import tempfile class AttackContext: def __init__(self, out_dir): # files allocated by attacks, intended to get copied next to the pcap # the keys are the suffix for later use, e.g. "_extra_info.txt" # the values are the respectable file names self.allocated_files = {} self.other_created_files = set() self.out_dir = out_dir def allocate_file(self, suffix): if suffix in self.allocated_files: raise ValueError("File with suffix %s is already allocated" % suffix) file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode = "w", suffix = suffix, delete = False) self.allocated_files[suffix] = return file def add_other_created_file(self, filepath): self.other_created_files.add(filepath) def get_other_created_files(self): return sorted(self.other_created_files) def reset(self): self.allocated_files.clear() def get_allocated_files(self): return_ = list(self.allocated_files.items()) self.allocated_files.clear() return return_ def get_output_dir(self): return self.out_dir