// Aidmar #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "statistics_db.h" #include "statistics.h" // Aidmar /** * Calculates entropy of source and destination IPs for last time interval. * The results are written to ip_entropy_interval.csv file. * @param intervalStartTimestamp The timstamp where the interval starts. */ std::vector statistics::calculateLastIntervalIPsEntropy(std::chrono::microseconds intervalStartTimestamp){ std::vector IPsSrcPktsCounts; std::vector IPsDstPktsCounts; std::vector IPsSrcProb; std::vector IPsDstProb; int pktsSent = 0, pktsReceived = 0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { // TO-DO: should add this condition to avoid Segmentation Fault if(i->second.pktsSentTimestamp.size()>0) realy? int indexStartSent = getClosestIndex(i->second.pktsSentTimestamp, intervalStartTimestamp); int IPsSrcPktsCount = i->second.pktsSentTimestamp.size() - indexStartSent; IPsSrcPktsCounts.push_back(IPsSrcPktsCount); pktsSent += IPsSrcPktsCount; int indexStartReceived = getClosestIndex(i->second.pktsReceivedTimestamp, intervalStartTimestamp); int IPsDstPktsCount = i->second.pktsReceivedTimestamp.size() - indexStartReceived; IPsDstPktsCounts.push_back(IPsDstPktsCount); pktsReceived += IPsDstPktsCount; } for (auto i = IPsSrcPktsCounts.begin(); i != IPsSrcPktsCounts.end(); i++) { IPsSrcProb.push_back((float)*i/pktsSent); } for (auto i = IPsDstPktsCounts.begin(); i != IPsDstPktsCounts.end(); i++) { IPsDstProb.push_back((float)*i/pktsReceived); } // Calculate IP source entropy float IPsSrcEntropy = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i < IPsSrcProb.size();i++){ if (IPsSrcProb[i] > 0) IPsSrcEntropy += - IPsSrcProb[i]*log2(IPsSrcProb[i]); } // Calculate IP destination entropy float IPsDstEntropy = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i < IPsDstProb.size();i++){ if (IPsDstProb[i] > 0) IPsDstEntropy += - IPsDstProb[i]*log2(IPsDstProb[i]); } std::vector entropies = {IPsSrcEntropy, IPsDstEntropy}; return entropies; // Write stats to file // Replace pcap filename with 'filename_ip_entropy' /*std::string new_filepath = filePath; const std::string &newExt = "_ip_entropy_interval.csv"; std::string::size_type h = new_filepath.rfind('.', new_filepath.length()); if (h != std::string::npos) { new_filepath.replace(h, newExt.length(), newExt); } else { new_filepath.append(newExt); } std::ofstream file; file.open (new_filepath,std::ios_base::app); file << intervalStartTimestamp.count() << "," << IPsSrcEntropy << "," << IPsDstEntropy << "\n"; file.close(); */ } // Aidmar /** * Calculates cumulative entropy of source and destination IPs, i.e., the entropy for packets from the beginning of the pcap file. */ std::vector statistics::calculateIPsCumEntropy(){ std::vector IPs; std::vector IPsSrcProb; std::vector IPsDstProb; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { IPs.push_back(i->first); IPsSrcProb.push_back((float)i->second.pkts_sent/packetCount); IPsDstProb.push_back((float)i->second.pkts_received/packetCount); /*std::cout << i->first << ":" << i->second.pkts_sent << ":" << i->second.pkts_received << ":" << i->second.firstAppearAsSenderPktCount << ":" << i->second.firstAppearAsReceiverPktCount << ":" << packetCount << "\n";*/ } // Calculate IP source entropy float IPsSrcEntropy = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i < IPsSrcProb.size();i++){ if (IPsSrcProb[i] > 0) IPsSrcEntropy += - IPsSrcProb[i]*log2(IPsSrcProb[i]); } //std::cout << packetCount << ": SrcEnt: " << IPsSrcEntropy << "\n"; // Calculate IP destination entropy float IPsDstEntropy = 0; for(unsigned i=0; i < IPsDstProb.size();i++){ if (IPsDstProb[i] > 0) IPsDstEntropy += - IPsDstProb[i]*log2(IPsDstProb[i]); } //std::cout << packetCount << ": DstEnt: " << IPsDstEntropy << "\n"; std::vector entropies = {IPsSrcEntropy, IPsDstEntropy}; return entropies; // Write