omnetpp.ini 2.7 KB

  1. [Config inet_inet]
  2. description = "inet_TCP <---> inet_TCP"
  3. # setting TCP stack implementation
  4. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP"
  5. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP"
  6. [Config nsc_nsc]
  7. description = "NSC_TCP <---> NSC_TCP"
  8. # setting TCP stack implementation
  9. **.tcpType = "TCP_NSC"
  10. [Config nsc_inet]
  11. description = "NSC_TCP <---> inet_TCP"
  12. # setting TCP stack implementation
  13. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP_NSC"
  14. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP"
  15. [Config inet_nsc]
  16. description = "inet_TCP <---> NSC_TCP"
  17. # setting TCP stack implementation
  18. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP"
  19. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP_NSC"
  20. [Config lwip__lwip]
  21. description = "TCP_lwIP <---> TCP_lwIP"
  22. # setting TCP stack implementation
  23. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP_lwIP"
  24. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP_lwIP"
  25. [Config lwip__inet]
  26. description = "TCP_lwIP <---> inet_TCP"
  27. # setting TCP stack implementation
  28. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP_lwIP"
  29. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP"
  30. [Config inet__lwip]
  31. description = "inet_TCP <---> TCP_lwIP"
  32. # setting TCP stack implementation
  33. **.server*.tcpType = "TCP"
  34. **.client*.tcpType = "TCP_lwIP"
  35. [General]
  36. network = BulkTransfer6
  37. total-stack = 7MiB
  38. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  39. #debug-on-errors = true
  40. #record-eventlog = true
  41. sim-time-limit = 50day
  42. # configurator
  43. *.configurator.useTentativeAddrs = false # FIXME TBD to be switched to true, for testing DAD!
  44. # tcp apps
  45. **.numTcpApps = 1
  46. **.client*.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSessionApp"
  47. **.client*.tcpApp[0].active = true
  48. **.client*.tcpApp[0].localAddress = ""
  49. #**.client1.tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:7" #is this the source addr of the client's TCP app?
  50. #**.client2.tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:8"
  51. #**.client3.tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:9"
  52. **.client*.tcpApp[0].localPort = -1
  53. **.client*.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = "server"
  54. #**.client*.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:1"
  55. **.client*.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 1000
  56. **.client*.tcpApp[0].tOpen = 5s
  57. **.client*.tcpApp[0].tSend = 7s
  58. **.client*.tcpApp[0].sendBytes = 1000000B
  59. **.client*.tcpApp[0].sendScript = ""
  60. **.client*.tcpApp[0].tClose = 0
  61. #**.server.tcpApp[*].typename="TCPSinkApp"
  62. **.server.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPEchoApp"
  63. **.server.tcpApp[0].localAddress = ""
  64. #**.server.tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:5"
  65. #**.server.tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:1"
  66. **.server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 1000
  67. **.server.tcpApp[0].echoFactor = 2.0
  68. **.server.tcpApp[0].echoDelay = 0
  69. # NIC configuration
  70. **.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue" # in routers
  71. **.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 10 # in routers
  72. **.eth[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue" # in routers
  73. **.eth[*].queue.dataQueue.frameCapacity = 10 # in routers
  74. **.eth[*].mac.txrate = 10Mbps
  75. **.eth[*].mac.duplexMode = true
  76. # ezt meg megnezni:
  77. **.*.tcp*.advertisedWindow = 65535