@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+from operator import itemgetter
+from math import sqrt, ceil, log
+import os
+import time
+import ID2TLib.libpcapreader as pr
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from ID2TLib.PcapFile import PcapFile
+from ID2TLib.StatsDatabase import StatsDatabase
+class Statistics:
+ def __init__(self, pcap_file: PcapFile):
+ """
+ Creates a new Statistics object.
+ :param pcap_file: A reference to the PcapFile object
+ """
+ # Fields
+ self.pcap_filepath = pcap_file.pcap_file_path
+ self.pcap_proc = None
+ self.do_extra_tests = False
+ # Create folder for statistics database if required
+ self.path_db = pcap_file.get_db_path()
+ path_dir = os.path.dirname(self.path_db)
+ if not os.path.isdir(path_dir):
+ os.makedirs(path_dir)
+ # Class instances
+ self.stats_db = StatsDatabase(self.path_db)
+ def load_pcap_statistics(self, flag_write_file: bool, flag_recalculate_stats: bool, flag_print_statistics: bool):
+ """
+ Loads the PCAP statistics for the file specified by pcap_filepath. If the database is not existing yet, the
+ statistics are calculated by the PCAP file processor and saved into the newly created database. Otherwise the
+ statistics are gathered directly from the existing database.
+ :param flag_write_file: Indicates whether the statistics should be written addiotionally into a text file (True)
+ or not (False)
+ :param flag_recalculate_stats: Indicates whether eventually existing statistics should be recalculated
+ :param flag_print_statistics: Indicates whether the gathered basic statistics should be printed to the terminal
+ """
+ # Load pcap and get loading time
+ time_start = time.clock()
+ # Inform user about recalculation of statistics and its reason
+ if flag_recalculate_stats:
+ print("Flag -r/--recalculate found. Recalculating statistics.")
+ # Recalculate statistics if database does not exist OR param -r/--recalculate is provided
+ if (not self.stats_db.get_db_exists()) or flag_recalculate_stats:
+ self.pcap_proc = pr.pcap_processor(self.pcap_filepath, str(self.do_extra_tests))
+ self.pcap_proc.collect_statistics()
+ self.pcap_proc.write_to_database(self.path_db)
+ outstring_datasource = "by PCAP file processor."
+ else:
+ outstring_datasource = "from statistics database."
+ # Load statistics from database
+ self.file_info = self.stats_db.get_file_info()
+ time_end = time.clock()
+ print("Loaded file statistics in " + str(time_end - time_start)[:4] + " sec " + outstring_datasource)
+ # Write statistics if param -e/--export provided
+ if flag_write_file:
+ self.write_statistics_to_file()
+ # Print statistics if param -s/--statistics provided
+ if flag_print_statistics:
+ self.print_statistics()
+ def get_file_information(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of tuples, each containing a information of the file.
+ :return: a list of tuples, each consisting of (description, value, unit), where unit is optional.
+ """
+ return [("Pcap file", self.pcap_filepath),
+ ("Packets", self.get_packet_count(), "packets"),
+ ("Capture length", self.get_capture_duration(), "seconds"),
+ ("Capture start", self.get_pcap_timestamp_start()),
+ ("Capture end", self.get_pcap_timestamp_end())]
+ def get_general_file_statistics(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of tuples, each containing a file statistic.
+ :return: a list of tuples, each consisting of (description, value, unit).
+ """
+ return [("Avg. packet rate", self.file_info['avgPacketRate'], "packets/sec"),
+ ("Avg. packet size", self.file_info['avgPacketSize'], "kbytes"),
+ ("Avg. packets sent", self.file_info['avgPacketsSentPerHost'], "packets"),
+ ("Avg. bandwidth in", self.file_info['avgBandwidthIn'], "kbit/s"),
+ ("Avg. bandwidth out", self.file_info['avgBandwidthOut'], "kbit/s")]
+ @staticmethod
+ def write_list(desc_val_unit_list, func, line_ending="\n"):
+ """
+ Takes a list of tuples (statistic name, statistic value, unit) as input, generates a string of these three values
+ and applies the function func on this string.
+ Before generating the string, it identifies text containing a float number, casts the string to a
+ float and rounds the value to two decimal digits.