stats to file /*std::ofstream file; // Replace pcap filename with 'filename_ip_entropy' std::string new_filepath = filePath; const std::string &newExt = "_ip_entropy.csv"; std::string::size_type h = new_filepath.rfind('.', new_filepath.length()); if (h != std::string::npos) { new_filepath.replace(h, newExt.length(), newExt); } else { new_filepath.append(newExt); } file.open (new_filepath,std::ios_base::app); file << packetCount << "," << IPsSrcEntropy << "," << IPsDstEntropy << "\n"; file.close(); */ } // Aidmar /** * Calculates sending packet rate for each IP in last time interval. Finds min and max packet rate and adds them to ip_statistics map. * @param intervalStartTimestamp The timstamp where the interval starts. */ void statistics::calculateIPIntervalPacketRate(std::chrono::duration interval, std::chrono::microseconds intervalStartTimestamp){ for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { int indexStartSent = getClosestIndex(i->second.pktsSentTimestamp, intervalStartTimestamp); //std::cout<first<<", PktsSent:"<second.pktsSentTimestamp.size()<<",indexStart:"<second.pktsSentTimestamp.size() - indexStartSent; //std::cout<<"IPsSrcPktsCount: "<second.interval_pkt_rate.push_back(interval_pkt_rate); if(interval_pkt_rate > i->second.max_pkt_rate || i->second.max_pkt_rate == 0) i->second.max_pkt_rate = interval_pkt_rate; if(interval_pkt_rate < i->second.min_pkt_rate || i->second.min_pkt_rate == 0) i->second.min_pkt_rate = interval_pkt_rate; } } // Aidmar /** * Registers statistical data for last time interval. Calculates packet rate. Calculates IPs entropy. Calculates IPs cumulative entropy. * @param intervalStartTimestamp The timstamp where the interval starts. * @param intervalEndTimestamp The timstamp where the interval ends. * @param previousPacketCount The total number of packets in last interval. */ void statistics::addIntervalStat(std::chrono::duration interval, std::chrono::microseconds intervalStartTimestamp, std::chrono::microseconds intervalEndTimestamp, int previousPacketCount, float previousSumPacketSize){ // Add packet rate for each IP to ip_statistics map calculateIPIntervalPacketRate(interval, intervalStartTimestamp); std::vector ipEntopies = calculateLastIntervalIPsEntropy(intervalStartTimestamp); std::vector ipCumEntopies = calculateIPsCumEntropy(); std::string lastPktTimestamp_s = std::to_string(intervalEndTimestamp.count()); interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].pkts_count = packetCount - previousPacketCount; interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].kbytes = (float(sumPacketSize - previousSumPacketSize) / 1024); if(ipEntopies.size()>1){ interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].ip_src_entropy = ipEntopies[0]; interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].ip_dst_entropy = ipEntopies[1]; } if(ipCumEntopies.size()>1){ interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].ip_src_cum_entropy = ipCumEntopies[0]; interval_statistics[lastPktTimestamp_s].ip_dst_cum_entropy = ipCumEntopies[1]; } } // Aidmar /** * Registers statistical data for a sent packet in a given conversation (two IPs, two ports). * Increments the counter packets_A_B or packets_B_A. * Adds the timestamp of the packet in pkts_A_B_timestamp or pkts_B_A_timestamp. * @param ipAddressSender The sender IP address. * @param sport The source port. * @param ipAddressReceiver The receiver IP address. * @param dport The destination port. * @param timestamp The timestamp of the packet. */ void statistics::addConvStat(std::string ipAddressSender,int sport,std::string ipAddressReceiver,int dport, std::chrono::microseconds timestamp){ conv f1 = {ipAddressReceiver, dport, ipAddressSender, sport}; conv f2 = {ipAddressSender, sport, ipAddressReceiver, dport}; // if already exist A(ipAddressReceiver, dport), B(ipAddressSender, sport) if (conv_statistics.count(f1)>0){ conv_statistics[f1].pkts_B_A++; // increment packets number from B to A conv_statistics[f1].pkts_B_A_timestamp.push_back(timestamp); // Calculate reply delay considering only delay of first two reply packets (TCP handshake) if(conv_statistics[f1].pkts_A_B_timestamp.size()>0 && conv_statistics[f1].pkts_A_B_timestamp.size()<=2){ conv_statistics[f1].pkts_delay.push_back(std::chrono::duration_cast (timestamp - conv_statistics[f1].pkts_A_B_timestamp.back())); } //std::cout< MAC address. * @param ipAddress The IP address belonging to the given MAC address. * @param macAddress The MAC address belonging to the given IP address. */ void statistics::assignMacAddress(std::string ipAddress, std::string macAddress) { ip_mac_mapping[ipAddress] = macAddress; } /** * Registers statistical data for a sent packet. Increments the counter packets_sent for the sender and * packets_received for the receiver. Adds the bytes as kbytes_sent (sender) and kybtes_received (receiver). * @param ipAddressSender The IP address of the packet sender. * @param ipAddressReceiver The IP address of the packet receiver. * @param bytesSent The packet's size. */ void statistics::addIpStat_packetSent(std::string filePath, std::string ipAddressSender, std::string ipAddressReceiver, long bytesSent, std::chrono::microseconds timestamp) { // Aidmar - Adding IP as a sender for first time if(ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].pkts_sent==0){ // Add the IP class ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].ip_class = getIPv4Class(ipAddressSender); // Initialize packet rates ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].max_pkt_rate = 0; ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].min_pkt_rate = 0; // Caculate Mahoney anomaly score for ip.src float ipSrc_Mahoney_score = 0; // s_r: The number of IP sources (the different values) // n: The number of the total instances // s_t: The "time" since last anomalous (novel) IP was appeared int s_t = 0, n = 0, s_r = 0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { if (i->second.pkts_sent > 0) s_r++; } if(s_r > 0){ // The number of the total instances n = packetCount; // The packet count when the last novel IP was added as a sender int pktCntNvlSndr = 0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { if (pktCntNvlSndr < i->second.firstAppearAsSenderPktCount) pktCntNvlSndr = i->second.firstAppearAsSenderPktCount; } // The "time" since last anomalous (novel) IP was appeared s_t = packetCount - pktCntNvlSndr + 1; ipSrc_Mahoney_score = (float)s_t*n/s_r; } // Replace pcap filename with 'filename_ip_entropy' /*std::string new_filepath = filePath; const std::string &newExt = "_ip_src_anomaly_score.csv"; std::string::size_type h = new_filepath.rfind('.', new_filepath.length()); if (h != std::string::npos) { new_filepath.replace(h, newExt.length(), newExt); } else { new_filepath.append(newExt); } // Write stats to file std::ofstream file; file.open (new_filepath,std::ios_base::app); file << ipAddressSender << ","<< s_t << "," << n << "," << s_r << "," << ipSrc_Mahoney_score << "\n"; file.close(); */ ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].firstAppearAsSenderPktCount = packetCount; ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].sourceAnomalyScore = ipSrc_Mahoney_score; } // Aidmar - Adding IP as a receiver for first time if(ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].pkts_received==0){ // Add the IP class ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].ip_class = getIPv4Class(ipAddressReceiver); // Caculate Mahoney anomaly score for ip.dst float ipDst_Mahoney_score = 0; // s_r: The number of IP sources (the different values) // n: The number of the total instances // s_t: The "time" since last anomalous (novel) IP was appeared int s_t = 0, n = 0, s_r = 0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { if (i->second.pkts_received > 0) s_r++; } if(s_r > 0){ // The number of the total instances n = packetCount; // The packet count when the last novel IP was added as a sender int pktCntNvlRcvr = 0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { if (pktCntNvlRcvr < i->second.firstAppearAsReceiverPktCount) pktCntNvlRcvr = i->second.firstAppearAsReceiverPktCount; } // The "time" since last anomalous (novel) IP was appeared s_t = packetCount - pktCntNvlRcvr + 1; ipDst_Mahoney_score = (float)s_t*n/s_r; } // Replace pcap filename with 'filename_ip_entropy' /*std::string new_filepath = filePath; const std::string &newExt = "_ip_dst_anomaly_score.csv"; std::string::size_type h = new_filepath.rfind('.', new_filepath.length()); if (h != std::string::npos) { new_filepath.replace(h, newExt.length(), newExt); } else { new_filepath.append(newExt); } // Write stats to file std::ofstream file; file.open (new_filepath,std::ios_base::app); file << ipAddressReceiver << ","<< s_t << "," << n << "," << s_r << "," << ipDst_Mahoney_score << "\n"; file.close(); */ ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].firstAppearAsReceiverPktCount = packetCount; ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].destinationAnomalyScore = ipDst_Mahoney_score; } // Update stats for packet sender ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].kbytes_sent += (float(bytesSent) / 1024); ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].pkts_sent++; // Aidmar ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].pktsSentTimestamp.push_back(timestamp); // Aidmar - calculate packet rate (assumption: max_pkt_rate=1/smallest time between two consecutive pkts) // resulting in very big rates, therefore it could be better to calculate pkt rate on time intervals /*if(ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].pktsSentTimestamp.size() > 0){ std::chrono::microseconds temp_pkt_consecutive_time = timestamp - ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].pktsSentTimestamp.back(); float temp_pkt_rate = (float) 1000000/temp_pkt_consecutive_time.count(); // pkt per sec = 10**6/micro sec if(temp_pkt_rate > ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].max_pkt_rate || ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].max_pkt_rate == 0) ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].max_pkt_rate = temp_pkt_rate; if(temp_pkt_rate < ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].min_pkt_rate || ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].min_pkt_rate == 0) ip_statistics[ipAddressSender].min_pkt_rate = temp_pkt_rate; }*/ // Update stats for packet receiver ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].kbytes_received += (float(bytesSent) / 1024); ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].pkts_received++; // Aidmar ip_statistics[ipAddressReceiver].pktsReceivedTimestamp.push_back(timestamp); } /** * Registers a value of the TCP option Maximum Segment Size (MSS). * @param ipAddress The IP address which sent the TCP packet. * @param MSSvalue The MSS value found. */ void statistics::addMSS(std::string ipAddress, int MSSvalue) { ip_sumMss[ipAddress] += MSSvalue; } /** * Setter for the timestamp_firstPacket field. * @param ts The timestamp of the first packet in the PCAP file. */ void statistics::setTimestampFirstPacket(Tins::Timestamp ts) { timestamp_firstPacket = ts; } /** * Setter for the timestamp_lastPacket field. * @param ts The timestamp of the last packet in the PCAP file. */ void statistics::setTimestampLastPacket(Tins::Timestamp ts) { timestamp_lastPacket = ts; } // Aidmar /** * Getter for the timestamp_firstPacket field. */ Tins::Timestamp statistics::getTimestampFirstPacket() { return timestamp_firstPacket; } /** * Getter for the