123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- from Attack.MembersMgmtCommAttack import MessageType
- # needed because of machine inprecision. E.g A time difference of 0.1s is stored as >0.1s
- EPS_TOLERANCE = 1e-13 # works for a difference of 0.1, no less
- def find_interval_with_most_comm(packets: list, number_ids: int, max_int_time: float):
- """
- Finds a time interval of the given seconds where the given number of ids communicate among themselves the most.
- :param packets: The packets containing the communication
- :param number_ids: The number of ids that are to be considered
- :param max_int_time: A short description of the attack.
- :return: A triple consisting of the ids, as well as start and end idx with respect to the given packets.
- """
- def get_nez_msg_counts(msg_counts: dict):
- """
- Filters out all msg_counts that have 0 as value
- """
- nez_msg_counts = dict()
- for msg in msg_counts.keys():
- count = msg_counts[msg]
- if count > 0:
- nez_msg_counts[msg] = count
- return nez_msg_counts
- def greater_than(a: float, b: float):
- """
- A greater than operator desgined to handle slight machine inprecision up to EPS_TOLERANCE.
- :return: True if a > b, otherwise False
- """
- return b - a < -EPS_TOLERANCE
- def change_msg_counts(msg_counts: dict, idx: int, add=True):
- """
- Changes the value of the message count of the message occuring in the packet specified by the given index.
- Adds 1 if add is True and subtracts 1 otherwise.
- """
- change = 1 if add else -1
- id_src, id_dst = packets[idx]["Src"], packets[idx]["Dst"]
- src_to_dst = "{0}-{1}".format(id_src, id_dst)
- dst_to_src = "{0}-{1}".format(id_dst, id_src)
- if src_to_dst in msg_counts.keys():
- msg_counts[src_to_dst] += change
- elif dst_to_src in msg_counts.keys():
- msg_counts[dst_to_src] += change
- elif add:
- msg_counts[src_to_dst] = 1
- def count_ids_in_msg_counts(msg_counts: dict):
- """
- Counts all ids that are involved in messages with a non zero message count
- """
- ids = set()
- for msg in msg_counts.keys():
- src, dst = msg.split("-")
- ids.add(dst)
- ids.add(src)
- return len(ids)
- def get_msg_count_first_ids(msg_counts: list):
- """
- Finds the ids that communicate among themselves the most with respect to the given message counts.
- :param msg_counts: a sorted list of message counts where each entry is a tuple of key and value
- :return: The picked ids and their total message count as a tuple
- """
- # if order of most messages is important, use an additional list
- picked_ids = set()
- total_msg_count = 0
- # iterate over every message count
- for i, msg in enumerate(msg_counts):
- count_picked_ids = len(picked_ids)
- id_one, id_two = msg[0].split("-")
- # if enough ids have been found, stop
- if count_picked_ids >= number_ids:
- break
- # if two ids can be added without exceeding the desired number of ids, add them
- if count_picked_ids - 2 <= number_ids:
- picked_ids.add(id_one)
- picked_ids.add(id_two)
- total_msg_count += msg[1]
- # if there is only room for one more id to be added,
- # find one that is already contained in the picked ids
- else:
- for j, msg in enumerate(msg_counts[i:]):
- id_one, id_two = msg[0].split("-")
- if id_one in picked_ids:
- picked_ids.add(id_two)
- total_msg_count += msg[1]
- break
- elif id_two in picked_ids:
- picked_ids.add(id_one)
- total_msg_count += msg[1]
- break
- break
- return picked_ids, total_msg_count
- def get_indv_id_counts_and_comms(picked_ids: dict, msg_counts: dict):
- """
- Retrieves the total mentions of one ID in the communication pattern
- and all communication entries that include only picked IDs.
