omnetpp.ini 8.2 KB

  1. #
  2. # This ini file runs Telnet sessions on the NClients network, using
  3. # TelnetApp+TCPGenericSrvApp.
  4. #
  5. # See also fileTransfer.ini and basicHTTP.ini for different kinds of
  6. # network traffic.
  7. #
  8. [General]
  9. #record-eventlog = true
  10. num-rngs = 3
  11. seed-set = 1
  12. **.gen[*].rng-0 = 1
  13. **.mobility.rng-0 = 2
  14. #debug-on-errors = true
  15. #record-eventlog = true
  16. network = mIPv6Network
  17. cmdenv-express-mode = true
  18. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../etc/plugins
  19. # tkenv-default-run = 1
  20. # number of client computers (MN(s) in our case)
  21. #NOTE: When increasing the number of MN, make sure that they either have different movement patterns, or different speeds, or (incase they have same speed and movement pattern/direction) then they should not have similar positions on the playground (i.e., their positions should not overlap) or else (for some strange reason) MIPv6 operation will not work
  22. *.total_mn = 1
  23. # number of Servers (CN(s) in our case)
  24. *.total_cn = 2
  25. **.neighbourDiscovery.minIntervalBetweenRAs = 0.03s #MinRtrAdvInterval (RFC 3775),applicable when MIPv6Support is true
  26. **.neighbourDiscovery.maxIntervalBetweenRAs = 0.07s #3 ;MaxRtrAdvInterval (RFC 3775),applicable when MIPv6Support is true
  27. #**.CNAddress = "CN[0]" #used by the MN to directly access the CN address. This is a parameter in xMIPv6.ned
  28. #**.CNAddress1 = "CN[1]"
  29. # configurator
  30. #*.configurator.useTentativeAddrs = false # FIXME TBD to be switched to true, for testing DAD!
  31. # = ==================================================================
  32. # channel physical parameters
  33. *.radioMedium.mediumLimitCache.maxTransmissionPower = 2.0mW
  34. *.radioMedium.mediumLimitCache.minReceptionPower = -82dBm
  35. *.radioMedium.mediumLimitCache.minInterferencePower = -82dBm
  36. #**.mgmt.numChannels = 3
  37. # access point
  38. **.MN*.**.mgmt.accessPointAddress = "10:AA:00:00:00:01"
  39. **.wlan*.mgmt.numAuthSteps = 4
  40. **.mgmt.frameCapacity = 10
  41. # ALL APs common parameters
  42. **.AP*.wlan*.mgmt.beaconInterval = 0.1s
  43. # Access Point AP_Home ; AP_1 ; AP_2 ; AP_3 Parameters for EtherMAC
  44. **.AP_Home.wlan*.mgmt.ssid = "HOME"
  45. **.AP_Home.wlan*.mac.address = "10:AA:00:00:00:01"
  46. **.AP_Home.eth[0].address = "10:AE:00:00:00:02"
  47. #**.AP_Home.eth[0].txrate = 100Mbps
  48. **.AP_Home.eth[0].duplexMode = true
  49. **.AP_Home.eth[0].*.scalar-recording = false
  50. **.AP_1.wlan*.mgmt.ssid = "AP1"
  51. **.AP_1.wlan*.mac.address = "10:AA:00:00:A1:01" #the A1:01 specifies AP_1:interface 1
  52. **.AP_1.eth[0].address = "10:AE:00:00:A1:02" #the A1:02 specifies AP_1:interface 2
  53. #**.AP_1.eth[0].txrate = 100Mbps
  54. **.AP_1.eth[0].duplexMode = true
  55. **.AP_1.eth[0].*.scalar-recording = false
  56. # mobility
  57. **.mobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
  58. **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
  59. **.MN[0].mobilityType = "RectangleMobility"
  60. **.MN[0].mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 180m
  61. **.MN[0].mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 100m
  62. **.MN[0].mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 530m
  63. **.MN[0].mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 110m
  64. **.MN[0].mobility.startPos = 0
  65. **.MN[0].mobility.speed = 1mps
  66. **.MN[0].mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
  67. **.MN[1].mobilityType = "RectangleMobility"
  68. **.MN[1].mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 170m
