// // Generated file, do not edit! Created by nedtool 5.2 from Frames/connection_close.msg. // // Disable warnings about unused variables, empty switch stmts, etc: #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable:4101) # pragma warning(disable:4065) #endif #if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunreachable-code-break" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast" #elif defined(__GNUC__) # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-conversion" #endif #include #include #include "connection_close_m.h" namespace omnetpp { // Template pack/unpack rules. They are declared *after* a1l type-specific pack functions for multiple reasons. // They are in the omnetpp namespace, to allow them to be found by argument-dependent lookup via the cCommBuffer argument // Packing/unpacking an std::vector template void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, const std::vector& v) { int n = v.size(); doParsimPacking(buffer, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doParsimPacking(buffer, v[i]); } template void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, std::vector& v) { int n; doParsimUnpacking(buffer, n); v.resize(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doParsimUnpacking(buffer, v[i]); } // Packing/unpacking an std::list template void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, const std::list& l) { doParsimPacking(buffer, (int)l.size()); for (typename std::list::const_iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) doParsimPacking(buffer, (T&)*it); } template void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, std::list& l) { int n; doParsimUnpacking(buffer, n); for (int i=0; i void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, const std::set& s) { doParsimPacking(buffer, (int)s.size()); for (typename std::set::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it) doParsimPacking(buffer, *it); } template void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, std::set& s) { int n; doParsimUnpacking(buffer, n); for (int i=0; i void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, const std::map& m) { doParsimPacking(buffer, (int)m.size()); for (typename std::map::const_iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) { doParsimPacking(buffer, it->first); doParsimPacking(buffer, it->second); } } template void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *buffer, std::map& m) { int n; doParsimUnpacking(buffer, n); for (int i=0; i void doParsimArrayPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b, const T *t, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doParsimPacking(b, t[i]); } template void doParsimArrayUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b, T *t, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doParsimUnpacking(b, t[i]); } // Default rule to prevent compiler from choosing base class' doParsimPacking() function template void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *, const T& t) { throw omnetpp::cRuntimeError("Parsim error: No doParsimPacking() function for type %s", omnetpp::opp_typename(typeid(t))); } template void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *, T& t) { throw omnetpp::cRuntimeError("Parsim error: No doParsimUnpacking() function for type %s", omnetpp::opp_typename(typeid(t))); } } // namespace omnetpp // forward template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector& vec); // Template rule which fires if a struct or class doesn't have operator<< template inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const T&) {return out;} // operator<< for std::vector template inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector& vec) { out.put('{'); for(typename std::vector::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { if (it != vec.begin()) { out.put(','); out.put(' '); } out << *it; } out.put('}'); char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, " (size=%u)", (unsigned int)vec.size()); out.write(buf, strlen(buf)); return out; } Register_Class(Connection_close) Connection_close::Connection_close() : ::omnetpp::cObject() { this->type = 2; this->error_Code = 0; this->reason_Phrase_Length = 0; } Connection_close::Connection_close(const Connection_close& other) : ::omnetpp::cObject(other) { copy(other); } Connection_close::~Connection_close() { } Connection_close& Connection_close::operator=(const Connection_close& other) { if (this==&other) return *this; ::omnetpp::cObject::operator=(other); copy(other); return *this; } void Connection_close::copy(const Connection_close& other) { this->type = other.type; this->error_Code = other.error_Code; this->reason_Phrase_Length = other.reason_Phrase_Length; this->reason_Phrase = other.reason_Phrase; } void Connection_close::parsimPack(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b) const { doParsimPacking(b,this->type); doParsimPacking(b,this->error_Code); doParsimPacking(b,this->reason_Phrase_Length); doParsimPacking(b,this->reason_Phrase); } void Connection_close::parsimUnpack(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b) { doParsimUnpacking(b,this->type); doParsimUnpacking(b,this->error_Code); doParsimUnpacking(b,this->reason_Phrase_Length); doParsimUnpacking(b,this->reason_Phrase); } uint8_t Connection_close::getType() const { return this->type; } void Connection_close::setType(uint8_t type) { this->type = type; } uint16_t Connection_close::getError_Code() const { return this->error_Code; } void Connection_close::setError_Code(uint16_t error_Code) { this->error_Code = error_Code; } uint16_t Connection_close::getReason_Phrase_Length() const { return this->reason_Phrase_Length; } void Connection_close::setReason_Phrase_Length(uint16_t reason_Phrase_Length) { this->reason_Phrase_Length = reason_Phrase_Length; } const char * Connection_close::getReason_Phrase() const { return this->reason_Phrase.c_str(); } void Connection_close::setReason_Phrase(const char * reason_Phrase) { this->reason_Phrase = reason_Phrase; } class Connection_closeDescriptor : public omnetpp::cClassDescriptor { private: mutable const char **propertynames; public: Connection_closeDescriptor(); virtual ~Connection_closeDescriptor(); virtual bool doesSupport(omnetpp::cObject *obj) const override; virtual const char **getPropertyNames() const override; virtual const char *getProperty(const char *propertyname) const override; virtual int getFieldCount() const override; virtual const char *getFieldName(int field) const override; virtual int findField(const char *fieldName) const override; virtual unsigned int getFieldTypeFlags(int field) const override; virtual