@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import subprocess
+# a function that gathers more information about a given IP Address
+def gatherInformationOfIpA(ipToCheck):
+ descr = []
+ country = []
+ source = []
+ autSys = []
+ nothingFound = False
+ descrFound = False
+ countryFound = False
+ sourceFound = False
+ # execute a shell command and save it to t
+ t = subprocess.run(['whois', ipToCheck], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ # save generated output of shell command to a file
+ with open("output.txt", "w") as output:
+ output.write(t.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+ # parse information, like Description, Country, Source and if found the ASN
+ with open("output.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8", errors='replace') as ripeDb:
+ ipInfos = [line.split() for line in ripeDb if line.strip()]
+ for i, row in enumerate(ipInfos):
+ if any("inetnum" in s for s in row):
+ if ipToCheck >= row[1] and ipToCheck <= row[3]:
+ for local in range(1, 20):
+ if ("descr:" in ipInfos[i + local]) and not descrFound:
+ descr.extend(ipInfos[i + local][1:])
+ descrFound = True
+ continue
+ if ("country:" in ipInfos[i + local]) and not countryFound:
+ country.extend(ipInfos[i + local][1:])
+ countryFound = True
+ continue
+ if ("source:" in ipInfos[i + local]) and not sourceFound:
+ source.extend(ipInfos[i + local][1:])
+ sourceFound = True
+ break
+ if any("origin" in s for s in row):
+ autSys.extend(row[1:])
+ break
+ if not descrFound or not countryFound or not sourceFound:
+ nothingFound = True
+ # print information (which use of this information is wanted? Output, Returned?)
+ if not nothingFound:
+ print("#############################################")
+ print("More Information about", ipToCheck)
+ print("Description: ", ' '.join(descr) if descr else "unknown")
+ print("Country: ", ' '.join(country) if country else "unknown")
+ print("Source: ", ' '.join(source) if source else "unknown")
+ print("AS Number: ", ' '.join(autSys) if autSys else "unknown")
+ print("#############################################")
+ print("\n")
+ else:
+ print("IP-Address", ipToCheck, "is not assigned by IANA yet\n")
+ # in case it should be stored to a file
+ with open("information.txt", "w") as info:
+ info.write("#############################################\n")
+ info.write("More Information about" + ipToCheck + "\n")
+ info.write("Description: " + ' '.join(descr) + "\n" if descr else "unknown" + "\n")
+ info.write("Country: " + ' '.join(country) + "\n" if country else "unknown" + "\n")
+ info.write("Source: " + ' '.join(source) + "\n" if source else "unknown" + "\n")
+ info.write("AS Number: " + ' '.join(autSys) + "\n" if autSys else "unknown" + "\n")
+ info.write("#############################################\n")