  69. **.MN[1].mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 100m
  70. **.MN[1].mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 530m
  71. **.MN[1].mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 110m
  72. **.MN[1].mobility.startPos = 0
  73. **.MN[1].mobility.speed = 1mps
  74. **.MN[1].mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
  75. **.MN*.mobilityType = "BonnMotionMobility"
  76. **.MN*.mobility.traceFile = "zarrar.movement" # "linearMotion_2AR_oneWay";"linearMotion_2AR_oneWay" ;"testMove" #"zarrar.movement"
  77. **.MN*.mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
  78. **.MN*.mobility.nodeId = -1
  79. # = =====================================================================
  80. # udp app (off)
  81. **.numUdpApps = 0
  82. **.udpApp.typename = "UDPBasicApp"
  83. # tcp apps (off)
  84. **.MN[*].numTcpApps = 0 #changed from 1 to 0
  85. **.MN[*].tcpApp.typename = "TelnetApp"
  86. **.MN[0].tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:7"#is this the source addr of the client's TCP app?
  87. **.MN[1].tcpApp[0].localAddress = "aaaa:b::8aa:ff:fe00:8"
  88. **.MN[0].tcpApp[0].localPort = -1
  89. **.MN[1].tcpApp[0].localPort = -1
  90. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].connectAddress = "CN"
  91. **.MN[0].tcpApp[0].connectPort = 1000 #same destination port numbers
  92. **.MN[1].tcpApp[0].connectPort = 1000 #same destination port numbers
  93. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].startTime = uniform(10,15)
  94. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].numCommands = exponential(1)
  95. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].commandLength = exponential(1)
  96. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].keyPressDelay = exponential(0.1)
  97. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].commandOutputLength = exponential(40)
  98. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].thinkTime = truncnormal(2,3)
  99. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].idleInterval = truncnormal(3600,1200)
  100. **.MN[*].tcpApp[0].reconnectInterval = 30s
  101. **.CN*.numTcpApps = 0 #changed from 1 to 0
  102. **.CN*.tcpApp.typename = "TCPGenericSrvApp"
  103. **.CN*.tcpApp[0].localAddress = ""
  104. **.CN*.tcpApp[0].localPort = 1000
  105. **.CN*.tcpApp[0].replyDelay = 0
  106. #preceeded all options with .MN[*].pingApp~
  107. # ping app (on)
  108. **.MN*.numPingApps = 1
  109. **.MN[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "" #"CN[0]"
  110. **.MN*.pingApp[0].destAddr = "" #"CN[1]"
  111. **.MN*.pingApp[0].srcAddr = ""
  112. **.MN*.pingApp[0].packetSize = 56B
  113. **.MN*.pingApp[*].sendInterval = 0.01s
  114. **.MN*.pingApp[0].hopLimit = 32
  115. **.MN*.pingApp[0].count = 0
  116. **.MN*.pingApp[0].startTime = 200s #changed from 1
  117. **.MN*.pingApp[0].printPing = true
  118. # = ===============Added this section for the Correspondent Node (CN) PingApp Parameters====================
  119. **.CN*.numPingApps = 1
  120. **.CN[0].pingApp[0].destAddr = "MN[0]"
  121. **.CN[1].pingApp[0].destAddr = ""
  122. **.CN*.pingApp[0].destAddr = "" #"MN[0]"
  123. **.CN*.pingApp[0].srcAddr = ""
  124. **.CN*.pingApp[0].packetSize = 56B
  125. **.CN*.pingApp[0].sendInterval = 0.5s
  126. **.CN*.pingApp[0].hopLimit = 32
  127. **.CN*.pingApp[0].count = 0
  128. **.CN*.pingApp[0].startTime = 30s #10s #changed from 1s
  129. **.CN*.pingApp[0].stopTime = 2000s #450s
  130. **.CN*.pingApp[0].printPing = true
  131. # = ============================================================================================
  132. # tcp settings.
