HttpTools Examples ================== pair-direct ----------- Pairs scenario for direct message passing. Scripted browsing and site used for repeatable results. The scenario consists of one browser and one server. Initialization files: - scripted.ini : Requests for two existing pages from the server. One has a number of resource references. - scripted-bad.ini : Requests for a number of non-existent pages from the server. - scripted-cross.ini : Request for a page with an embedded reference to a resource on another site. pair-socket ----------- Pairs scenario consisting of one browser and one server, directly connected using a TCP/IP link. Scripted browsing and site used for repeatable results. See the pair-direct scenario for discussion on the scripts. simple-direct-ddos ------------------ Simple DDoS scenario consisting of a browser, a victim server ( and two attackers ( and The attackers serve HTML code containing embedded references to resources on The result is a DDoS attack on See the API documentation for further details on the attacks. simple-socket-ddos ------------------ A simple DDoS scenario similar to the direct version. A router and TCP/IP links are added. nnodes-socket ------------- A simple sockets example with variable number of browsers and servers. The servers are connected to one router, while the browsers use another one. A single leg connects the routers, producing a "dumbbell" topology. 10servers-socket ---------------- A sockets example consisting of ten servers and a variable number of browsers. The same dumbbell topology is used as in nnodes-socket. This scenario demonstrates the use of the controller component to select servers on behalf of browsers in random browsing mode, using three different popularity distributions: - omnetpp.ini : Uniform server popularity distribution used. - zipf.ini: Zipf server popularity distribution used. - histogram.ini: A histogram popularity distribution used. flash-direct ------------ A direct message passing scenario involving ten servers and a number of browsers. A popularity modification event is triggered at 6 hours, by means of a script read by the controller. The server should see a significant rise in popularity at that time. The popularity is gradually decreased -- or amortized -- by the amorization constant specified in the script.