123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499 |
- from enum import Enum
- class MessageType(Enum):
- """
- Defines possible botnet message types
- """
- class Message():
- """
- Defines a compact message type that contains all necessary information.
- """
- def __init__(self, msg_id: int, src, dst, type_: MessageType, time: float, refer_msg_id: int=-1):
- """
- Constructs a message with the given parameters.
- :param msg_id: the ID of the message
- :param src: something identifiying the source, e.g. ID or configuration
- :param dst: something identifiying the destination, e.g. ID or configuration
- :param type_: the type of the message
- :param time: the timestamp of the message
- :param refer_msg_id: the ID this message is a request for or reply to. -1 if there is no related message.
- """
- self.msg_id = msg_id
- self.src = src
- self.dst = dst
- self.type = type_
- self.time = time
- self.refer_msg_id = refer_msg_id
- def __str__(self):
- str_ = "{0}. at {1}: {2}-->{3}, {4}, refer:{5}".format(self.msg_id, self.time, self.src, self.dst, self.type, self.refer_msg_id)
- return str_
- from random import randint, randrange, choice, uniform
- from collections import deque
- from scipy.stats import gamma
- from lea import Lea
- from datetime import datetime
- from Attack import BaseAttack
- from Attack.AttackParameters import Parameter as Param
- from Attack.AttackParameters import ParameterTypes
- from ID2TLib import FileUtils, PaddingGenerator
- from ID2TLib.PacketGenerator import PacketGenerator
- from ID2TLib.IPGenerator import IPGenerator
- from ID2TLib.PcapAddressOperations import PcapAddressOperations
- from ID2TLib.CommunicationProcessor import CommunicationProcessor
- from ID2TLib.MacAddressGenerator import MacAddressGenerator
- from ID2TLib.PortGenerator import gen_random_server_port
- class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
- def __init__(self):
- """
- Creates a new instance of the Membership Management Communication.
- """
- super(MembersMgmtCommAttack, self).__init__("Membership Management Communication Attack (MembersMgmtCommAttack)",
- "Injects Membership Management Communication", "Botnet communication")
- self.supported_params = {
- Param.FILE_CSV: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FILEPATH,
- Param.FILE_XML: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FILEPATH,
- Param.NAT_PRESENT: ParameterTypes.TYPE_BOOLEAN
- }
- self.msg_types = {}
- for msg_type in MessageType:
- self.msg_types[msg_type.value] = msg_type
- def init_params(self):
- """
- Initialize some parameters of this communication-attack using the user supplied command line parameters.
- The remaining parameters are implicitly set in the provided data file. Note: the timestamps in the file
- have to be sorted in ascending order
- :param statistics: Reference to a statistics object.
- """
- self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH = "resources/MembersMgmtComm_example.xml"
- self.add_param_value(Param.INJECT_AFTER_PACKET, randint(0, int(self.statistics.get_packet_count()/5)))
- self.add_param_value(Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND, 0)
- self.add_param_value(Param.FILE_XML, self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH)
- duration = int(float(self._get_capture_duration()))
- self.add_param_value(Param.ATTACK_DURATION, duration)
- self.add_param_value(Param.NUMBER_INITIATOR_BOTS, 1)
- self.add_param_value(Param.NAT_PRESENT, True)
- self.add_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_TOTAL, 1)
- self.add_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_LOCAL, 0.5)
- self.add_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_EXTERNAL, 0.5)
- self.add_param_value(Param.PACKET_PADDING, 20)
- def generate_attack_pcap(self):
- messages = self._create_messages()
- if messages == []:
- return 0, []
- BUFFER_SIZE = 1000
- pkt_gen = PacketGenerator()
- file_timestamp_prv = messages[0].time
- pcap_timestamp = self.get_param_value(Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP)