+ :param desc_val_unit_list: The list of tuples consisting of (description, value, unit)
+ :param func: The function to be applied to each generated string
+ :param line_ending: The formatting string to be applied at the end of each string
+ """
+ for entry in desc_val_unit_list:
+ # Convert text containing float into float
+ (description, value) = entry[0:2]
+ if isinstance(value, str) and "." in value:
+ try:
+ value = float(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass # do nothing -> value was not a float
+ # round float
+ if isinstance(value, float):
+ value = round(value, 4)
+ # write into file
+ if len(entry) == 3:
+ unit = entry[2]
+ func(description + ":\t" + str(value) + " " + unit + line_ending)
+ else:
+ func(description + ":\t" + str(value) + line_ending)
+ def print_statistics(self):
+ """
+ Prints the basic file statistics to the terminal.
+ """
+ print("\nPCAP FILE INFORMATION ------------------------------")
+ Statistics.write_list(self.get_file_information(), print, "")
+ print("\nGENERAL FILE STATISTICS ----------------------------")
+ Statistics.write_list(self.get_general_file_statistics(), print, "")
+ print("\n")
+ def calculate_entropy(self, frequency:list, normalized:bool = False):
+ """
+ Calculates entropy and normalized entropy of list of elements that have specific frequency
+ :param frequency: The frequency of the elements.
+ :param normalized: Calculate normalized entropy
+ :return: entropy or (entropy, normalized entropy)
+ """
+ entropy, normalizedEnt, n = 0, 0, 0
+ sumFreq = sum(frequency)
+ for i, x in enumerate(frequency):
+ p_x = float(frequency[i] / sumFreq)
+ if p_x > 0:
+ n += 1
+ entropy += - p_x * log(p_x, 2)
+ if normalized:
+ if log(n)>0:
+ normalizedEnt = entropy/log(n, 2)
+ return entropy, normalizedEnt
+ else:
+ return entropy
+ def calculate_complement_packet_rates(self, pps):
+ """
+ Calculates the complement packet rates of the background traffic packet rates for each interval.
+ Then normalize it to maximum boundary, which is the input parameter pps
+ :return: normalized packet rates for each time interval.
+ """
+ result = self.process_db_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp,pktsCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ # print(result)
+ bg_interval_pps = []
+ complement_interval_pps = []
+ intervalsSum = 0
+ if result:
+ # Get the interval in seconds
+ for i, row in enumerate(result):
+ if i < len(result) - 1:
+ intervalsSum += ceil((int(result[i + 1][0]) * 10 ** -6) - (int(row[0]) * 10 ** -6))
+ interval = intervalsSum / (len(result) - 1)
+ # Convert timestamp from micro to seconds, convert packet rate "per interval" to "per second"
+ for row in result:
+ bg_interval_pps.append((int(row[0]) * 10 ** -6, int(row[1] / interval)))
+ # Find max PPS
+ maxPPS = max(bg_interval_pps, key=itemgetter(1))[1]
+ for row in bg_interval_pps:
+ complement_interval_pps.append((row[0], int(pps * (maxPPS - row[1]) / maxPPS)))
+ return complement_interval_pps
+ def get_tests_statistics(self):
+ """
+ Writes the calculated basic defects tests statistics into a file.
+ """
+ # self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query output is list of tuples, thus, we ned [0][0] to access data
+ def count_frequncy(valuesList):
+ values, frequency = [] , []
+ for x in valuesList:
+ if x in values:
+ frequency[values.index(x)] += 1
+ else:
+ values.append(x)
+ frequency.append(1)
+ return values, frequency
+ ####### Payload Tests #######
+ sumPayloadCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT sum(payloadCount) FROM interval_statistics")
+ pktCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT packetCount FROM file_statistics")
+ if sumPayloadCount and pktCount:
+ payloadRatio=0
+ if(pktCount[0][0]!=0):
+ payloadRatio = float(sumPayloadCount[0][0] / pktCount[0][0] * 100)
+ else:
+ payloadRatio = -1
+ ####### TCP checksum Tests #######
+ incorrectChecksumCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT sum(incorrectTCPChecksumCount) FROM interval_statistics")
+ correctChecksumCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT avg(correctTCPChecksumCount) FROM interval_statistics")
+ if incorrectChecksumCount and correctChecksumCount:
+ incorrectChecksumRatio=0
+ if(incorrectChecksumCount[0][0] + correctChecksumCount[0][0])!=0:
+ incorrectChecksumRatio = float(incorrectChecksumCount[0][0] / (incorrectChecksumCount[0][0] + correctChecksumCount[0][0] ) * 100)
+ else:
+ incorrectChecksumRatio = -1
+ ####### IP Src & Dst Tests #######
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT ipAddress,pktsSent,pktsReceived FROM ip_statistics")
+ data, srcFrequency, dstFrequency = [], [], []
+ if result:
+ for row in result:
+ srcFrequency.append(row[1])
+ dstFrequency.append(row[2])
+ ipSrcEntropy, ipSrcNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(srcFrequency, True)
