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Some code cleanup and add current(not finished) version of MembersMgmtCommAttack

dustin.born 7 years ago

+ 175 - 51

@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class MessageType(Enum):
+    """
+    Defines possible Message types
+    """
+    TIMEOUT = 3
+    SALITY_NL_REPLY = 102
+    SALITY_HELLO = 103
 from random import randint, randrange, choice
 from collections import deque
+from scipy.stats import gamma
+from lea import Lea
 from Attack import BaseAttack
 from Attack.AttackParameters import Parameter as Param
 from Attack.AttackParameters import ParameterTypes
-from ID2TLib import FileUtils
+from ID2TLib import FileUtils, PaddingGenerator
 from ID2TLib.PacketGenerator import PacketGenerator
-from ID2TLib.IPGenerator import MappingIPGenerator 
+from ID2TLib.IPGenerator import IPGenerator 
 from ID2TLib.PcapAddressOperations import PcapAddressOperations
-from ID2TLib.MapInputCSVToIDs import find_interval_with_most_comm
+from ID2TLib.MapInputCSVToIDs import find_interval_with_most_comm, determine_id_roles
 from ID2TLib.MacAddressGenerator import MacAddressGenerator
-from ID2TLib.MessageType import MessageType
-from ID2TLib.genRandPort import generateRandomPort
-from ID2TLib import PaddingGenerator
+from ID2TLib.PortGenerator import gen_random_server_port
 class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -53,11 +65,16 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             Param.PACKET_PADDING: ParameterTypes.TYPE_PADDING
+        # create dict with MessageType values for fast name lookup
+        self.msg_types = {}
+        for msg_type in MessageType:
+            self.msg_types[msg_type.value] = msg_type
     def init_params(self):
         Initialize some parameters of this communication-attack using the user supplied command line parameters.
-		The remaining parameters are implicitly set in the provided data file. Note: the timestamps in the file 
-		have to be sorted in ascending order
+        The remaining parameters are implicitly set in the provided data file. Note: the timestamps in the file 
+        have to be sorted in ascending order
         :param statistics: Reference to a statistics object.
@@ -65,10 +82,16 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH = "resources/MembersMgmtComm_example.xml"
         # threshold for ID to be recognized as rather common in communication
         self.MOST_COMMON_THRES = 0.08
+        # probability for initiator ID to be local
+        self.PROB_INIT_IS_LOCAL = 0.8
+        # probability for responder ID to be local if comm_type is mixed
+        self.PROB_RESPND_IS_LOCAL = 0.2
         # PARAMETERS: initialize with default values
         # (values are overwritten if user specifies them)
+        # print(self.statistics.get_packet_count())
         self.add_param_value(Param.INJECT_AFTER_PACKET, randint(0, self.statistics.get_packet_count()))
+        # print(self.get_param_value(Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP))
         self.add_param_value(Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND, 0)
         self.add_param_value(Param.FILE_XML, self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH)
         self.add_param_value(Param.ATTACK_DURATION, 100)
@@ -86,6 +109,30 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
     def generate_attack_pcap(self):
+        def add_ids_to_config(ids_to_add, existing_ips, new_ips, bot_configs, idtype="local", router_mac=""):
+            ids = ids_to_add.copy()
+            macgen = MacAddressGenerator()
+            for ip in existing_ips:
+                random_id = choice(tuple(ids))
+                mac = self.statistics.process_db_query("macAddress(IPAddress=%s)" % ip)
+                bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": idtype, "IP": ip, "MAC": mac}
+                ids.remove(random_id)
+            for ip in new_ips:
+                random_id = choice(tuple(ids))
+                if idtype == "local":
+                    mac = macgen.random_mac()
+                elif idtype == "external":
+                    mac = router_mac
+                bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": idtype, "IP": ip, "MAC": mac}
+                ids.remove(random_id)
+        def index_increment(number: int, max: int):
+            if number + 1 < max:
+                return number + 1
+            else:
+                return 0
         # parse input CSV or XML
         filepath_xml = self.get_param_value(Param.FILE_XML)
         filepath_csv = self.get_param_value(Param.FILE_CSV)
@@ -105,20 +152,24 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             print("Error: There is no interval in the given CSV/XML that has enough communication")
             return 0, None
-        mapped_ids, packet_start_idx, packet_end_idx = comm_interval["IDs"], comm_interval["Start"], comm_interval["End"]
+        mapped_ids, id_comms, packet_start_idx, packet_end_idx = comm_interval["IDs"], comm_interval["Comms"], comm_interval["Start"], comm_interval["End"]
+        # print start and end time of mapped interval
