# workingdir, args # /examples/adhoc/idealwireless/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Ping2 -r 0 # [Config Ping2] # __interactive__ # /examples/adhoc/ieee80211/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Ping2 -r 0 # [Config Ping2] # __interactive__ # /examples/adhoc/mf80211/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Ping2 -r 0 # [Config Ping2] # __interactive__ # /examples/diffserv/onedomain/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Apps -r 0 # __interactive__ # /examples/diffserv/onedomain/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Exp1 -r 0 # __interactive__ # /examples/diffserv/onedomain/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Exp2 -r 0 # __interactive__ /examples/diffserv/onedomain/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Exp3 -r 0 # ( Error in module (cCompoundModule) DiffservNetwork.H1 (id=2) during network setup) Unable to determine type name for submodule udpApp, missing entry DiffservNetwork.H1.udpApp[0].typename and no default value, at /home/zoli/Projects/OMNET/inet/src/nodes/inet/StandardHost.ned:69. /examples/diffserv/onedomain/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Exp5 -r 0 # Zero time simulation /examples/emulation/extclient/, -f omnetpp.ini -c General -r 0 # ext interface tests are not supported as they require pcap drivers and external events /examples/emulation/extserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Uplink_Traffic -r 0 # ext interface tests are not supported as they require pcap drivers and external events /examples/emulation/extserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Downlink_Traffic -r 0 # ext interface tests are not supported as they require pcap drivers and external events /examples/emulation/extserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Uplink_and_Downlink_Traffic -r 0 # ext interface tests are not supported as they require pcap drivers and external events /examples/emulation/traceroute/, -f omnetpp.ini -c General -r 0 # ext interface tests are not supported as they require pcap drivers and external events # /examples/ethernet/lans/, -f defaults.ini -c General -r 0 # Skip this. The defaults.ini is just an included file. /examples/inet/hierarchical/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Hosts1280 -r 0 # cpu time limit exceeded /examples/inet/hierarchical/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Hosts9000 -r 0 # cpu time limit exceeded /examples/inet/shutdownrestart/, -f omnetpp.ini -c TCP_NSC -r 0 # shutdown/restart not supported by TCP_NSC /examples/inet/shutdownrestart/, -f omnetpp.ini -c TCP_lwIP -r 0 # shutdown/restart not supported by TCP_lwIP /examples/inet/tcpclientserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c NSClinux__NSCfreebsd -r 0 # NSC lwip and freebsd cannot be built on Linux 64-bit platforms /examples/inet/tcpclientserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c NSCfreebsd__NSCfreebsd -r 0 # NSC lwip and freebsd cannot be built on Linux 64-bit platforms /examples/inet/tcpclientserver/, -f omnetpp.ini -c NSClwip__inet -r 0 # NSC lwip and freebsd cannot be built on Linux 64-bit platforms # /examples/manetrouting/dymo/, -f omnetpp.ini -c DynamicIPv6 -r 0 # IPv6 module doesn't support starting in node DOWN state. /examples/manetrouting/manetMultiradio/, -f 4_nodes.ini -c MultiRadio -r 0 # segmentation fault in OLSR_ETX # /examples/mobility/, -f omnetpp.ini -c BonnMotionMobility2 -r 0 # Zero time simulation # /examples/mobility/, -f omnetpp.ini -c StaticGridMobility -r 0 # Zero time simulation # /examples/mobility/, -f omnetpp.ini -c StationaryMobility -r 0 # Zero time simulation /examples/mpls/net37/, -f omnetpp.ini -c General -r 0 # ( Error in module (TED) R37.LSR0.ted (id=45) during network initialization) - old "NetworkConfigurator" related example /examples/mpls/testte_failure2/, -f omnetpp.ini -c General -r 0 # FAIL ( Error in module (TED) RSVPTE4.LSR1.ted (id=20) during network initialization). Model error: ASSERT: condition !remote.isUnspecified() false in function initialize, networklayer/ted/TED.cc line 86. # /examples/wireless/lan80211/, -f omnetpp-ftp.ini -c NHosts -r 0 # [Config NHosts] # __interactive__ # /examples/wireless/lan80211/, -f omnetpp-streaming.ini -c Streaming2 -r 0 # [Config Streaming2] # __interactive__ # /examples/wireless/lan80211/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Ping2 -r 0 # [Config Ping2] # __interactive__ /examples/wireless/synchronized/, -f omnetpp.ini -c Synchronized -r 0 # you must run /examples/wireless/synchronized/generate-routing-files.pl before run this example /examples/wireless/synchronized/, -f omnetpp.ini -c NonSynchronized -r 0 # you must run /examples/wireless/synchronized/generate-routing-files.pl before run this example