from random import randint from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo from calendar import timegm from lea import Lea from scapy.layers.netbios import * platforms = {"win7", "win10", "winxp", "win8.1", "macos", "linux", "win8", "winvista", "winnt", "win2000"} def get_rnd_os(): os_dist = Lea.fromValFreqsDict({"win7": 48.43, "win10": 27.99, "winxp": 6.07, "win8.1": 6.07, "macos": 5.94, "linux": 3.38, "win8": 1.35, "winvista": 0.46, "winnt": 0.31}) return os_dist.random() def check_platform(platform: str): if platform not in platforms: print("\nERROR: Invalid platform: " + platform + "." + "\n Please select one of the following platforms: ", platforms) exit(1) def get_ip_range(start_ip: str, end_ip: str): start = ipaddress.ip_address(start_ip) end = ipaddress.ip_address(end_ip) ips = [] if start < end: while start <= end: ips.append(start.exploded) start = start+1 elif start > end: while start >= end: ips.append(start.exploded) start = start-1 else: ips.append(start_ip) return ips def generate_source_port_from_platform(platform: str, previousPort=0): check_platform(platform) if platform in {"winnt", "winxp", "win2000"}: if (previousPort == 0) or (previousPort + 1 > 5000): return randint(1024, 5000) else: return previousPort + 1 elif platform == "linux": return randint(32768, 61000) else: if (previousPort == 0) or (previousPort + 1 > 65535): return randint(49152, 65535) else: return previousPort + 1 # FIXME: rework copy-pasted code # source: # WORK IN PROGRESS def get_filetime_format(timestamp): EPOCH_AS_FILETIME = 116444736000000000 # January 1, 1970 as MS file time HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS = 10000000 boot_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) if (boot_datetime.tzinfo is None) or (boot_datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset(boot_datetime) is None): boot_datetime = boot_datetime.replace(tzinfo=boot_datetime.tzname()) boot_filetime = EPOCH_AS_FILETIME + (timegm(boot_datetime.timetuple()) * HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS) return boot_filetime + (boot_datetime.microsecond * 10) def get_rnd_boot_time(timestamp, platform="winxp"): check_platform(platform) # FIXME: create probability distribution for each OS if platform is "linux": # four years timestamp -= randint(0, 126144000) if platform is "macOS": # three months timestamp -= randint(0, 7884000) else: # one month timestamp -= randint(0, 2678400) return get_filetime_format(timestamp)