+        # print(abstract_packets[packet_start_idx]["Time"])
+        # print(abstract_packets[packet_end_idx]["Time"])
         # determine most common communicating IDs
-        total_mentions = 0
-        most_common_thres = self.MOST_COMMON_THRES
-        most_common_ids = {}
-        for id_ in mapped_ids:
-            total_mentions += mapped_ids[id_]
-        for id_ in mapped_ids:
-            count = mapped_ids[id_]
-            mentions_percentage = count / total_mentions
-            if mentions_percentage >= most_common_thres:
-                most_common_ids[id_] = mentions_percentage
+        # total_mentions = 0
+        # most_common_thres = self.MOST_COMMON_THRES
+        # most_common_ids = {}
+        # for id_ in mapped_ids:
+        #     total_mentions += mapped_ids[id_]
+        # for id_ in mapped_ids:
+        #     count = mapped_ids[id_]
+        #     mentions_percentage = count / total_mentions
+        #     if mentions_percentage >= most_common_thres:
+        #         most_common_ids[id_] = mentions_percentage
         # determine amount of reused IPs
         reuse_percent_total = self.get_param_value(Param.IP_REUSE_TOTAL)
@@ -129,41 +180,102 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * len(mapped_ids))
         # create bot IP and MAC configs
-        macgen = MacAddressGenerator() 
+        ipgen = IPGenerator()
         comm_type = self.get_param_value(Param.COMM_TYPE)
         pcapops = PcapAddressOperations(self.statistics)
+        router_mac = pcapops.get_probable_router_mac()
         bot_configs = {}
-        # where IP is external, already set MAC to router MAC here
-        if comm_type == "mixed":
-            ...
-        elif comm_type == "external":
-            ...
-        elif comm_type == "local":
-            existing_local_ips = pcapops.get_existing_priv_ips(reuse_count_local)
-            count_avail = min(reuse_count_local, len(existing_local_ips))
+        external_ids = set()
+        local_ids = set()
+        # print(self.get_param_value(Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP))
+        if comm_type == "local":
+            local_ids = set(mapped_ids.keys())
+        else:
+            init_local_or_external = Lea.fromValFreqsDict({"local": self.PROB_INIT_IS_LOCAL*100, "external": (1-self.PROB_INIT_IS_LOCAL)*100})
+            mixed_respnd_is_local = Lea.fromValFreqsDict({"local": self.PROB_RESPND_IS_LOCAL*100, "external": (1-self.PROB_RESPND_IS_LOCAL)*100})
             ids = set(mapped_ids.keys())
-            for ip in existing_local_ips:
-                random_id = choice(tuple(ids))
-                mac = self.statistics.process_db_query("macAddress(IPAddress=%s)" % ip)
-                bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": "local", "IP": ip, "MAC":mac}
-                ids.remove(random_id)
+            init_ids, respnd_ids, both_ids = determine_id_roles(abstract_packets[packet_start_idx:packet_end_idx+1], ids)
+            # assign IDs in 'both' local everytime for mixed? 
+            initiators = list(init_ids) + list(both_ids)
+            for id_ in initiators:
+                if id_ in local_ids or id_ in external_ids:
+                    continue
+                pos = init_local_or_external.random()          
+                if pos == "local":
+                    local_ids.add(id_) 
+                    for id_comm in id_comms:
+                        ids = id_comm.split("-")
+                        other = ids[0] if id_ == ids[1] else ids[1] 
+                        # what if before other was external ...
+                        if other in local_ids or other in external_ids:
+                            continue 
+                        if comm_type == "mixed":
+                            other_pos = mixed_respnd_is_local.random()
+                            if other_pos == "local":
+                                local_ids.add(other)
+                            elif other_pos == "external":
+                                external_ids.add(other)
+                        elif comm_type == "external":
+                            if not other in initiators:
+                                external_ids.add(other)
+                elif pos == "external":
+                    external_ids.add(id_)
+                    for id_comm in id_comms:
+                        ids = id_comm.split("-")
+                        other = ids[0] if id_ == ids[1] else ids[1] 
+                        # what if before other was external ...
+                        if other in local_ids or other in external_ids:
+                            continue 
+                        if not other in initiators:
+                            local_ids.add(other)
+        # print(initiators)
+        # print(local_ids)
+        # print(external_ids)
+        number_local_ids, number_external_ids = len(local_ids), len(external_ids)
+        if number_local_ids > 0:
+            reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * number_local_ids) 
+            existing_local_ips = pcapops.get_existing_priv_ips(reuse_count_local)
