1. This example demonstrates a simple hypothetical layered radio. The network
  2. contains two wireless nodes, and one of them is pinging the other.
  3. The simulation produces a diagram that can be open in the IDE using the anf file.
  4. The diagram shows the packet loss as a function of the distance between the two
  5. nodes in a number of different configurations. There are three parameter axes,
  6. and the simulation is run for all parameter combinations resulting in 24
  7. different curves.
  8. The first axis is the simulated level of detail in the physical layer. The
  9. example is run with the following different level of details:
  10. - packet domain (bits are not computed, error model computes packet error)
  11. - bit domain (bits are computed, error model computes erroneous bits)
  12. - symbol domain (symbols are computed, error model computes erroneous symbols)
  13. The different level of details are expected to produce very similar curves. One
  14. exception is that the symbol domain curves are different from the curves of the
  15. other domains when forward error correction is used. For modulations that have
  16. more than one bits per symbol, the demodulation process results in a different
  17. (non-independent and non-uniform) distribution of bit errors, which in turn is
  18. decoded differently.
  19. The second axis is about the forward error correction that is used in the bit
  20. domain. The simulation is run with and without using forward error correction.
  21. The used convolutional code has a code rate R = 1 / 2, and memory m = 1 with
  22. generator matrix G(D) = (1 1 + D). When forward error correction is used it is
  23. expected to increase the communication range. Note that in this example the net
  24. bit rate is constant, therefore the gross bit rate is increased when using
  25. forward error correction.
  26. The third axis is about the modulation that is used in the symbol domain. The
  27. simulation is run with the following modulations:
  28. - BPSK
  29. - QPSK
  30. - QAM-16
  31. - QAM-64
  32. In general, modulations with more bits per symbol tend to have smaller
  33. communication range.