- padding = self.get_param_value(Param.PACKET_PADDING)
- packets = deque(maxlen=BUFFER_SIZE)
- total_pkts = 0
- limit_packetcount = self.get_param_value(Param.PACKETS_LIMIT)
- limit_duration = self.get_param_value(Param.ATTACK_DURATION)
- duration = 0
- path_attack_pcap = None
- for msg in messages:
- id_src, id_dst = msg.src["ID"], msg.dst["ID"]
- ip_src, ip_dst = msg.src["IP"], msg.dst["IP"]
- mac_src, mac_dst = msg.src["MAC"], msg.dst["MAC"]
- port_src, port_dst = msg.src["Port"], msg.dst["Port"]
- ttl = msg.src["TTL"]
- file_timestamp = msg.time
- file_time_delta = file_timestamp - file_timestamp_prv
- pcap_timestamp += file_time_delta
- duration += file_time_delta
- file_timestamp_prv = file_timestamp
- if ((limit_packetcount is not None and total_pkts >= limit_packetcount) or
- (limit_duration is not None and duration >= limit_duration)):
- break
- nl_size = 0
- if msg.type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY:
- nl_size = randint(1, 25)
- packet = pkt_gen.generate_mmcom_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
- port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, message_type=msg.type, neighborlist_entries=nl_size)
- PaddingGenerator.add_padding(packet, padding,True, True)
- packet.time = pcap_timestamp
- packets.append(packet)
- total_pkts += 1
- if total_pkts <= 1:
- self.attack_start_utime = packets[0].time
- elif total_pkts % BUFFER_SIZE == 0:
- packets = list(packets)
- PaddingGenerator.equal_length(packets, padding = padding)
- last_packet = packets[-1]
- path_attack_pcap = self.write_attack_pcap(packets, True, path_attack_pcap)
- packets = deque(maxlen=BUFFER_SIZE)
- if len(packets) > 0:
- packets = list(packets)
- PaddingGenerator.equal_length(packets, padding = padding)
- path_attack_pcap = self.write_attack_pcap(packets, True, path_attack_pcap)
- last_packet = packets[-1]
- self.attack_end_utime = last_packet.time
- return total_pkts , path_attack_pcap
- def _create_messages(self):
- def add_ids_to_config(ids_to_add: list, existing_ips: list, new_ips: list, bot_configs: dict, idtype:str="local", router_mac:str=""):
- """
- Creates IP and MAC configurations for the given IDs and adds them to the existing configurations object.
- :param ids_to_add: all sorted IDs that have to be configured and added
- :param existing_ips: the existing IPs in the PCAP file that should be assigned to some, or all, IDs
- :param new_ips: the newly generated IPs that should be assigned to some, or all, IDs
- :param bot_configs: the existing configurations for the bots
- :param idtype: the locality type of the IDs
- :param router_mac: the MAC address of the router in the PCAP
- """
- ids = ids_to_add.copy()
- macgen = MacAddressGenerator()
- for ip in existing_ips:
- random_id = choice(ids)
- mac = self.statistics.process_db_query("macAddress(IPAddress=%s)" % ip)
- bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": idtype, "IP": ip, "MAC": mac}
- ids.remove(random_id)
- for ip in new_ips:
- random_id = choice(ids)
- if idtype == "local":
- mac = macgen.random_mac()
- elif idtype == "external":
- mac = router_mac
- bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": idtype, "IP": ip, "MAC": mac}
- ids.remove(random_id)
- def index_increment(number: int, max: int):
- """
- Number increment with rollover.
- """
- if number + 1 < max:
- return number + 1
- else:
- return 0
- def assign_realistic_ttls2(bot_configs):
- ids = sorted(bot_configs.keys())
- alpha, loc, beta = (2.3261710235, -0.188306914406, 44.4853123884)
- gd = gamma.rvs(alpha, loc=loc, scale=beta, size=len(ids))
- for pos, bot in enumerate(ids):
- is_invalid = True
- pos_max = len(gd)
- while is_invalid:
- ttl = int(round(gd[pos]))
- if 0 < ttl < 256:
- is_invalid = False
- else:
- pos = index_increment(pos, pos_max)
- bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = ttl
- def assign_realistic_ttls(bot_configs):
- '''
- Assigns a realisitic ttl to each bot from @param: bot_configs. Uses statistics and distribution to be able
- to calculate a realisitc ttl.
