#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, os import subprocess, shlex import time import unittest import random import scapy.all from TestUtil import PcapComparator, ID2TExecution # this dictionary holds the generators (functions) for the parameters # that will be passed to the MembershipMgmtCommAttack # items need the parameter-name as key and a function that will be called # without parameters and returns a valid value for that parameter as value # WARNING: parameters will be passed via command line, make sure your values # get converted to string correctly _random_bool = lambda: random.random() < 0.5 ID2T_PARAMETER_GENERATORS = { "bots.count": lambda: random.randint(3, 6), # "file.csv":, # "file.xml":, "hidden_mark": _random_bool, # "interval.selection.end":, # "interval.selection.start":, # "interval.selection.strategy":, # "ip.reuse.external":, # "ip.reuse.local":, # "ip.reuse.total":, "multiport": _random_bool, "nat.present": _random_bool, "packet.padding": lambda: random.randint(0, 100), "packets.limit": lambda: random.randint(50, 150), "packets.per-second": lambda: random.randint(1000, 2000) / 100, "ttl.from.caida": _random_bool, } class PcapComparison(unittest.TestCase): ID2T_PATH = ".." ID2T_LOCATION = ID2T_PATH + "/" + "id2t" NUM_ITERATIONS_PER_PARAMS = 3 NUM_ITERATIONS = 5 PCAP_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = "ID2T_SRC_PCAP" SEED_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE = "ID2T_SEED" DEFAULT_PCAP = "resources/telnet-raw.pcap" DEFAULT_SEED = "42" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # params to call id2t with, as a list[list[str]] # do a round of testing for each list[str] we get # if none generate some params itself self.id2t_params = None def set_id2t_params(self, params: "list[list[str]]"): self.id2t_params = params def setUp(self): self.executions = [] def test_determinism(self): input_pcap = os.environ.get(self.PCAP_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE, self.DEFAULT_PCAP) seed = os.environ.get(self.SEED_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE, self.DEFAULT_SEED) if self.id2t_params is None: self.id2t_params = self.random_id2t_params() for params in self.id2t_params: self.do_test_round(input_pcap, seed, params) def do_test_round(self, input_pcap, seed, additional_params): generated_pcap = None for i in range(self.NUM_ITERATIONS_PER_PARAMS): execution = ID2TExecution(input_pcap, seed=seed) self.print_warning("The command that gets executed is:", execution.get_run_command(additional_params)) self.executions.append(execution) try: execution.run(additional_params) except AssertionError as e: self.print_warning(execution.get_output()) self.assertEqual(execution.get_return_code(), 0, "For some reason id2t completed with an error") raise e self.print_warning(execution.get_output()) pcap = execution.get_pcap_filename() if generated_pcap is not None: try: self.compare_pcaps(generated_pcap, pcap) except AssertionError as e: execution.keep_file(pcap) self.executions[-2].keep_file(generated_pcap) raise e else: generated_pcap = pcap self.print_warning() time.sleep(1) # let some time pass between calls because files are based on the time def tearDown(self): self.print_warning("Cleaning up files generated by the test-calls...") for id2t_run in self.executions: for file in id2t_run.get_files_for_deletion(): self.print_warning(file) id2t_run.cleanup() self.print_warning("Done") kept = [file for file in id2t_run.get_kept_files() for id2t_run in self.executions] self.print_warning("The following files have been kept: " + ", ".join(kept)) def compare_pcaps(self, one: str, other: str): PcapComparator().compare_files(self.ID2T_PATH + "/" + one, self.ID2T_PATH + "/" + other) def print_warning(self, *text): print(*text, file=sys.stderr) def random_id2t_params(self): """ :return: A list of parameter-lists for id2t, useful if you want several iterations """ param_list = [] for i in range(self.NUM_ITERATIONS): param_list.append(self.random_id2t_param_set()) return param_list def random_id2t_param_set(self): """ Create a list of parameters to call the membersmgmtcommattack with :return: a list of command-line parameters """ param = lambda key, val: "%s=%s" % (str(key), str(val)) number_of_keys = min(random.randint(2, 5), len(ID2T_PARAMETER_GENERATORS)) keys = random.sample(list(ID2T_PARAMETER_GENERATORS), number_of_keys) params = [] for key in keys: generator = ID2T_PARAMETER_GENERATORS[key] params.append(param(key, generator())) return params if __name__ == "__main__": import sys # parameters for this program are interpreted as id2t-parameters id2t_args = sys.argv[1:] comparison = PcapComparison("test_determinism") if id2t_args: comparison.set_id2t_params([id2t_args]) suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(comparison) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)