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 100m
  70. **.client.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 540m
  71. **.client.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 150m
  72. **.client.mobility.startPos = 0
  73. **.client.mobility.speed = 20mps
  74. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  75. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 100m
  76. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  77. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m
  78. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 450m
  79. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  80. # DHCP server for the wireless network
  81. **.dhcpServer1.numUdpApps = 1
  82. **.dhcpServer1.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPServer"
  83. **.dhcpServer1.udpApp[0].interface = "eth0"
  84. **.dhcpServer1.udpApp[0].numReservedAddresses = 10 # ip to start to lease
  85. **.dhcpServer1.udpApp[0].maxNumClients = 100
  86. **.dhcpServer1.udpApp[0].leaseTime = 100s
  87. **.dhcpServer2.numUdpApps = 1
  88. **.dhcpServer2.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPServer"
  89. **.dhcpServer2.udpApp[0].interface = "eth0"
  90. **.dhcpServer2.udpApp[0].numReservedAddresses = 10 # ip to start to lease
  91. **.dhcpServer2.udpApp[0].maxNumClients = 100
  92. **.dhcpServer2.udpApp[0].leaseTime = 100s
  93. **.dhcpServer*.forwarding = true
  94. [Config RebootingDHCP]
  95. description = DHCP with rebooting host and server
  96. network = DHCPShutdownReboot
  97. **.hasStatus = true
  98. **.scenarioManager.script = xmldoc("scenario.xml")
  99. **.numUdpApps = 1
  100. **.client.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPClient"
  101. **.server.udpApp[0].typename = "DHCPServer"
  102. **.server.udpApp[0].numReservedAddresses = 100
  103. **.server.udpApp[0].maxNumClients = 100
  104. **.server.udpApp[0].gateway = ""
  105. **.server.udpApp[0].leaseTime = 150s