@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import sys, os
+import subprocess, shlex
+import time
+import unittest
+import scapy.all
+class PcapComparison(unittest.TestCase):
+ ID2T_PATH = ".."
+ ID2T_LOCATION = ID2T_PATH + "/" + "id2t"
+ DEFAULT_PCAP = "resources/telnet-raw.pcap"
+ OUTPUT_FILES_PREFIX_LINE = "Output files created:"
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.generated_files = []
+ self.keep_files = []
+ def test_determinism(self):
+ input_pcap = os.environ.get(self.PCAP_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE, self.DEFAULT_PCAP)
+ seed = os.environ.get(self.SEED_ENVIRONMENT_VALUE, self.DEFAULT_SEED)
+ command_args = [self.ID2T_LOCATION, "-i", input_pcap, "--seed", seed, "-a", "MembersMgmtCommAttack"]
+ command = " ".join(map(shlex.quote, command_args))
+ self.print_warning("The command that gets executed is:", command)
+ generated_pcap = None
+ for i in range(self.NUM_ITERATIONS):
+ retcode, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
+ self.print_warning(output)
+ self.assertEqual(retcode, 0, "For some reason id2t completed with an error")
+ files = self.parse_files(output)
+ self.generated_files.extend(files)
+ pcap = self.find_pcap(files)
+ if generated_pcap is not None:
+ try: self.compare_pcaps(generated_pcap, pcap)
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ self.keep_files = [generated_pcap, pcap]
+ raise e
+ else:
+ generated_pcap = pcap
+ self.print_warning()
+ time.sleep(1) # let some time pass between calls because files are based on the time
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.print_warning("Cleaning up files generated by the test-calls...")
+ for file in self.generated_files:
+ if file in self.keep_files: continue
+ self.print_warning(file)
+ os.remove(self.ID2T_PATH + os.path.sep + file)
+ self.print_warning("Done")
+ self.print_warning("The following files have been kept: " + ", ".join(self.keep_files))
+ def parse_files(self, program_output: str) -> "list[str]":
+ lines = program_output.split(os.linesep)
+ self.assertIn(self.OUTPUT_FILES_PREFIX_LINE, lines,
+ "The magic string is not in the program output anymore, has the program output structure changed?")
+ index = lines.index(self.OUTPUT_FILES_PREFIX_LINE)
+ return lines[index + 1:]
+ def find_pcap(self, files: "list[str]") -> str:
+ return next(file for file in files if file.endswith(".pcap"))
+ def compare_pcaps(self, one: str, other: str):
+ packetsA = list(scapy.all.rdpcap(self.ID2T_PATH + "/" + one))
+ packetsB = list(scapy.all.rdpcap(self.ID2T_PATH + "/" + other))
+ self.assertEqual(len(packetsA), len(packetsB), "Both pcap's have to have the same amount of packets")
+ for i in range(len(packetsA)):
+ p, p2 = packetsA[i], packetsB[i]
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(p.time, p2.time, "Packets no %i in the pcap's don't appear at the same time" % (i + 1))
+ self.compare_packets(p, p2, i + 1)
+ def compare_packets(self, p, p2, packet_number):
+ if p == p2:
+ return
+ while type(p) != scapy.packet.NoPayload or type(p2) != scapy.packet.NoPayload:
+ if type(p) != type(p2):
+ self.fail("Packets %i are of incompatible types: %s and %s" % (packet_number, type(p).__name__, type(p2).__name__))
+ for field in p.fields:
+ if p.fields[field] != p2.fields[field]:
+ packet_type = type(p).__name__
+ v, v2 = p.fields[field], p2.fields[field]
+ self.fail("Packets %i differ in field %s.%s: %s != %s" %
+ (packet_number, packet_type, field, v, v2))
+ p = p.payload
+ p2 = p2.payload
+ def print_warning(self, *text):
+ print(*text, file=sys.stderr)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(PcapComparison("test_determinism"))
+ unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)