+            new_local_ips = pcapops.get_new_priv_ips(number_local_ids - len(existing_local_ips))
+            add_ids_to_config(local_ids, existing_local_ips, new_local_ips, bot_configs)
-            count_remaining = number_bots - count_avail
-            new_local_ips = pcapops.get_new_priv_ips(count_remaining)
-            for ip in new_local_ips:
-                random_id = choice(tuple(ids))
-                mac = macgen.random_mac()
-                bot_configs[random_id] = {"Type": "local", "IP": ip, "MAC": mac}
-                ids.remove(random_id)
+        if number_external_ids > 0:
+            reuse_count_external = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_external * number_external_ids) 
+            existing_external_ips = pcapops.get_existing_external_ips(reuse_count_external)
+            remaining = len(external_ids) - len(existing_external_ips)
+            new_external_ips = [ipgen.random_ip() for _ in range(remaining)]
+            add_ids_to_config(external_ids, existing_external_ips, new_external_ips, bot_configs, idtype="external", router_mac=router_mac)
+        # print(bot_configs)
         # create bot port configs
         for bot in bot_configs:
-            bot_configs[bot]["Port"] = generateRandomPort()    
-        if filepath_csv and filepath_xml == self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH:
-            filepath_xml = FileUtils.parse_csv_to_xml(filepath_csv) 
+            bot_configs[bot]["Port"] = gen_random_server_port()    
+        # create realistic ttl for every bot
+        # Gamma distribution parameters derived from MAWI 13.8G dataset
+        ids = bot_configs.keys()
+        alpha, loc, beta = (2.3261710235, -0.188306914406, 44.4853123884)
+        gd = gamma.rvs(alpha, loc=loc, scale=beta, size=len(ids))
+        for pos, bot in enumerate(bot_configs):
+            is_invalid = True
+            pos_max = len(gd)
+            while is_invalid:
+                ttl = int(round(gd[pos]))
+                if 0 < ttl < 256:  # validity check
+                    is_invalid = False
+                else:
+                    pos = index_increment(pos, pos_max)
+            bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = ttl
         # Setup initial parameters for packet creation
         BUFFER_SIZE = 1000
@@ -180,7 +292,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         nl_requests = {}
         # create packets to write to pcap file
-        for abst_packet in abstract_packets[packet_start_idx:packet_end_idx]:
+        for abst_packet in abstract_packets[packet_start_idx:packet_end_idx+1]:
             # map/retrieve addresses to ids from input file
             id_src, id_dst = abst_packet["Src"], abst_packet["Dst"]
             if (not id_src in bot_configs) or (not id_dst in bot_configs):
@@ -189,6 +301,15 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             ip_src, ip_dst = bot_configs[id_src]["IP"], bot_configs[id_dst]["IP"]
             mac_src, mac_dst = bot_configs[id_src]["MAC"], bot_configs[id_dst]["MAC"]
             port_src, port_dst = bot_configs[id_src]["Port"], bot_configs[id_dst]["Port"]
+            ttl = bot_configs[id_src]["TTL"]
+            type_src, type_dst = bot_configs[id_src]["Type"], bot_configs[id_dst]["Type"]
+            if type_src == "external" and type_dst == "external":
+                continue
+            if comm_type == "external":
+                if type_src == "local" and type_dst == "local":
+                    continue
             # update timestamps and duration
             file_timestamp = float(abst_packet["Time"])
@@ -203,13 +324,16 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             # create ip packet and add to packets list
-            message_type = int(abst_packet["Type"])
+            message_type = self.msg_types[int(abst_packet["Type"])]
             nl_size = 0
-            if message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY.value:
+            if message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY:
                 nl_size = randint(1, 25)
+            elif message_type == MessageType.TIMEOUT:
+                continue
-            packet = pkt_gen.generate_MMCOM_Packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, message_type=message_type, neighborlist_entries=nl_size)
+            packet = pkt_gen.generate_mmcom_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, 
+                port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, message_type=message_type, neighborlist_entries=nl_size)
             PaddingGenerator.add_padding(packet, padding)
             packet.time = pcap_timestamp
@@ -217,7 +341,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             total_pkts += 1
             # Store timestamp of first packet (for attack label)
-            if total_pkts <= 1 :
+            if total_pkts <= 1:
                 self.attack_start_utime = packets[0].time
             elif total_pkts % BUFFER_SIZE == 0: # every 1000 packets write them to the pcap file (append)
                 packets = list(packets)

