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Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing Examples

1. StaticIPv4

In this example, static means that there is no mobility, the
hosts are uniformly distributed in a 600m X 600m square.

As the simulations starts, host[0] continuously tries to send
ping requests to host[1]. However, at the beginning of the
simulation, host[0] and the other hosts in network do not have
any routing information, so host[0] broadcasts a route request
for host[1].

While the RREQ propagates in network, host[0] is sending more and
more ping requests destined to host[1]. The AODV can consult
with the IP-layer via Netfilter hooks, and can buffer these pings
until it gets an appropriate RREP with valid routing information
for the requested destination. Then host[0] takes these delayed
pings out from the buffer and sends to host[1] as it now has
information to make routing decisions.

In this scenario, host[0] and host[1] are not far from each other,
so AODV builds routing tables up in a very short time. Actually, it
finds the shortest path (host[0] -> host[16] -> host[1]) between the
two hosts.

As the path is constructed, the subsequent pings and their replies
arrive without any problems. The constructed path will never be
outdated since it is constantly used to forward data packets (pings),
so in the rest of the simulation there won't be other route request.

The simulation ends without any packet loss.

2. IPv4SlowMobility, IPv4ModerateFastMobility, IPv4FastMobility

The only difference in these scenarios is the speed of hosts and
the ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUT parameter. In these simulations, we use
MassMobility model with speeds 2m/s, 8m/s, 15m/s and with 3s, 2s, 1s
ACTIVE_ROUTE_TIMEOUTs, respectively. Of course, the communicating
hosts (host[0], host[1]) are staying in fixed places.

The communicating scheme is inherited from the previous scenario.

Since the hosts are moving, link breaks and topology changes occur, so
AODV may use RERR messages, originate new route requests to establish
valid paths in the changed network topology and expunge old routing table

The user may note that the packet loss rate is growing with the speed.
However, we try to compensate this "speed handicap" with lower

3. Dynamic

The Dynamic simulation is similar to StaticIPv4. It comes without mobility,
and with the same communicating scheme.

First, it finds the same host[0] -> host[16] -> host[1] path. However,
host[16] shuts down at 25s, thus AODV has to find a different path to
host[1], which will be host[0] -> host[10] -> host[17] -> host[1]. This new
path is longer then the previous one, but you can see in the animation that
there is no shorter route in the changed topology.

We have one packet loss in this example, when host[16] stopped, host[0] have
already started to originate a new ping request with the next hop host[16].
Therefore, this packet will never arrive.

As a result of this sending, host[0] receives a link break signal, so it can
invalidate routes and inform its neighbors by initiating Route Error process.

At the next ping request, host[0] has just an invalidated route to host[1],
so it starts over again the Route Request process for host[1] which finds
the new route mentioned above.

host[16] reboots at 40s, but it will have no effect on the current route, since
the new path will never be outdated due to its constant usage.

4. MoreDynamic

The communicating scheme is same as usual, that is, host[0] sends pings to host[1].
AODV finds the shortest host[0] -> host[16] -> host[1] path. Then hosts 16, 19, 10,
17, 4, 7, 14 shut down, visually, all neighbors, except host[6], of host[1] will be
unreachable. Thus, AODV has to find a bypass and it does it by finding a new path:
host[0] -> host[8] -> host[2] -> host[15] -> host[6] -> host[1].