%description: Test Nagle's algorithm: full segment-sized packets should not be delayed. (MSS=1024 should be chosen for this test.) Output is not fully OK -- every socket write causes sending a new segment which contradicts with the slow start algorithm... %inifile: {}.ini [General] #preload-ned-files = *.ned ../../*.ned @../../../../nedfiles.lst ned-path = .;../../../../src;../../lib #omnetpp 5.0 - 5.1 compatibility: eventlog-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.elog" output-scalar-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.sca" output-vector-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.vec" snapshot-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.sna" #[Cmdenv] cmdenv-event-banners=false cmdenv-express-mode=false #[Parameters] *.testing=true ####cmdenv-log-prefix="%c %C@" ####cmdenv-log-prefix="" *.tcptester.cmdenv-log-level=DEBUG *.*_app.cmdenv-log-level=DEBUG **.cmdenv-log-level=OFF # script format: "time numbytes; time numbytes; ..." *.cli_app.sendScript="1.00 1; 1.00 2; 1.01 1022; 1.02 1324; 1.03 300; 1.04 400; 1.04 25;" include ../../lib/defaults.ini %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %file: postrun.pl open FILE, ') { if ($sor =~ /^\[\d/) { print $sor; } } %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %postrun-command: perl ./postrun.pl %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %contains: stdout [1.001 A003] A.1000 > B.2000: A 1:2(1) ack 501 win 16384 [1.003 B002] A.1000 < B.2000: A ack 2 win 16384 [1.005 A004] A.1000 > B.2000: A 2:4(2) ack 501 win 16384 [1.021 A005] A.1000 > B.2000: A 4:1028(1024) ack 501 win 16384 [1.207 B003] A.1000 < B.2000: A ack 1028 win 16384 [1.209 A006] A.1000 > B.2000: A 1028:2052(1024) ack 501 win 16384 [1.209 A007] A.1000 > B.2000: A 2052:3075(1023) ack 501 win 16384 [1.411 B004] A.1000 < B.2000: A ack 3075 win 16384 %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %contains: stdout Calling finish() at end of Run #0... TcpTestNet1.cli_app: received 0 bytes in 0 packets TcpTestNet1.srv_app: received 3074 bytes in 5 packets [1.412] tcpdump finished, A:7 B:4 segments End. %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %not-contains: stdout undisposed object: %#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %not-contains: stdout -- check module destructor %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------