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP, Ether, TCP
-from scapy.packet import Raw
-def generate_ip_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="", mac_src:str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C", 
-					   mac_dst:str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src:int=1337, port_dst:int=6442, tcpflags:str="S", payload:str=""):
-	"""
-    Builds an IP packet with the values specified by the caller. If a parameter was not specified by the caller, 
-    it is set to a default value.
-    :param ip_src: the source IP address of the IP header
-    :param ip_dst the destination IP address of the IP header
-    :param mac_src: the source MAC address of the MAC header
-    :param mac_dst: the destination MAC address of the MAC header
-    :param port_src: the source port of the TCP header
-    :param port_dst: the destination port of the TCP header
-    :param tcpflags: the TCP flags of the TCP header
-    :param payload: the payload of the packet
-    :return: the corresponding IP packet
-    """
-	ether = Ether(src=mac_src, dst=mac_dst)
-	ip = IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst)
-	tcp = TCP(sport=port_src, dport=port_dst, flags=tcpflags)
-	packet = ether / ip / tcp / Raw(load=payload)
-	return packet

+ 57 - 5

@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+from Attack.MembersMgmtCommAttack import MessageType
 # needed because of machine inprecision. E.g A time difference of 0.1s is stored as >0.1s
 EPS_TOLERANCE = 1e-13  # works for a difference of 0.1, no less
-def find_interval_with_most_comm(packets, number_ids: int, max_int_time: float):
+def find_interval_with_most_comm(packets: list, number_ids: int, max_int_time: float):
     Finds a time interval of the given seconds where the given number of ids communicate among themselves the most.
@@ -100,21 +101,30 @@ def find_interval_with_most_comm(packets, number_ids: int, max_int_time: float):
         return picked_ids, total_msg_count
-    def get_indv_id_counts(picked_ids: dict, msg_counts: dict):
+    def get_indv_id_counts_and_comms(picked_ids: dict, msg_counts: dict):
+        """ 
+        Retrieves the total mentions of one ID in the communication pattern
+        and all communication entries that include only picked IDs.
+        """
         indv_id_counts = {}
+        id_comms = set()
         for msg in msg_counts:
             ids = msg.split("-")
             if ids[0] in picked_ids and ids[1] in picked_ids:
+                msg_other_dir = "{}-{}".format(ids[1], ids[0])
+                if (not msg in id_comms) and (not msg_other_dir in id_comms):
+                    id_comms.add(msg)
                 for id_ in ids:
                     if id_ in indv_id_counts:
                         indv_id_counts[id_] += msg_counts[msg]
                         indv_id_counts[id_] = msg_counts[msg]
-        return indv_id_counts
+        return indv_id_counts, id_comms
-    # first find all possible intervals that contain enough ids that communicate among themselves
+    # first find all possible intervals that contain enough IDs that communicate among themselves
     idx_low, idx_high = 0, 0
     msg_counts = dict()
     possible_intervals = []
@@ -174,7 +184,49 @@ def find_interval_with_most_comm(packets, number_ids: int, max_int_time: float):
     for j, interval in enumerate(summed_intervals):
         idx = sum_intervals_idxs[j]
         msg_counts_picked = possible_intervals[idx][0]
-        indv_id_counts = get_indv_id_counts(interval["IDs"], msg_counts_picked)
+        indv_id_counts, id_comms = get_indv_id_counts_and_comms(interval["IDs"], msg_counts_picked)
         interval["IDs"] = indv_id_counts
+        interval["Comms"] = id_comms
     return summed_intervals
+def determine_id_roles(packets: list, all_ids: set):
+    """
+    Determine the role of every mapped ID. The role can be initiator, responder or both.
+    :param packets: the mapped section of abstract packets
+    :param all_ids: all IDs that were mapped/chosen
+    :return: a dict that for every ID contains its role
+    """
+    init_ids, respnd_ids, both_ids = set(), set(), set()
+    def process_initiator(id_: str):
+        if id_ in both_ids:
+            pass
+        elif not id_ in respnd_ids:
+            init_ids.add(id_)
+        elif id_ in respnd_ids:
+            respnd_ids.remove(id_)
+            both_ids.add(id_)
+    def process_responder(id_: str):
+        if id_ in both_ids:
+            pass
+        elif not id_ in init_ids:
+            respnd_ids.add(id_)
+        elif id_ in init_ids:
+            init_ids.remove(id_)
+            both_ids.add(id_)
+    for packet in packets:
+        id_src, id_dst, msg_type = packet["Src"], packet["Dst"], packet["Type"]
+        if (not id_src in all_ids) or (not id_dst in all_ids):
+            continue
+        if int(msg_type) in {MessageType.SALITY_HELLO.value, MessageType.SALITY_NL_REQUEST.value}:
+            process_initiator(id_src)
+            process_responder(id_dst)
+        elif int(msg_type) in {MessageType.SALITY_HELLO_REPLY.value, MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY.value}:
+            process_initiator(id_dst)
+            process_responder(id_src)
+    return init_ids, respnd_ids, both_ids

