[General] network = ${targetTypeName} #record-eventlog = true #eventlog-message-detail-pattern = *:(not declaredOn(cMessage) and not declaredOn(cNamedObject) and not declaredOn(cObject)) <#if parametric> *.numHosts = ${numOfHosts} <#assign host_0 = "host[0]"> <#assign host_all = "host[*]"> <#else> <#assign host_0 = "host0"> <#assign host_all = "host*"> num-rngs = 3 **.mobility.rng-0 = 1 **.wlan[*].mac.rng-0 = 2 #debug-on-errors = true tkenv-plugin-path = ../../../etc/plugins **.channelNumber = 0 # channel physical parameters *.channelControl.carrierFrequency = 2.4GHz *.channelControl.pMax = 2.0mW *.channelControl.sat = -110dBm *.channelControl.alpha = 2 *.channelControl.numChannels = 1 # mobility **.${host_all}.mobilityType = "MassMobility" **.mobility.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m **.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m **.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 600m **.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 400m **.mobility.changeInterval = truncnormal(2s, 0.5s) **.mobility.changeAngleBy = normal(0deg, 30deg) **.mobility.speed = truncnormal(20mps, 8mps) **.mobility.updateInterval = 100ms # ping app (${host_0} pinged by others) *.${host_0}.pingApp[0].destAddr = "" *.${host_all}.numPingApps = 1 *.${host_all}.pingApp[0].destAddr = "${host_0}" *.${host_all}.pingApp[0].startTime = uniform(1s,5s) *.${host_all}.pingApp[0].printPing = true # nic settings **.wlan[*].bitrate = 2Mbps **.wlan[*].mgmt.frameCapacity = 10 **.wlan[*].mac.address = "auto" **.wlan[*].mac.maxQueueSize = 14 **.wlan[*].mac.rtsThresholdBytes = 3000B **.wlan[*].mac.retryLimit = 7 **.wlan[*].mac.cwMinData = 7 **.wlan[*].mac.cwMinMulticast = 31 **.wlan[*].radio.transmitterPower = 2mW **.wlan[*].radio.thermalNoise = -110dBm **.wlan[*].radio.sensitivity = -85dBm **.wlan[*].radio.pathLossAlpha = 2 **.wlan[*].radio.snirThreshold = 4dB