  133. **.tcp.mss = 1024
  134. **.tcp.advertisedWindow = 14336 # 14*mss
  135. #**.tcp.sendQueueClass = "TCPMsgBasedSendQueue"
  136. #**.tcp.receiveQueueClass = "TCPMsgBasedRcvQueue"
  137. **.tcp.tcpAlgorithmClass = "TCPReno"
  138. **.tcp.recordStats = true
  139. # ip settings
  140. #FIXME
  141. **.routingTableFile = xmldoc("empty.xml")
  142. **.ipv6.procDelay = 10us
  143. **.forwarding = false
  144. #**.routingTable.routingFile = xmldoc("empty.xml")
  145. # ARP configuration
  146. **.arp.retryTimeout = 1s
  147. **.arp.retryCount = 3
  148. **.arp.cacheTimeout = 100s
  149. **.networkLayer.proxyARP = true # Host's is hardwired "false"
  150. # PPP NIC configuration
  151. **.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue" # in routers
  152. **.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 10 # in routers
  153. # Ethernet NIC configuration
  154. **.eth[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue" # in routers
  155. **.eth[*].queue.dataQueue.frameCapacity = 10 # in routers
  156. **.eth[*].encap.*.scalar-recording = false
  157. **.eth[*].mac.promiscuous = false
  158. **.eth[*].mac.address = "auto"
  159. ##################################
  160. **.eth*.mac.duplexMode = true
  161. **.eth*.mac.*.scalar-recording = false
  162. **.ap.*.scalar-recording = false
  163. **.hub.*.scalar-recording = false
  164. # wireless channels
  165. **.AP_Home.wlan*.radio.channelNumber = 1
  166. **.AP_1.wlan*.radio.channelNumber = 2
  167. **.AP_2.wlan*.radio.channelNumber = 3
  168. **.AP_3.wlan*.radio.channelNumber = 4
  169. **.MN*.wlan*.radio.channelNumber = 0 # just initially -- it'll scan
  170. # wireless configuration
  171. **.wlan*.agent.activeScan = true
  172. **.wlan*.agent.default_ssid = ""
  173. **.wlan*.agent.channelsToScan = "1 2" # "" means all
  174. **.wlan*.agent.probeDelay = 0.1s
  175. **.wlan*.agent.minChannelTime = 0.15s
  176. **.wlan*.agent.maxChannelTime = 0.3s
  177. **.wlan*.agent.authenticationTimeout = 5s
  178. **.wlan*.agent.associationTimeout = 5s
  179. # nic settings
  180. **.wlan*.bitrate = 2Mbps
  181. **.mac.address = "auto"
  182. **.mac.maxQueueSize = 14
  183. **.mac.rtsThresholdBytes = 4000B
  184. **.wlan*.mac.retryLimit = 7
  185. **.wlan*.mac.cwMinData = 7
  186. **.wlan*.mac.cwMinBroadcast = 31
  187. **.radio.transmitter.power = 2.0mW
  188. # relay unit configuration
  189. **.relayUnitType = "MACRelayUnit"
  190. **.relayUnit.addressTableSize = 100
  191. **.relayUnit.agingTime = 120s
  192. **.relayUnit.bufferSize = 1MiB
  193. **.relayUnit.highWatermark = 512KiB
  194. **.relayUnit.pauseUnits = 300 # pause for 300*512 bit (19200 byte) time
  195. **.relayUnit.addressTableFile = ""
  196. **.relayUnit.numCPUs = 2
  197. **.relayUnit.processingTime = 2us
  198. **.relayUnit.*.scalar-recording = false
  199. **.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
  200. **.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
  201. **.constraintAreaMaxX = 850m
  202. **.constraintAreaMaxY = 850m
  203. [Config One]
  204. description = "Handover 1_RA-Test1"
  205. #sim-time-limit = 308