- """
- indv_id_counts = {}
- id_comms = set()
- for msg in msg_counts:
- ids = msg.split("-")
- if ids[0] in picked_ids and ids[1] in picked_ids:
- msg_other_dir = "{}-{}".format(ids[1], ids[0])
- if (not msg in id_comms) and (not msg_other_dir in id_comms):
- id_comms.add(msg)
- for id_ in ids:
- if id_ in indv_id_counts:
- indv_id_counts[id_] += msg_counts[msg]
- else:
- indv_id_counts[id_] = msg_counts[msg]
- return indv_id_counts, id_comms
- # first find all possible intervals that contain enough IDs that communicate among themselves
- idx_low, idx_high = 0, 0
- msg_counts = dict()
- possible_intervals = []
- # Iterate over all packets from start to finish and process the info of each packet
- # If time of packet within time interval, update the message count for this communication
- # If time of packet exceeds time interval, substract from the message count for this communication
- while True:
- if idx_high < len(packets):
- cur_int_time = float(packets[idx_high]["Time"]) - float(packets[idx_low]["Time"])
- # if current interval time exceeds time interval, save the message counts if appropriate, or stop if no more packets
- if greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time) or idx_high >= len(packets):
- # get all message counts for communications that took place in the current intervall
- nez_msg_counts = get_nez_msg_counts(msg_counts)
- # if we have enough ids as specified by the caller, mark as possible interval
- if count_ids_in_msg_counts(nez_msg_counts) >= number_ids:
- # possible_intervals.append((nez_msg_counts, packets[idx_low]["Time"], packets[idx_high-1]["Time"]))
- possible_intervals.append((nez_msg_counts, idx_low, idx_high - 1))
- if idx_high >= len(packets):
- break
- # let idx_low "catch up" so that the current interval time fits into the interval time specified by the caller
- while greater_than(cur_int_time, max_int_time):
- change_msg_counts(msg_counts, idx_low, add=False)
- idx_low += 1
- cur_int_time = float(packets[idx_high]["Time"]) - float(packets[idx_low]["Time"])
- # consume the new packet at idx_high and process its information
- change_msg_counts(msg_counts, idx_high)
- idx_high += 1
- # now find the interval in which as many ids as specified communicate the most in the given time interval
- summed_intervals = []
- sum_intervals_idxs = []
- cur_highest_sum = 0
- # for every interval compute the sum of msg_counts of the first most communicative ids and eventually find
- # the interval(s) with most communication and its ids
- for j, interval in enumerate(possible_intervals):
- msg_counts = interval[0].items()
- sorted_msg_counts = sorted(msg_counts, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- picked_ids, msg_sum = get_msg_count_first_ids(sorted_msg_counts)
- if msg_sum == cur_highest_sum:
- summed_intervals.append({"IDs": picked_ids, "MsgSum": msg_sum, "Start": interval[1], "End": interval[2]})
- sum_intervals_idxs.append(j)
- elif msg_sum > cur_highest_sum:
- summed_intervals = []
- sum_intervals_idxs = [j]
- summed_intervals.append({"IDs": picked_ids, "MsgSum": msg_sum, "Start": interval[1], "End": interval[2]})
- cur_highest_sum = msg_sum
- for j, interval in enumerate(summed_intervals):
- idx = sum_intervals_idxs[j]
- msg_counts_picked = possible_intervals[idx][0]
- indv_id_counts, id_comms = get_indv_id_counts_and_comms(interval["IDs"], msg_counts_picked)
- interval["IDs"] = indv_id_counts
- interval["Comms"] = id_comms
- return summed_intervals
- def determine_id_roles(packets: list, all_ids: set):
- """
- Determine the role of every mapped ID. The role can be initiator, responder or both.
- :param packets: the mapped section of abstract packets
- :param all_ids: all IDs that were mapped/chosen
- :return: a dict that for every ID contains its role
- """
- init_ids, respnd_ids, both_ids = set(), set(), set()
- def process_initiator(id_: str):
- if id_ in both_ids:
- pass
- elif not id_ in respnd_ids:
- init_ids.add(id_)
- elif id_ in respnd_ids:
- respnd_ids.remove(id_)
- both_ids.add(id_)
- def process_responder(id_: str):
- if id_ in both_ids:
- pass
- elif not id_ in init_ids:
- respnd_ids.add(id_)
- elif id_ in init_ids:
- init_ids.remove(id_)
- both_ids.add(id_)
- for packet in packets:
- id_src, id_dst, msg_type = packet["Src"], packet["Dst"], packet["Type"]
- if (not id_src in all_ids) or (not id_dst in all_ids):
- continue
- if int(msg_type) in {MessageType.SALITY_HELLO.value, MessageType.SALITY_NL_REQUEST.value}:
- process_initiator(id_src)
- process_responder(id_dst)
- elif int(msg_type) in {MessageType.SALITY_HELLO_REPLY.value, MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY.value}:
- process_initiator(id_dst)
- process_responder(id_src)
- return init_ids, respnd_ids, both_ids