// // Copyright (C) 2004 Emin Ilker Cetinbas (niw3@yahoo.com) // // This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2 of the License, or any later version. // The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // package inet.examples.ethernet.arptest2; import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EtherBus; import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator; import inet.node.inet.Router; import inet.node.inet.StandardHost; import ned.DatarateChannel; network ARPTest { types: channel ethline extends DatarateChannel { delay = 500ns; datarate = 10Mbps; } submodules: server: StandardHost { @display("p=480,198;i=device/server_l"); } router8: Router { @display("p=478,100"); } router7: Router { @display("p=329,100"); } router6: Router { @display("p=254,100"); } bus2: EtherBus { positions = ""; propagationSpeed = 2e8 mps; @display("p=260,40;b=260,10"); } router5: Router { @display("p=187,98"); } bus1: EtherBus { positions = ""; propagationSpeed = 2e8 mps; @display("p=280,170;b=260,10"); } router4: Router { @display("p=386,240"); } router3: Router { @display("p=320,240"); } router2: Router { @display("p=247,240"); } router1: Router { @display("p=182,283"); } client: StandardHost { @display("p=54,274;i=device/laptop_l"); } configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator { @display("p=46,111"); } connections: server.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router8.ethg++; bus2.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router5.ethg++; bus2.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router6.ethg++; bus2.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router7.ethg++; router8.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router7.ethg++; bus1.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router1.ethg++; bus1.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router5.ethg++; bus1.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router2.ethg++; bus1.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router3.ethg++; bus1.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router4.ethg++; client.ethg++ <--> ethline <--> router1.ethg++; }