import re from typing import Union, Any, Optional class IPAddress: """ A simple class encapsulating an ip-address. An IPAddress can be constructed by string, int and 4-element-list (e.g. [8, 8, 8, 8]). This is a leightweight class as it only contains string-to-ip-and-reverse-conversion and some convenience methods. """ # a number between 0 and 255, no leading zeros _IP_NUMBER_REGEXP = r"(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)" # 4 numbers between 0 and 255, joined together with dots IP_REGEXP = r"{0}\.{0}\.{0}\.{0}".format(_IP_NUMBER_REGEXP) def __init__(self, intlist: list[int]) -> "IPAddress": """ Construct an ipv4-address with a list of 4 integers, e.g. to construct the ip pass [10, 0, 0, 0] """ if not isinstance(intlist, list) or not all(isinstance(n, int) for n in intlist): raise TypeError("The first constructor argument must be an list of ints") if not len(intlist) == 4 or not all(0 <= n <= 255 for n in intlist): raise ValueError("The integer list must contain 4 ints in range of 0 and 255, like an ip-address") # For easier calculations store the ip as integer, e.g. is 0x0a000000 self.ipnum = int.from_bytes(bytes(intlist), "big") @staticmethod def parse(ip: str) -> "IPAddress": """ Parse an ip-address-string. If the string does not comply to the ipv4-format a ValueError is raised :param ip: A string-representation of an ip-address, e.g. "" :return: IPAddress-object describing the ip-address """ match = re.match("^" + IPAddress.IP_REGEXP + "$", ip) if not match: raise ValueError("%s is no ipv4-address" % ip) # the matches we get are the numbers of the ip-address (match 0 is the whole ip-address) numbers = [int( for i in range(1, 5)] return IPAddress(numbers) @staticmethod def from_int(numeric: int) -> "IPAddress": if numeric not in range(1 << 32): raise ValueError("numeric value must be in uint-range") # to_bytes is the easiest way to split a 32-bit int into bytes return IPAddress(list(numeric.to_bytes(4, "big"))) @staticmethod def is_ipv4(ip: str) -> bool: """ Check if the supplied string is in ipv4-format """ match = re.match("^" + IPAddress.IP_REGEXP + "$", ip) return True if match else False def to_int(self) -> int: """ Convert the ip-address to a 32-bit uint, e.g. IPAddress.parse("").to_int() returns 0x0a0000ff """ return self.ipnum def is_private(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean indicating if the ip-address lies in the private ip-segments (see ReservedIPBlocks) """ return ReservedIPBlocks.is_private(self) def get_private_segment(self) -> bool: """ Return the private ip-segment the ip-address belongs to (there are several) If this ip does not belong to a private ip-segment a ValueError is raised :return: IPAddressBlock """ return ReservedIPBlocks.get_private_segment(self) def is_localhost(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean indicating if the ip-address lies in the localhost-segment """ return ReservedIPBlocks.is_localhost(self) def is_multicast(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean indicating if the ip-address lies in the multicast-segment """ return ReservedIPBlocks.is_multicast(self) def is_reserved(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean indicating if the ip-address lies in the reserved-segment """ return ReservedIPBlocks.is_reserved(self) def is_zero_conf(self) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean indicating if the ip-address lies in the zeroconf-segment """ return ReservedIPBlocks.is_zero_conf(self) def _tuple(self) -> (int,int,int,int): return tuple(self.ipnum.to_bytes(4, "big")) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Following the python style guide, eval(repr(obj)) should equal obj """ return "IPAddress([%i, %i, %i, %i])" % self._tuple() def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return the ip-address described by this object in ipv4-format """ return "%i.%i.%i.