- :param bot_configs:
- :return:
- '''
- ids = sorted(bot_configs.keys())
- for pos,bot in enumerate(ids):
- bot_type = bot_configs[bot]["Type"]
- if(bot_type == "local"):
- bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = 128
- else:
- bot_ttl_dist = self.statistics.get_ttl_distribution(bot_configs[bot]["IP"])
- if len(bot_ttl_dist) > 0:
- source_ttl_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(bot_ttl_dist)
- bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = source_ttl_prob_dict.random()
- else:
- bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = self.statistics.process_db_query("most_used(ttlValue)")
- def add_delay(timestamp, minDelay, delay):
- '''
- Adds delay to a timestamp, with a minimum value of minDelay. But usually a value close to delay
- :param timestamp: the timestamp that is to be increased
- :param minDelay: the minimum value that is to add to the timestamp
- :param delay: The general size of the delay. Statistically speaking: the expected value
- :return: the updated timestamp
- '''
- randomdelay = Lea.fromValFreqsDict({0.15*delay: 7, 0.3*delay: 10, 0.7*delay:20,
- delay:33, 1.2*delay:20, 1.6*delay: 10, 1.9*delay: 7, 2.5*delay: 3, 4*delay: 1})
- if 0.1*delay < minDelay:
- print("Warning: minDelay probably too big when computing time_stamps")
- general_offset = randomdelay.random()
- unique_offset = uniform(-0.1*general_offset, 0.1*general_offset)
- return timestamp + minDelay + general_offset + unique_offset
- filepath_xml = self.get_param_value(Param.FILE_XML)
- filepath_csv = self.get_param_value(Param.FILE_CSV)
- if filepath_csv and filepath_xml == self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH:
- filepath_xml = FileUtils.parse_csv_to_xml(filepath_csv)
- abstract_packets = FileUtils.parse_xml(filepath_xml)
- duration = self.get_param_value(Param.ATTACK_DURATION)
- number_init_bots = self.get_param_value(Param.NUMBER_INITIATOR_BOTS)
- nat = self.get_param_value(Param.NAT_PRESENT)
- comm_proc = CommunicationProcessor(abstract_packets, self.msg_types, nat)
- comm_intervals = comm_proc.find_interval_most_comm(number_init_bots, duration)
- if comm_intervals == []:
- print("Error: There is no interval in the given CSV/XML that has enough communication initiating bots.")
- return []
- comm_interval = comm_intervals[randrange(0, len(comm_intervals))]
- mapped_ids, packet_start_idx, packet_end_idx = comm_interval["IDs"], comm_interval["Start"], comm_interval["End"]
- while len(mapped_ids) > number_init_bots:
- rm_idx = randrange(0, len(mapped_ids))
- del(mapped_ids[sorted(mapped_ids)[rm_idx]])
- comm_proc.set_mapping(abstract_packets[packet_start_idx:packet_end_idx+1], mapped_ids)
- reuse_percent_total = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_TOTAL)
- reuse_percent_external = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_EXTERNAL)
- reuse_percent_local = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_LOCAL)
- reuse_count_external = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_external * len(mapped_ids))
- reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * len(mapped_ids))
- ipgen = IPGenerator()
- pcapops = PcapAddressOperations(self.statistics)
- router_mac = pcapops.get_probable_router_mac()
- bot_configs = {}
- local_init_ids, external_init_ids, respnd_ids, messages = comm_proc.det_id_roles_and_msgs()
- local_ids, external_ids = comm_proc.det_ext_and_local_ids(self.PROB_RESPND_IS_LOCAL)
- number_local_ids, number_external_ids = len(local_ids), len(external_ids)
- if number_local_ids > 0:
- reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * number_local_ids)
- existing_local_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_existing_local_ips(reuse_count_local))