const char *getFieldTypeString(int field) const override; virtual const char **getFieldPropertyNames(int field) const override; virtual const char *getFieldProperty(int field, const char *propertyname) const override; virtual int getFieldArraySize(void *object, int field) const override; virtual const char *getFieldDynamicTypeString(void *object, int field, int i) const override; virtual std::string getFieldValueAsString(void *object, int field, int i) const override; virtual bool setFieldValueAsString(void *object, int field, int i, const char *value) const override; virtual const char *getFieldStructName(int field) const override; virtual void *getFieldStructValuePointer(void *object, int field, int i) const override; }; Register_ClassDescriptor(Connection_closeDescriptor) Connection_closeDescriptor::Connection_closeDescriptor() : omnetpp::cClassDescriptor("Connection_close", "omnetpp::cObject") { propertynames = nullptr; } Connection_closeDescriptor::~Connection_closeDescriptor() { delete[] propertynames; } bool Connection_closeDescriptor::doesSupport(omnetpp::cObject *obj) const { return dynamic_cast(obj)!=nullptr; } const char **Connection_closeDescriptor::getPropertyNames() const { if (!propertynames) { static const char *names[] = { nullptr }; omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); const char **basenames = basedesc ? basedesc->getPropertyNames() : nullptr; propertynames = mergeLists(basenames, names); } return propertynames; } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getProperty(const char *propertyname) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); return basedesc ? basedesc->getProperty(propertyname) : nullptr; } int Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldCount() const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); return basedesc ? 4+basedesc->getFieldCount() : 4; } unsigned int Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldTypeFlags(int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldTypeFlags(field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } static unsigned int fieldTypeFlags[] = { FD_ISEDITABLE, FD_ISEDITABLE, FD_ISEDITABLE, FD_ISEDITABLE, }; return (field>=0 && field<4) ? fieldTypeFlags[field] : 0; } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldName(int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldName(field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } static const char *fieldNames[] = { "type", "error_Code", "reason_Phrase_Length", "reason_Phrase", }; return (field>=0 && field<4) ? fieldNames[field] : nullptr; } int Connection_closeDescriptor::findField(const char *fieldName) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); int base = basedesc ? basedesc->getFieldCount() : 0; if (fieldName[0]=='t' && strcmp(fieldName, "type")==0) return base+0; if (fieldName[0]=='e' && strcmp(fieldName, "error_Code")==0) return base+1; if (fieldName[0]=='r' && strcmp(fieldName, "reason_Phrase_Length")==0) return base+2; if (fieldName[0]=='r' && strcmp(fieldName, "reason_Phrase")==0) return base+3; return basedesc ? basedesc->findField(fieldName) : -1; } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldTypeString(int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldTypeString(field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } static const char *fieldTypeStrings[] = { "uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint16_t", "string", }; return (field>=0 && field<4) ? fieldTypeStrings[field] : nullptr; } const char **Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldPropertyNames(int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldPropertyNames(field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } switch (field) { default: return nullptr; } } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldProperty(int field, const char *propertyname) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldProperty(field, propertyname); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } switch (field) { default: return nullptr; } } int Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldArraySize(void *object, int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldArraySize(object, field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } Connection_close *pp = (Connection_close *)object; (void)pp; switch (field) { default: return 0; } } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldDynamicTypeString(void *object, int field, int i) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldDynamicTypeString(object,field,i); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } Connection_close *pp = (Connection_close *)object; (void)pp; switch (field) { default: return nullptr; } } std::string Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldValueAsString(void *object, int field, int i) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldValueAsString(object,field,i); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } Connection_close *pp = (Connection_close *)object; (void)pp; switch (field) { case 0: return ulong2string(pp->getType()); case 1: return ulong2string(pp->getError_Code()); case 2: return ulong2string(pp->getReason_Phrase_Length()); case 3: return oppstring2string(pp->getReason_Phrase()); default: return ""; } } bool Connection_closeDescriptor::setFieldValueAsString(void *object, int field, int i, const char *value) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->setFieldValueAsString(object,field,i,value); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } Connection_close *pp = (Connection_close *)object; (void)pp; switch (field) { case 0: pp->setType(string2ulong(value)); return true; case 1: pp->setError_Code(string2ulong(value)); return true; case 2: pp->setReason_Phrase_Length(string2ulong(value)); return true; case 3: pp->setReason_Phrase((value)); return true; default: return false; } } const char *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldStructName(int field) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldStructName(field); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } switch (field) { default: return nullptr; }; } void *Connection_closeDescriptor::getFieldStructValuePointer(void *object, int field, int i) const { omnetpp::cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor(); if (basedesc) { if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount()) return basedesc->getFieldStructValuePointer(object, field, i); field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(); } Connection_close *pp = (Connection_close *)object; (void)pp; switch (field) { default: return nullptr; } }