DB Table for Degree Statistics of each IP Address
Marcel Juschak edited this page 7 years ago


Because of anomalies when computing Degree Statistics from the original Data Base, these Statistics are now directly collected from the Input PCAP. In order not to accidentally change existing behavior, the data has been added to a new DB table "ip_degrees". In the future this table is supposed to be merged with "ip_statistics".

The new DB table "ip_degrees"

This table contains Degree Statistics of each IP Address found in the Input PCAP

Field Name Description
ipAddress IP Address of the host these statistics belong to
inDegree Number of unique IP Addresses to which at least one packet was sent
outDegree Number of unique IP Addresses from which at least one packet was received
overallDegree Number of unique IP Addresses to which at least one packet was sent OR from which at least one packet was received