- new_local_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_new_local_ips(number_local_ids - len(existing_local_ips)))
- add_ids_to_config(sorted(local_ids), existing_local_ips, new_local_ips, bot_configs)
- if number_external_ids > 0:
- reuse_count_external = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_external * number_external_ids)
- existing_external_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_existing_external_ips(reuse_count_external))
- remaining = len(external_ids) - len(existing_external_ips)
- new_external_ips = sorted([ipgen.random_ip() for _ in range(remaining)])
- add_ids_to_config(sorted(external_ids), existing_external_ips, new_external_ips, bot_configs, idtype="external", router_mac=router_mac)
- most_used_ip_address = self.statistics.get_most_used_ip_address()
- minDelay, maxDelay = self.get_reply_delay(most_used_ip_address)
- next_timestamp = self.get_param_value(Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP)
- pcap_duration = float(self._get_capture_duration())
- equi_timeslice = pcap_duration/len(messages)
- Hello_times = {}
- updated_msgs = []
- for req_msg in messages:
- updated = 0
- if(req_msg.msg_id in updated_msgs):
- continue
- if(req_msg.msg_id == -1):
- req_msg.time = next_timestamp
- next_timestamp = add_delay(next_timestamp, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
- updated_msgs.append(req_msg.msg_id)
- continue
- elif req_msg.type != MessageType.SALITY_HELLO:
- if int(req_msg.src) < int(req_msg.dst):
- hello_time = Hello_times[(req_msg.src, req_msg.dst)]
- else:
- hello_time = Hello_times[(req_msg.dst, req_msg.src)]
- if next_timestamp < hello_time:
- post_hello = add_delay(hello_time, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
- respns_msg = messages[req_msg.refer_msg_id]
- respns_msg.time = add_delay(post_hello, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
- req_msg.time = post_hello
- updated = 1
- if not updated:
- respns_msg = messages[req_msg.refer_msg_id]
- respns_msg.time = add_delay(next_timestamp, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
- req_msg.time = next_timestamp
- next_timestamp = add_delay(next_timestamp, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
- updated_msgs.append(req_msg.msg_id)
- updated_msgs.append(req_msg.refer_msg_id)
- if req_msg.type == MessageType.SALITY_HELLO:
- if int(req_msg.src) < int(req_msg.dst):
- Hello_times[(req_msg.src, req_msg.dst)] = respns_msg.time
- else:
- Hello_times[(req_msg.dst, req_msg.src)] = respns_msg.time
- for bot in bot_configs:
- bot_configs[bot]["Port"] = gen_random_server_port()
- assign_realistic_ttls(bot_configs)
- final_messages = []
- messages = sorted(messages, key=lambda msg: msg.time)
- new_id = 0
- for msg in messages:
- type_src, type_dst = bot_configs[msg.src]["Type"], bot_configs[msg.dst]["Type"]
- id_src, id_dst = msg.src, msg.dst
- if type_src == "external" and type_dst == "external":
- continue
- msg.src, msg.dst = bot_configs[id_src], bot_configs[id_dst]
- msg.src["ID"], msg.dst["ID"] = id_src, id_dst
- msg.msg_id = new_id
- new_id += 1
- final_messages.append(msg)
- return final_messages
- def _get_capture_duration(self):
- """
- Returns the duration of the input PCAP (since statistics duration seems to be incorrect)
- """
- ts_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
- ts_first_date = datetime.strptime(self.statistics.get_pcap_timestamp_start(), ts_date_format)
- ts_last_date = datetime.strptime(self.statistics.get_pcap_timestamp_end(), ts_date_format)
- diff_date = ts_last_date - ts_first_date
- duration = "%d.%d" % (diff_date.total_seconds(), diff_date.microseconds)
- return duration