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from enum import Enum
-class MessageType(Enum):
-	"""
-	Defines possible Message types
-	"""

+ 19 - 19

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from ID2TLib.MessageType import MessageType
+from Attack.MembersMgmtCommAttack import MessageType
 import ID2TLib.PayloadGenerator as PayloadGenerator
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ class PacketGenerator():
 		super(PacketGenerator, self).__init__()
 		self.protocol = protocol
-	def generate_Packet(self, ip_src: str="", ip_dst: str="", mac_src: str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C",
-		mac_dst: str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src: int=1337, port_dst: int=6442,
+	def generate_packet(self, ip_src: str="", ip_dst: str="", mac_src: str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C",
+		mac_dst: str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src: int=1337, port_dst: int=6442, ttl: int=64,
 		tcpflags: str="S", payload: str=""):
 		Creates a Packet with the specified Values for the current protocol
@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ class PacketGenerator():
 	    #directly generate packet with the current protocol
 		if(self.protocol == "udp"):
-			packet = generate_udp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
+			packet = generate_udp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, ttl=ttl,
 				port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, payload=payload)
 		elif(self.protocol == "tcp"):
-			packet = generate_tcp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
+			packet = generate_tcp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, ttl=ttl,
 				port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, tcpflags=tcpflags, payload=payload)
 		#else raise exception?
 		return packet
-	def generate_MMCOM_Packet(self, ip_src: str="", ip_dst: str="", mac_src: str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C",
-			mac_dst: str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src: int=1337, port_dst: int=6442, tcpflags: str="S",
-			message_type: MessageType=103, neighborlist_entries: int=1):
+	def generate_mmcom_packet(self, ip_src: str="", ip_dst: str="", mac_src: str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C",
+			mac_dst: str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src: int=1337, port_dst: int=6442, tcpflags: str="S", ttl: int=64,
+			message_type: MessageType=MessageType.SALITY_HELLO, neighborlist_entries: int=1):
 		Creates a Packet for Members-Management-Communication with the specified Values and the current protocol
@@ -58,32 +58,32 @@ class PacketGenerator():
 	    #Determine length of the payload that has to be generated
-		if(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_HELLO.value):
+		if(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_HELLO):
 			payload_len = 0
-		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_HELLO_REPLY.value):
+		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_HELLO_REPLY):
 			payload_len = 22
-		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REQUEST.value):
+		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REQUEST):
 			payload_len = 28
-		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY.value):
+		elif(message_type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY):
 			payload_len = 24 + 6 * neighborlist_entries
 			payload_len = 0
 		#generate payload
-		payload = PayloadGenerator.generate_Payload(payload_len)
+		payload = PayloadGenerator.generate_payload(payload_len)
 		#generate the packet
 		if(self.protocol == "udp"):
-			packet = generate_udp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
+			packet = generate_udp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, ttl=ttl,
 				port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, payload=payload)
 		elif(self.protocol == "tcp"):
-			packet = generate_tcp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
+			packet = generate_tcp_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, ttl=ttl,
 				port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, tcpflags=tcpflags, payload=payload)
 		#else raise exception?
 		return packet
-def generate_tcp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="", mac_src:str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C", 
+def generate_tcp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="", mac_src:str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C", ttl: int=64,
 					   mac_dst:str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src:int=1337, port_dst:int=6442, tcpflags:str="S", payload:str=""):
     Builds an TCP packet with the values specified by the caller. If a parameter was not specified by the caller, 
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ def generate_tcp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="",
 	ether = Ether(src=mac_src, dst=mac_dst)
-	ip = IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst)
+	ip = IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl)
 	tcp = TCP(sport=port_src, dport=port_dst, flags=tcpflags)
 	packet = ether / ip / tcp / Raw(load=payload)
 	return packet
-def generate_udp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="", mac_src:str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C", 
+def generate_udp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="", mac_src:str="56:6D:D9:BC:70:1C", ttl: int=64,
 					   mac_dst:str="F4:2B:95:B3:0E:1A", port_src:int=1337, port_dst:int=6442, payload:str=""):
     Builds an UDP packet with the values specified by the caller. If a parameter was not specified by the caller, 
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def generate_udp_packet(ip_src:str="", ip_dst:str="",
 	ether = Ether(src=mac_src, dst=mac_dst)
-	ip = IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst)
+	ip = IP(src=ip_src, dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl)
 	udp = UDP(sport=port_src, dport=port_dst)
 	packet = ether / ip / udp / Raw(load=payload)
 	return packet

