vis_tut_text.txt 14 KB

  1. 1. Showing Boston downtown
  2. - Goals:
  3. - Showing a map of a real city
  4. - Model:
  5. - network:
  6. - IMG: VisualizationNetworkA
  7. - VisualizationNetworkA
  8. - adding coordinateSystem
  9. - adding visualizer
  10. - parameters:
  11. - IMG: [Config Visualization01]
  12. - coordinate system:
  13. - setting the longitude, latitude and altitude coordinate of the playground origin
  14. - setting the orientation of the playground
  15. - scene visualizer:
  16. - setting our mapfile
  17. - setting the playground shading, color and opacity
  18. - setting the axis length
  19. - Results:
  20. - showing the map and the axis in 3d
  21. - IMG: contains the axis' neighborhood, and the park
  22. - can zoom in/out, rotate, move
  23. - change camera mode, that means you can change the mouse buttons' and mouse wheel's camera action
  24. - in 2d you can see only the coordinateSystem and the visualizer submodule
  25. 2. Adding static 3D objects to the scene (under construction, dependency!!!)
  26. - Goals:
  27. - adding kml file because it's looking good
  28. - Model:
  29. - network:
  30. -
  31. - Results:
  32. -
  33. 3. Displaying communiation/interference range
  34. - Goals:
  35. - Showing communication range of the peds and ap &
  36. - Showing interference range of the pads and ap, becausewe want to know that in what areas they can communicate
  37. - Model:
  38. - network:
  39. - VisualizationNetworkB
  40. - adding pedestrians and one ap to the appropriate position
  41. - adding networkConfigurator to configurate network nodes
  42. - adding radioMedium that's simulating the media
  43. - parameters:
  44. - set wlan transmitter power, that define the communication range
  45. - set displayCommunicationRange true, to display communication range
  46. - set displayInterferenceRange true, to display interference range
  47. - Results:
  48. - each node has two circles:
  49. - we can see communication range (small one)
  50. - we can see interference range (big one). Must zoom out to see
  51. - we can see these in 2d mode too
  52. - IMG: ranges
  53. 4. Using 3D models for network nodes
  54. - Goals:
  55. - changing nodes to 3d models because it's swag, we have really good boxman model to change the pedestrians' cellphone
  56. - Model:
  57. - parameters:
  58. - we use the osgModel parameter to change the pedestrians' displaying
  59. - after the equal sign we have to set our model.
  60. - with the ".(0.1).scale" we can change the model size. Smaller number means smaller model
  61. - Results:
  62. - GIF: the walking boxmen
  63. - we can see walking boxmen in the park
  64. - no change in 2d
  65. 5. Displaying recent movement
  66. - Goals:
  67. - Displaying the pedestrians' movement, because they're walking in the park during the call
  68. - Model:
  69. - parameters:
  70. - adding mobility parameters:
  71. - mobilityType sets the movement of the network nodes. The access point's type is StationaryMobility, the pedestrians' type is MassMobility
  72. - the or initialX, initialY and initialZ show the pedestrians' starting position
  73. - with the constraintArea parameters we can set borders for the pedestrians. They can move only within these boundaries
  74. - setting their movement direction with the changeAngleBy, and how often they change that with the changeInterval parameter
  75. - we can set their speed
  76. - adding visualizer parameters
  77. - we can visualize the nodes velocity and their movement trail with these settings
  78. - Results:
  79. - The ap is on its place
  80. - In 3d the peds are moving in random directon, leaving a movement trail behind
  81. - In 2d happens the same + we can see a velocity vector at each pedestrian
  82. ################################################################################################################################################
  83. Review 1
  84. 6. Showing IP addresses
  85. - Goals:
  86. - Showing the nodes' IP address because of a troubleshooting reason for example
  87. - Model:
  88. - parameters:
  89. - set which node's which interface is considered
  90. - adding interface table visualizer parameters:
  91. - the nodeFilter parameter shows which nodes are considered. By default it's "no nodes"
  92. - the interfaceFilter parameter shows which interfaces are considered for each nodes. By default "all interfaces" are considered.