timestamp_lastPacket field. */ Tins::Timestamp statistics::getTimestampLastPacket() { return timestamp_lastPacket; } /** * Getter for the packetCount field. */ int statistics::getPacketCount() { return packetCount; } /** * Getter for the sumPacketSize field. */ int statistics::getSumPacketSize() { return sumPacketSize; } /** * Calculates the capture duration. * @return a formatted string HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm with * HH: hour, MM: minute, SS: second, mmmmmm: microseconds */ std::string statistics::getCaptureDurationTimestamp() const { // Calculate duration time_t t = (timestamp_lastPacket.seconds() - timestamp_firstPacket.seconds()); time_t ms = (timestamp_lastPacket.microseconds() - timestamp_firstPacket.microseconds()); long int hour = t / 3600; long int remainder = (t - hour * 3600); long int minute = remainder / 60; long int second = (remainder - minute * 60) % 60; long int microseconds = ms; // Build desired output format: YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss char out[64]; sprintf(out, "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld.%06ld ", hour, minute, second, microseconds); return std::string(out); } /** * Calculates the capture duration. * @return a formatted string SS.mmmmmm with * S: seconds (UNIX time), mmmmmm: microseconds */ float statistics::getCaptureDurationSeconds() const { timeval d; d.tv_sec = timestamp_lastPacket.seconds() - timestamp_firstPacket.seconds(); d.tv_usec = timestamp_lastPacket.microseconds() - timestamp_firstPacket.microseconds(); char tmbuf[64], buf[64]; auto nowtm = localtime(&(d.tv_sec)); strftime(tmbuf, sizeof(tmbuf), "%S", nowtm); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%06u", tmbuf, (uint) d.tv_usec); return std::stof(std::string(buf)); } /** * Creates a timestamp based on a time_t seconds (UNIX time format) and microseconds. * @param seconds * @param microseconds * @return a formatted string Y-m-d H:M:S.m with * Y: year, m: month, d: day, H: hour, M: minute, S: second, m: microseconds */ std::string statistics::getFormattedTimestamp(time_t seconds, suseconds_t microseconds) const { timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = seconds; tv.tv_usec = microseconds; char tmbuf[64], buf[64]; auto nowtm = localtime(&(tv.tv_sec)); strftime(tmbuf, sizeof(tmbuf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", nowtm); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%06u", tmbuf, (uint) tv.tv_usec); return std::string(buf); } /** * Calculates the statistics for a given IP address. * @param ipAddress The IP address whose statistics should be calculated. * @return a ip_stats struct containing statistical data derived by the statistical data collected. */ ip_stats statistics::getStatsForIP(std::string ipAddress) { float duration = getCaptureDurationSeconds(); entry_ipStat ipStatEntry = ip_statistics[ipAddress]; ip_stats s; s.bandwidthKBitsIn = (ipStatEntry.kbytes_received / duration) * 8; s.bandwidthKBitsOut = (ipStatEntry.kbytes_sent / duration) * 8; s.packetPerSecondIn = (ipStatEntry.pkts_received / duration); s.packetPerSecondOut = (ipStatEntry.pkts_sent / duration); s.AvgPacketSizeSent = (ipStatEntry.kbytes_sent / ipStatEntry.pkts_sent); s.AvgPacketSizeRecv = (ipStatEntry.kbytes_received / ipStatEntry.pkts_received); int sumMSS = ip_sumMss[ipAddress]; int tcpPacketsSent = getProtocolCount(ipAddress, "TCP"); s.AvgMaxSegmentSizeTCP = ((sumMSS > 0 && tcpPacketsSent > 0) ? (sumMSS / tcpPacketsSent) : 0); return s; } /** * Increments the packet counter. */ void statistics::incrementPacketCount() { packetCount++; } /** * Prints the statistics of the PCAP and IP specific statistics for the given IP address. * @param ipAddress The IP address whose statistics should be printed. Can be empty "" to print only general file statistics. */ void statistics::printStats(std::string