12345678910111213141516171819 |
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <root>
- <AnalogueModels>
- <AnalogueModel type="SimplePathlossModel">
- <parameter name="alpha" type="double" value="3.0"/>
- <parameter name="carrierFrequency" type="double" value="2.4e+9"/>
- </AnalogueModel>
- </AnalogueModels>
- <Decider type="SNRThresholdDecider">
- <!-- SNR threshold (as fraction) above which the decider consideres a
- a signal as received correctly. -->
- <parameter name="snrThreshold" type="double" value="10"/>
- <!-- RSSI (noise and signal) threshold (in mW) above which the
- channel is considered idle. If this parameter is
- ommited the sensitivity of the physical layer is
- used as threshold.-->
- <parameter name="busyThreshold" type="double" value="1.99526231497E-9"/>
- </Decider>
- </root>