// // Generated file, do not edit! Created by nedtool 5.2 from Packets/version_Negotiation.msg. // #if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro" #endif #ifndef __VERSION_NEGOTIATION_M_H #define __VERSION_NEGOTIATION_M_H #include // nedtool version check #define MSGC_VERSION 0x0502 #if (MSGC_VERSION!=OMNETPP_VERSION) # error Version mismatch! Probably this file was generated by an earlier version of nedtool: 'make clean' should help. #endif /** * Class generated from Packets/version_Negotiation.msg:19 by nedtool. *
 * //
 * // TODO generated message class
 * //
 * packet Version_Negotiation
 * {
 *     string versions;
 * }
*/ class Version_Negotiation : public ::omnetpp::cPacket { protected: ::omnetpp::opp_string versions; private: void copy(const Version_Negotiation& other); protected: // protected and unimplemented operator==(), to prevent accidental usage bool operator==(const Version_Negotiation&); public: Version_Negotiation(const char *name=nullptr, short kind=0); Version_Negotiation(const Version_Negotiation& other); virtual ~Version_Negotiation(); Version_Negotiation& operator=(const Version_Negotiation& other); virtual Version_Negotiation *dup() const override {return new Version_Negotiation(*this);} virtual void parsimPack(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b) const override; virtual void parsimUnpack(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b) override; // field getter/setter methods virtual const char * getVersions() const; virtual void setVersions(const char * versions); }; inline void doParsimPacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b, const Version_Negotiation& obj) {obj.parsimPack(b);} inline void doParsimUnpacking(omnetpp::cCommBuffer *b, Version_Negotiation& obj) {obj.parsimUnpack(b);} #endif // ifndef __VERSION_NEGOTIATION_M_H