  93. - we can change the background and the font color if we want
  94. - Results:
  95. - on a yellow background we can see the pedestrians' IP addresses
  96. - IMG: a pedestrian with its IP address
  97. - GIF: the access point and the moving pedestrians with their IP addresses
  98. 7. Showing wifi association
  99. - Goals:
  100. - Displaying the pedestrians to which access point connect. We want to see a signal and a label with the wireless network's ssid
  101. - Model:
  102. - parameters:
  103. - turn off the interfaceTableVisualizer, because of looking reasons
  104. - we set the 802.11 visualizer parameter. Show at all devices
  105. - Results:
  106. - Above the nodes we can see the appropriate information
  107. - IMG: include the nodes
  108. - GIF: the association process
  109. 8. Displaying transmissions & receptions
  110. - Goals:
  111. - The network works properly, the peds associated to access point, so we create some communication between the peds through the access point
  112. - Showing to know who transmits and who receives the signal at any moment
  113. - Model:
  114. - parameters:
  115. - setting the application's parameters. They're necessary to keep the simulation realistic:
  116. - simulate a voice stream --> basic udp app
  117. - set the destination addresses to the other pedestrian, and set the source and destination port at each pedestrian
  118. - we can set the message length. If we don't set it int the ini file, then we have to set it at the beginning of the simulation
  119. - set the interval of the message sending
  120. - add a name to the packets, that identifies the packets
  121. - setting the visualization's parameters:
  122. - these belong to the medium, so we use mediumVisualizer parameters
  123. - displayTransmissions/displayReceptions to display who transmits and receives the signals
  124. - we assign images to the transmission/reception roles
  125. - Results:
  126. - we can see the assigned images above the network nodes at appropriate moment
  127. - GIF: include the nodes for a few seconds
  128. - in 2d we can't see transmissions & receptions
  129. 9. Showing propagating signals
  130. - Goals:
  131. - We can see the transmitter&receiver, but we want to see the propagated signals too
  132. - Model:
  133. - parameters:
  134. - setting medium visualizer parameters:
  135. - enable signal displaying
  136. - we can set the signal propagation interval (by default it doesn't update, so we can't see anything)
  137. - set the signal shape both. There are three modes: ring, sphere, both. ring is a 2d ring on the ground, sphere is a 3d propagation mode, both means displaying both of them (by default it's ring)
  138. -3 GIF: include the three signal shapes?
  139. - Results:
  140. - at every propagation interval the signal is spreading on the ground as a ring and in the air as a sphere
  141. - the signal has a beginning and an ending point (not a point exatly.. a ring maybe)
  142. - we can see the signal's type on the ground, and it's going with the signals end
  143. - between the signal beginning and ending we can see the transmissions and receptions mark above the nodes
  144. - in 2D mode we can see ring only
  145. - GIF: include the lines above this
  146. - GIF: 2D mode
  147. 10. Showing active physical links
  148. - Goals:
  149. - Displaying the active physical links between the network nodes
  150. - Model:
  151. - with the physical link visualizer packet name filter parameter we can filtering which packets are considered to determine active pyhisical links
  152. - by the way we can change the line width, line color, line style and fading mode too
  153. - Results:
  154. - it displays an arrow for each active link in the network
  155. - the arrow points from the source towards the destination. If a link is used in both directions then there are arrowheads on both ends of the arrow
  156. - each arrow fades out over time until the link becomes inactive unless it is reinforced by another packet.
  157. - the arrow automatically follows the movement of mobile nodes.
  158. - in 2D mode the physical links marked by dotted arrow. Its every property is the same as in 3d view mode
  159. - GIF: for the appearing and fading links, both in 2d and 3d view
  160. 11. Showing active data links
  161. - Goals:
  162. - Showing the active data links between the pedestrians and the access point
  163. - Model:
  164. - parameter:
  165. - turn off the physical link visualizer, so we can follow the data links without any disturbing factors
  166. - with the data link visualizer packet name filter parameter we can filtering which packets are considered to determine active links
  167. - Results:
  168. - similar the results of showing active physical links
  169. - different is the data link not equal physical link, so it's displaying rarely
  170. - it's the same arrow type in 2d mode
  171. GIF: for the appearing and fading links, both in 2d and 3d view mode
  172. 12. Displaying statistics
  173. - Goals:
  174. - Displaying some statistics about the network, playout delay statistic in this case
  175. - Model:
  176. - parameter:
  177. - we have some statistic about the SimpleVoIPReceiver
  178. - subscribing to a signal
  179. - using one of the built-in statistics
  180. - we can add a prefix text, should be expressive