ipAddress) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::endl; ss << "Capture duration: " << getCaptureDurationSeconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; ss << "Capture duration (HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm): " << getCaptureDurationTimestamp() << std::endl; ss << "#Packets: " << packetCount << std::endl; ss << std::endl; // Print IP address specific statistics only if IP address was given if (ipAddress != "") { entry_ipStat e = ip_statistics[ipAddress]; ss << "\n----- STATS FOR IP ADDRESS [" << ipAddress << "] -------" << std::endl; ss << std::endl << "KBytes sent: " << e.kbytes_sent << std::endl; ss << "KBytes received: " << e.kbytes_received << std::endl; ss << "Packets sent: " << e.pkts_sent << std::endl; ss << "Packets received: " << e.pkts_received << "\n\n"; ip_stats is = getStatsForIP(ipAddress); ss << "Bandwidth IN: " << is.bandwidthKBitsIn << " kbit/s" << std::endl; ss << "Bandwidth OUT: " << is.bandwidthKBitsOut << " kbit/s" << std::endl; ss << "Packets per second IN: " << is.packetPerSecondIn << std::endl; ss << "Packets per second OUT: " << is.packetPerSecondOut << std::endl; ss << "Avg Packet Size Sent: " << is.AvgPacketSizeSent << " kbytes" << std::endl; ss << "Avg Packet Size Received: " << is.AvgPacketSizeRecv << " kbytes" << std::endl; ss << "Avg MSS: " << is.AvgMaxSegmentSizeTCP << " bytes" << std::endl; } std::cout << ss.str(); } /** * Derives general PCAP file statistics from the collected statistical data and * writes all data into a SQLite database, located at database_path. * @param database_path The path of the SQLite database file ending with .sqlite3. */ void statistics::writeToDatabase(std::string database_path) { // Generate general file statistics float duration = getCaptureDurationSeconds(); long sumPacketsSent = 0, senderCountIP = 0; float sumBandwidthIn = 0.0, sumBandwidthOut = 0.0; for (auto i = ip_statistics.begin(); i != ip_statistics.end(); i++) { sumPacketsSent += i->second.pkts_sent; // Consumed bandwith (bytes) for sending packets sumBandwidthIn += (i->second.kbytes_received / duration); sumBandwidthOut += (i->second.kbytes_sent / duration); senderCountIP++; } float avgPacketRate = (packetCount / duration); long avgPacketSize = getAvgPacketSize(); long avgPacketsSentPerHost = (sumPacketsSent / senderCountIP); float avgBandwidthInKBits = (sumBandwidthIn / senderCountIP) * 8; float avgBandwidthOutInKBits = (sumBandwidthOut / senderCountIP) * 8; // Create database and write information statistics_db db(database_path); db.writeStatisticsFile(packetCount, getCaptureDurationSeconds(), getFormattedTimestamp(timestamp_firstPacket.seconds(), timestamp_firstPacket.microseconds()), getFormattedTimestamp(timestamp_lastPacket.seconds(), timestamp_lastPacket.microseconds()), avgPacketRate, avgPacketSize, avgPacketsSentPerHost, avgBandwidthInKBits, avgBandwidthOutInKBits); db.writeStatisticsIP(ip_statistics); db.writeStatisticsTTL(ttl_distribution); db.writeStatisticsIpMac(ip_mac_mapping); db.writeStatisticsMss(ip_sumMss); db.writeStatisticsPorts(ip_ports); db.writeStatisticsProtocols(protocol_distribution); // Aidmar /*db.writeStatisticsMss_dist(mss_distribution); db.writeStatisticsWin(win_distribution); db.writeStatisticsConv(conv_statistics); db.writeStatisticsInterval(interval_statistics); */ } /** * Returns the average packet size. * @return a float indicating the average packet size in kbytes. */ float statistics::getAvgPacketSize() const { // AvgPktSize = (Sum of all packet sizes / #Packets) return (sumPacketSize / packetCount) / 1024; } /** * Adds the size of a packet (to be used to calculate the avg. packet size). * @param packetSize The size of the current packet in bytes. */ void statistics::addPacketSize(uint32_t packetSize) { sumPacketSize += ((float) packetSize); }