omnetpp.ini 4.4 KB

  1. [General]
  2. network = extserver
  3. warnings = true
  4. sim-time-limit = 60.0s
  5. scheduler-class = "inet::cSocketRTScheduler" # needed for externalInterface
  6. cmdenv-express-mode = true
  7. cmdenv-event-banners = true # for normal (non-express) mode only
  8. tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins
  9. #
  10. # Network specific settings
  11. #
  12. # set inet_addr, Mask, MTU ( = 1500), default route (=router)
  13. **.client.routingTable.routingFile = "client.mrt"
  14. **.router.routingTable.routingFile = "router.mrt"
  15. **.server.routingTable.routingFile = "server.mrt"
  16. # ip settings
  17. **.ip.procDelay = 0s
  18. **.forwarding = false
  19. # ARP settings
  20. **.arp.retryTimeout = 1s
  21. **.arp.retryCount = 3
  22. **.arp.cacheTimeout = 100s
  23. # NIC settings
  24. **.ppp[*].queueType = "DropTailQueue"
  25. **.ppp[*].queue.frameCapacity = 100 # packets
  26. # tcp apps - client
  27. **.client.numTcpApps = 1
  28. **.client.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSessionApp" # FTP
  29. **.client.tcpApp[*].sendBytes = 100MiB
  30. **.client.tcpApp[*].active = true
  31. **.client.tcpApp[*].localAddress = ""
  32. **.client.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10020
  33. **.client.tcpApp[*].connectAddress = "" # = external server
  34. **.client.tcpApp[*].connectPort = 10021
  35. **.client.tcpApp[*].tOpen = 0s
  36. **.client.tcpApp[*].tSend = 0s
  37. **.client.tcpApp[*].tClose = 0s
  38. **.client.tcpApp[*].sendScript = ""
  39. # tcp apps - server
  40. **.server.numTcpApps = 1
  41. **.server.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSinkApp"
  42. **.server.tcpApp[*].localAddress = ""
  43. **.server.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10021
  44. # tcp settings
  45. **.tcp.advertisedWindow = 65535 # in bytes, corresponds with the maximal receiver buffer capacity (Note: normally, NIC queues should be at least this size)
  46. **.tcp.delayedAcksEnabled = false # delayed ACK algorithm (RFC 1122) enabled/disabled
  47. **.tcp.nagleEnabled = true # Nagle's algorithm (RFC 896) enabled/disabled
  48. **.tcp.limitedTransmitEnabled = false # Limited Transmit algorithm (RFC 3042) enabled/disabled (can be used for TCPReno/TCPTahoe/TCPNewReno/TCPNoCongestionControl)
  49. **.tcp.increasedIWEnabled = false # Increased Initial Window (RFC 3390) enabled/disabled
  50. **.tcp.sackSupport = true # Selective Acknowledgment (RFC 2018, 2883, 3517) support (header option) (SACK will be enabled for a connection if both endpoints support it)
  51. **.tcp.windowScalingSupport = false # Window Scale (RFC 1323) support (header option) (WS will be enabled for a connection if both endpoints support it)
  52. **.tcp.timestampSupport = false # Timestamps (RFC 1323) support (header option) (TS will be enabled for a connection if both endpoints support it)
  53. **.tcp.mss = 1452 # Maximum Segment Size (RFC 793) (header option)
  54. **.tcp.tcpAlgorithmClass = "TCPReno" # TCPReno/TCPTahoe/TCPNewReno/TCPNoCongestionControl/DumbTCP
  55. **.tcp.recordStats = true # recording of seqNum etc. into output vectors enabled/disabled
  56. # pcapRecorder settings
  57. **.numPcapRecorders = 1
  58. **.client.pcapRecorder[0].pcapFile = "client.pcap"
  59. **.server.pcapRecorder[0].pcapFile = "server.pcap"
  60. # extInt
  61. **.ext[0].filterString = "ip and dst host 172.0" # = client = server
  62. **.ext[0].device = "eth0"
  63. **.ext[0].mtu = 1500B
  64. #
  65. # Config specific settings
  66. #
  67. [Config Uplink_Traffic]
  68. description = "Hybrid Network - Uplink Traffic"
  69. # tcp apps - client
  70. **.client.numTcpApps = 1
  71. **.client.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSessionApp"
  72. **.client.tcpApp[*].sendBytes = 100MiB
  73. **.client.tcpApp[*].localAddress = ""
  74. **.client.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10020
  75. # tcp apps - server (off)
  76. **.server.numTcpApps = 0
  77. [Config Downlink_Traffic]
  78. description = "Hybrid Network - Downlink Traffic"
  79. # tcp apps - client (off)
  80. **.client.numTcpApps = 0
  81. # tcp apps - server
  82. **.server.numTcpApps = 1
  83. **.server.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSinkApp"
  84. **.server.tcpApp[*].localAddress = ""
  85. **.server.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10021
  86. [Config Uplink_and_Downlink_Traffic]
  87. description = "Hybrid Network - Uplink and Downlink Traffic"
  88. # tcp apps - client
  89. **.client.numTcpApps = 1
  90. **.client.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSessionApp"
  91. **.client.tcpApp[*].sendBytes = 100MiB
  92. **.client.tcpApp[*].connectAddress = "" # = external server
  93. **.client.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10020
  94. # tcp apps - server
  95. **.server.numTcpApps = 1
  96. **.server.tcpApp[*].typename = "TCPSinkApp"
  97. **.server.tcpApp[*].localAddress = ""
  98. **.server.tcpApp[*].localPort = 10021