The external interface makes it possible to connect the simulation with real networks. In this example the network consists of eight clients, four switches, three routers, and an extRouter, which connects the simulation to a real host. This network can be used to apply traceroute, a tool to trace the path through the network to a specified host. To run this example, some parameters have to be adjusted in the omnetpp.ini. - Make sure that you have libpcap-dev (v1.5.3 or later) installed on your machine. - Turn on the "Network Emulation" feature (In IDE / INET Project Properties / Project Features. (if you forget this you will receive a 'Class "inet::cSocketRTScheduler" not found' error) - Rebuild INET - Set **.ext[0].device to the device name of the interface of the computer running the simulation. - On your server, add a route to the nets 10.2. and 10.3., and set the gateway to the IP address of the computer on which the simulation is running. Start the simulation with root privileges. To get realistic round trip times you should choose the express mode. Type traceroute at the command prompt of the external machine.