%i" % self._tuple() def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.ipnum def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if other is None: return False return isinstance(other, IPAddress) and self.ipnum == other.ipnum def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if other is None: raise TypeError("Cannot compare to None") if not isinstance(other, IPAddress): raise NotImplemented # maybe other can compare to self return self.ipnum < other.ipnum def __int__(self) -> bool: return self.ipnum class IPAddressBlock: """ This class describes a block of IPv4-addresses, just as a string in CIDR-notation does. It can be seen as a range of ip-addresses. To check if a block contains a ip-address simply use "ip in ip_block" """ # this regex describes CIDR-notation (an ip-address plus "/XX", whereas XX is a number between 1 and 32) CIDR_REGEXP = IPAddress.IP_REGEXP + r"(\/(3[0-2]|[12]?\d)|)?" def __init__(self, ip: Union(str, list, IPAddress), netmask = 32) -> "IPAddressBlock": """ Construct a ip-block given a ip-address and a netmask. Given an ip and a netmask, the constructed ip-block will describe the range ip/netmask (e.g. :param ip: An ip-address, represented as IPAddress, string or 4-element-list """ if isinstance(ip, str): ip = IPAddress.parse(ip) elif isinstance(ip, list): ip = IPAddress(ip) if not 1 <= netmask <= 32: raise ValueError("netmask must lie between 1 and 32") # clear the unnecessary bits in the base-ip, e.g. this will convert to which are equivalent self.ipnum = ip.to_int() & self._bitmask(netmask) self.netmask = netmask @staticmethod def parse(cidr: str) -> "IPAddressBlock": """ Parse a string in cidr-notation and return a IPAddressBlock describing the ip-segment If the string is not in cidr-notation a ValueError is raised """ match = re.match("^" + IPAddressBlock.CIDR_REGEXP + "$", cidr) if not match: raise ValueError("%s is no valid cidr-notation" % cidr) ip = [int( for i in range(1, 5)] suffix = 32 if not else int( return IPAddressBlock(ip, suffix) def block_size(self) -> int: """ Return the size of the ip-address-block. E.g. the size of someip/24 is 256 """ return 2 ** (32 - self.netmask) def first_address(self) -> IPAddress: """ Return the first ip-address of the ip-block """ return IPAddress.from_int(self.ipnum) def last_address(self) -> IPAddress: """ Return the last ip-address of the ip-block """ return IPAddress.from_int(self.ipnum + self.block_size() - 1) def _bitmask(self, netmask: int) -> int: ones = lambda x: (1 << x) - 1 return ones(32) ^ ones(32 - netmask) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Conforming to python style-guide, eval(repr(obj)) equals obj """ return "IPAddressBlock(%s, %i)" % (repr(IPAddress.from_int(self.ipnum)), self.netmask) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a string in cidr-notation """ return str(IPAddress.from_int(self.ipnum)) + "/" + str(self.netmask) def __contains__(self, ip: IPAddress) -> bool: return (ip.to_int() & self._bitmask(self.netmask)) == self.ipnum class ReservedIPBlocks: """ To avoid magic values and save developers some research this class contains several constants describing special network-segments and some is_-methods to check if an ip is in the specified segment. """ # a list of ip-addresses that can be used in private networks PRIVATE_IP_SEGMENTS = [ IPAddressBlock.parse(block) for block in ("", "", "") ] LOCALHOST_SEGMENT = IPAddressBlock.parse("") MULTICAST_SEGMENT = IPAddressBlock.parse("") RESERVED_SEGMENT = IPAddressBlock.parse("") ZERO_CONF_SEGMENT = IPAddressBlock.parse("") @staticmethod def is_private(ip: IPAddress) -> bool: return any(ip in block for block in ReservedIPBlocks.PRIVATE_IP_SEGMENTS) @staticmethod def get_private_segment(ip: IPAddress) -> Optional[IPAddressBlock]: if not ReservedIPBlocks.is_private(ip): raise ValueError("%s is not part of a private IP segment" % ip) for block in ReservedIPBlocks.PRIVATE_IP_SEGMENTS: if ip in block: return block @staticmethod def is_localhost(ip: IPAddress) -> bool: return ip in ReservedIPBlocks.LOCALHOST_SEGMENT @staticmethod def is_multicast(ip: IPAddressBlock) -> bool: return ip in ReservedIPBlocks.MULTICAST_SEGMENT @staticmethod def is_reserved(ip: IPAddress) -> bool: return ip in ReservedIPBlocks.RESERVED_SEGMENT @staticmethod def is_zero_conf(ip: IPAddressBlock) -> bool: return ip in ReservedIPBlocks.ZERO_CONF_SEGMENT