@@ -52,11 +52,23 @@ class Controller:
input dataset.
:param attacks_config: A list of attacks with their attack parameters.
+ # note if new xml file has been created by MembersMgmtCommAttack
+ created_xml = None
# load attacks sequentially
for attack in attacks_config:
+ # check if new xml file has been created by MembersMgmtCommAttack
+ if attack[0] == "MembersMgmtCommAttack":
+ for param in attack[1:]:
+ key, value = param.split("=")
+ if key == "file.csv":
+ if os.path.isfile(value):
+ created_xml, _ = os.path.splitext(value)
+ created_xml += ".xml"
+ break
temp_attack_pcap = self.attack_controller.process_attack(attack[0], attack[1:])
# merge attack pcaps to get single attack pcap
if len(self.written_pcaps) > 1:
print("\nMerging temporary attack pcaps into single pcap file...", end=" ")
@@ -89,9 +101,21 @@ class Controller:
# write label file with attacks
+ if created_xml:
+ pcap_dir = os.path.splitext(self.pcap_dest_path)[0]
+ if "/" in pcap_dir:
+ pcap_dir = "/".join(pcap_dir.split("/")[:-1])
+ xml_name = os.path.splitext(created_xml)[0] + ".xml"
+ if "/" in xml_name:
+ xml_name = xml_name.split("/")[-1]
+ new_xml_path = pcap_dir + "/" + xml_name
+ os.rename(created_xml, new_xml_path)
# print status message
- print('\nOutput files created: \n', self.pcap_dest_path, '\n', self.label_manager.label_file_path)
+ if created_xml:
+ print('\nOutput files created: \n', self.pcap_dest_path, '\n', self.label_manager.label_file_path, '\n', new_xml_path)
+ else:
+ print('\nOutput files created: \n', self.pcap_dest_path, '\n', self.label_manager.label_file_path)
def process_db_queries(self, query, print_results=False):