  181. - determining the source path of the statistic
  182. - we can add the measurement
  183. - we can add max and min value of the statistic
  184. - Results:
  185. - above the name of pedestrians appears the playout delay statistic at each device
  186. - GIF: include pedestrians and their throughput for a few seconds, showing some value changing
  187. - in 2d mode this do the same. In a bubble looks the throughput at each device
  188. - GIF: 2d mode including all devices for a few seconds
  189. ################################################################################################################################################
  190. Review 2
  191. 13. Showing configured routing tables
  192. - Goals:
  193. - we want to show the active network routes between the nodes
  194. - Model:
  195. - network:
  196. - add a new network: VisualizationC
  197. - add 1 wireless adhoc node (pedestrian with notebook)
  198. - add router, switch, server triplet
  199. - add connections between these
  200. - parameter:
  201. - add video stream application
  202. - server udp: UDPVideoStreamSvr
  203. - host udp: UDPVideoStreamCli
  204. - turn off data links
  205. - turn on routing table visualizer, that shows routes towards appropriate destination(s)
  206. - we can set which destinations are considered
  207. - Results:
  208. - routing table elements represented with black arrows
  209. - they're not follows the packets' real route
  210. - they're pointing from sources, which have entry in its routing table towards pedestrianVideo
  211. - it's also true in 2d mode
  212. - IMG: the lines above
  213. - ?GIF: simulation
  214. 14. Displaying 802.11 channel access state
  215. - Goals:
  216. - we want to display the wireless nodes' channel access state
  217. - Model:
  218. - parameters:
  219. - turn off the statistics, because it's overlapping
  220. - set info visualizer
  221. - .modules specifies the submodules of network nodes
  222. - .content determines what is displayed on network nodes
  223. - Results:
  224. - we can see the wireless devices channel access state, also in 2d view mode
  225. - GIF: simulation for a few seconds
  226. 15. Showing active network routes
  227. - Goals:
  228. - we want to show the active network routes
  229. - Model:
  230. - parameters:
  231. - optional: show voip data links
  232. - turn off data links
  233. - turn on voip network routes
  234. - Results:
  235. - we can see an arrow through the route when the voip packet arrive to the destination
  236. - GIF: from the line above this
  237. 16. Displaying physical environment (under construction)
  238. - Goals:
  239. - we want to show physical environment, for example obstacles
  240. - Model:
  241. - network:
  242. - VisualizationE
  243. - add physical environment
  244. - parameters:
  245. - assign the physical environment to the coordinate system
  246. - we can add and xml file, that describes the obstacles
  247. - there are some other parameters
  248. - Results:
  249. - we can see the buildings in red, and "forrest" in green color
  250. - they have some effect to the signal propagation, like in real world
  251. - IMG: from the obstacles
  252. 17. Displaying obstacle loss # under construction, can't see the trails
  253. - Goals:
  254. - we want to display where the signal encounters an obstacle
  255. - Model:
  256. - parameters:
  257. - set some obstacle loss visualizer parameter:
  258. - the displayIntersectionTrail parameter enables displaying intersections between physical objects and primary propagation path
  259. - the displayFaceNormalVectorTrail parameter enables displaying face normal vectors for physical objects at intersections
  260. - Results:
  261. - The long black lines across the obstacles display intersections between physical objects and primary propagation path
  262. - The short red lines at the border of the obstacles displays face normal vectors for physical objects at intersections
  263. 18. Showing packet drops
  264. - Goals:
  265. - we want to see, when packets dropped
  266. - Model:
  267. - parameters:
  268. - set the packetDropVisualizer.packetNameFilter to that value, what packets we want to see
  269. - Results:
  270. - when a packet dropped we can see a gray cube that fall off the map (at about 10.4)
  271. 19. Displaying transport connections
  272. - Goals:
  273. - we want to display the transport connections between hosts
  274. - Model:
  275. - network:
  276. - we use Visualization F
  277. - add tcpHosts, 2 APs, switch, router, 2 cars
  278. - parameters:
  279. - set devices mobility parameters
  280. - set cars waypoints
  281. - add video stream client app to cars
  282. - Results:
  283. - we can see colorful markers above the hosts, that communicating via tcp
  284. 20. Showing link breaks
  285. - Goals:
  286. - we want to see, when a communication link breaks
  287. - Model:
  288. - parameters:
  289. - turn on link break visualizer, we can filter to nodes
  290. - Results:
  291. - 3D: we can see a white x on a red circle at the axis when a link breaks
  292. - when the cars go in to the ap2's communication range
  293. - when the cars go out from the ap2's communication range
  294. - 2D: we can see the same at the network node, what drops too many packets
  295. 21. Visualizing handovers
  296. - Results
  297. - About at 17-18s