%description: This test compares the INET wireless model against the NS3 wireless model. This scenario contains 1 adhoc non-QoS client that runs 1 UDP application. The server is out of range. %testprog: opp_run %inifile: omnetpp.ini [General] network = Ns3Test ned-path = .;../../../../../src;../../lib include ../../lib/ns3test.ini sim-time-limit = 1s # random sequences must be the same as in NS3 *.srvHost.wlan[0].mac.ctn[0].rng-0 = 1 *.cliHost[0].wlan[0].mac.ctn[0].rng-0 = 7 **.useFullAckTimeout = true *.withQos = false *.numClients = 1 *.numApps = 1 *.serverYPos = 3000m *.appStartTime = 0.5s *.appStartDelta = 0s *.sendInterval = 0.0001s %postrun-command: grep TX: test.out %postrun-command: pwd ; cd ../../ns3; ./waf --run "examples/wireless/inet-wireless-udp --withQos=false --numClients=1 --numApps=1 --serverYPos=3000 --appStartTime=0.5 --appStartDelta=0.0 --sendInterval=0.0001 --simulationTime=1" %postrun-command: grep TX: postrun-command\(2\).out %postrun-command: diff -s postrun-command\(1\).out postrun-command\(3\).out ; echo "" %contains: postrun-command(4).out Files postrun-command(1).out and postrun-command(3).out are identical %contains: postrun-command(1).out node = 1 %not-contains: postrun-command(1).out node = 2 %contains: postrun-command(1).out ac = NA %not-contains: postrun-command(1).out ac = AC_VO %not-contains: postrun-command(1).out duration = 44000000