omnetpp.ini 1.7 KB

  1. [General]
  2. network = Net
  3. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  4. #debug-on-errors = true
  5. #record-eventlog = true
  6. #eventlog-message-detail-pattern = *:(not declaredOn(cMessage) and not declaredOn(cNamedObject) and not declaredOn(cObject))
  7. # plauground
  8. **.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  9. **.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
  10. **.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  11. **.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m
  12. **.constraintAreaMaxY = 400m
  13. **.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  14. # mobility
  15. **.host*.mobilityType = "MassMobility"
  16. **.host*.mobility.initFromDisplayString = false
  17. **.host*.mobility.changeInterval = truncnormal(2s, 0.5s)
  18. **.host*.mobility.changeAngleBy = normal(0deg, 30deg)
  19. **.host*.mobility.speed = truncnormal(20mps, 8mps)
  20. **.host*.mobility.updateInterval = 100ms
  21. # ping app (host[0] pinged by others)
  22. *.host[0].numPingApps = 0
  23. *.host[*].numPingApps = 2
  24. *.host[*].pingApp[*].destAddr = "host[0]"
  25. **.pingApp[0].startTime = uniform(1s,5s)
  26. **.pingApp[1].startTime = 5s+uniform(1s,5s)
  27. **.pingApp[*].printPing = true
  28. # nic settings
  29. **.wlan[*].typename = "IdealWirelessNic"
  30. **.wlan[*].bitrate = 2Mbps
  31. **.wlan[*].mac.address = "auto"
  32. **.wlan[*].mac.headerLength = 20B
  33. **.wlan[*].radioType = "IdealRadio"
  34. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.bitrate = 2Mbps
  35. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.headerBitLength = 100b
  36. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.interferenceRange = 0m
  37. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.detectionRange = 0m
  38. **.wlan[*].radio.receiver.ignoreInterference = true
  39. [Config Ping1]
  40. description = "host1 pinging host0"
  41. *.numHosts = 2
  42. *.host[0].wlan[*].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 250m
  43. *.host[1].wlan[*].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 300m
  44. [Config Ping2] # __interactive__
  45. description = "n hosts"
  46. **.wlan[*].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 200m
  47. # leave numHosts undefined here