#!/usr/bin/perl @the_skiplist = < Error: Network `' or `inet.examples.ethernet.lans.' not found, check .ini and .ned files. # The defaults.ini file included from other ini files END_OF_SKIPLIST # next line DISABLE previous skiplist: #@the_skiplist = (); foreach $i ( @the_skiplist ) { ($x) = $i =~ m/\#\s*(.*)$/; $i =~ s/\s*\#.*//; $skiplist{$i} = '# '.$x; } #print "-",join("-\n-",keys(%skiplist)),"-\n"; #die(); $DN = `dirname $0`; chomp $DN; #print "DN='$DN'\n"; chdir "$DN/../.."; $INETROOT=`pwd`; chomp $INETROOT; #print "INETROOT='$INETROOT'\n"; @inifiles = sort `find examples -name '*.ini'`; die("Not found ini files\n") if ($#inifiles lt 0); #print "=====================================\n",@inifiles,"=========================================\n"; @runs = (); print '# workingdir, args, simtimelimit, fingerprint'."\n"; foreach $fname (@inifiles) { chomp $fname; open(INFILE, $fname) || die "cannot open $fname"; read(INFILE, $txt, 1000000) || die "cannot read $fname"; close INFILE; ### next if ($txt =~ /\bfingerprint\s*=/); #skip fingerprint tests @configs = ($txt =~ /^\s*(\[Config [a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\].*)$/mg); # print "-1- ",$#configs," ---------------->file=$fname, configs={",join(',',@configs),"}\n"; @configs = ( "[Config General]" ) if ($#configs lt 0); # print "-2- ",$#configs," --------------->file=$fname, configs={",join(',',@configs),"}\n"; # extends = XXX, YYY, .... @extends = (); @extendslines = ($txt =~ /^\s*extends\s*=\s*([^\#\n]+)\s*(?:\#.*)?$/mg); foreach $line (@extendslines) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; #print "-e1- >", $line, "<\n"; @items = split(/\s*,\s*/, $line); foreach $item (@items) { #print "-e2- >", $item, "<\n"; $extends{$item} = "# $item extended"; } } #print "-e3- >", join(', ',keys(%extends)), "<\n"; foreach $conf (@configs) { ($cfg,$comm) = ($conf =~ /^\[Config ([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+)\]\s*(\#.*)?$/g); ($dir,$fnameonly) = ($fname =~ /(.*)[\/\\](.*)/); $run = "/".$dir.'/'.","; $run .= (' 'x(36-length $run)).' '; $run .= "-f $fnameonly -c $cfg -r 0";#.","; $xrun = "/$dir/$fnameonly $cfg"; # $run .= (' 'x(83-length $run)).' '; # $run .= '---100s'.","; # $run .= (' 'x(100-length $run)).' '; # $run .= '0'; # intentionally no "-r 0" -- test should do all runs if fits into the time limit... $x = "$run"; if ($comm =~ /\b__interactive__\b/i) { $x = "# $run # $conf"; } elsif (length($extends{$cfg})) { $x = "# $run ".$extends{$cfg}; } elsif (length($skiplist{$xrun})) { $x = "# $run ".$skiplist{$xrun}; } print "$x\n"; } }