+ 1 - 2

@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ def add_padding(packet, bytes_padding = 0, user_padding=True):
     :return: the initial packet, extended with the wanted amount of bytes of padding
-    # should equal_length be limited by this?
     if(user_padding and bytes_padding > 100):
         bytes_padding = 100
-    payload = PayloadGenerator.generate_Payload(bytes_padding)
+    payload = PayloadGenerator.generate_payload(bytes_padding)
     packet[Raw].load += Raw(load=payload).load
     return packet

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 from numpy.random import bytes
-def generate_Payload(size:int=0):
+def generate_payload(size:int=0):
 	Generates a payload of random bytes of the given amount
 	:param size: number of generated bytes
+    :return: the generated payload
 	payload = bytes(size)

+ 8 - 7

@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class PcapAddressOperations():
-        if count == 1:
-            return retr_priv_ips[0]
+        # if count == 1:
+        #     return retr_priv_ips[0]
         return retr_priv_ips
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ class PcapAddressOperations():
-        if count == 1:
-            return retr_public_ips[0]
+        # if count == 1:
+        #     return retr_priv_ips[0]
         return retr_priv_ips
-    def get_existing_public_ips(self, count: int=1):
+    def get_existing_external_ips(self, count: int=1):
         Returns the given number of private IPs that are existent in the pcap file.
@@ -171,13 +171,14 @@ class PcapAddressOperations():
         retr_public_ips = []
         public_ips = self.remaining_public_ips
         for _ in range(0, total):
             random_public_ip = choice(tuple(public_ips))
-        if count == 1:
-            return retr_public_ips[0]
+        # if count == 1:
+        #     return retr_public_ips[0]
         return retr_public_ips

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import random
+import string
+def gen_random_server_port():
+    """
+    Generates a valid random first and last character for a bots hostname
+    and computes a port from these two characters.
+    """
+    firstLetter = random.choice(string.ascii_letters);
+    lastLetter = random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits);
+    return (ord(firstLetter) * ord(lastLetter));

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import random
-import string
-def generateRandomPort(default: int=0):
-    firstLetter = random.choice(string.ascii_letters);
-    lastLetter = random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits);
-    return (default + ord(firstLetter) * ord(lastLetter));