+ ipDstEntropy, ipDstNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(dstFrequency, True)
+ newIPCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT newIPCount FROM interval_statistics")
+ ipNovelsPerInterval, ipNovelsPerIntervalFrequency = count_frequncy(newIPCount)
+ ipNoveltyDistEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(ipNovelsPerIntervalFrequency)
+ ####### Ports Tests #######
+ port0Count = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT SUM(portCount) FROM ip_ports WHERE portNumber = 0")
+ if not port0Count[0][0]:
+ port0Count = 0
+ else:
+ port0Count = port0Count[0][0]
+ reservedPortCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT SUM(portCount) FROM ip_ports WHERE portNumber IN (100,114,1023,1024,49151,49152,65535)")# could be extended
+ if not reservedPortCount[0][0]:
+ reservedPortCount = 0
+ else:
+ reservedPortCount = reservedPortCount[0][0]
+ ####### TTL Tests #######
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT ttlValue,SUM(ttlCount) FROM ip_ttl GROUP BY ttlValue")
+ data, frequency = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ frequency.append(row[1])
+ ttlEntropy, ttlNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(frequency,True)
+ newTTLCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT newTTLCount FROM interval_statistics")
+ ttlNovelsPerInterval, ttlNovelsPerIntervalFrequency = count_frequncy(newTTLCount)
+ ttlNoveltyDistEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(ttlNovelsPerIntervalFrequency)
+ ####### Window Size Tests #######
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT winSize,SUM(winCount) FROM tcp_win GROUP BY winSize")
+ data, frequency = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ frequency.append(row[1])
+ winEntropy, winNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(frequency, True)
+ newWinSizeCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT newWinSizeCount FROM interval_statistics")
+ winNovelsPerInterval, winNovelsPerIntervalFrequency = count_frequncy(newWinSizeCount)
+ winNoveltyDistEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(winNovelsPerIntervalFrequency)
+ ####### ToS Tests #######
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT tosValue,SUM(tosCount) FROM ip_tos GROUP BY tosValue")
+ data, frequency = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ frequency.append(row[1])
+ tosEntropy, tosNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(frequency, True)
+ newToSCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT newToSCount FROM interval_statistics")
+ tosNovelsPerInterval, tosNovelsPerIntervalFrequency = count_frequncy(newToSCount)
+ tosNoveltyDistEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(tosNovelsPerIntervalFrequency)
+ ####### MSS Tests #######
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT mssValue,SUM(mssCount) FROM tcp_mss GROUP BY mssValue")
+ data, frequency = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ frequency.append(row[1])
+ mssEntropy, mssNormEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(frequency, True)
+ newMSSCount = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT newMSSCount FROM interval_statistics")
+ mssNovelsPerInterval, mssNovelsPerIntervalFrequency = count_frequncy(newMSSCount)
+ mssNoveltyDistEntropy = self.calculate_entropy(mssNovelsPerIntervalFrequency)
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query("SELECT SUM(mssCount) FROM tcp_mss WHERE mssValue > 1460")
+ # The most used MSS < 1460. Calculate the ratio of the values bigger that 1460.
+ if not result[0][0]:
+ result = 0
+ else:
+ result = result[0][0]
+ bigMSS = (result / sum(frequency)) * 100
+ output = []
+ if self.do_extra_tests:
+ output = [("Payload ratio", payloadRatio, "%"),
+ ("Incorrect TCP checksum ratio", incorrectChecksumRatio, "%")]
+ output = output + [("# IP addresses", sum([x[0] for x in newIPCount]), ""),
+ ("IP Src Entropy", ipSrcEntropy, ""),
+ ("IP Src Normalized Entropy", ipSrcNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("IP Dst Entropy", ipDstEntropy, ""),
+ ("IP Dst Normalized Entropy", ipDstNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("IP Novelty Distribution Entropy", ipNoveltyDistEntropy, ""),
+ ("# TTL values", sum([x[0] for x in newTTLCount]), ""),
+ ("TTL Entropy", ttlEntropy, ""),
+ ("TTL Normalized Entropy", ttlNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("TTL Novelty Distribution Entropy", ttlNoveltyDistEntropy, ""),
+ ("# WinSize values", sum([x[0] for x in newWinSizeCount]), ""),
+ ("WinSize Entropy", winEntropy, ""),
+ ("WinSize Normalized Entropy", winNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("WinSize Novelty Distribution Entropy", winNoveltyDistEntropy, ""),
+ ("# ToS values", sum([x[0] for x in newToSCount]), ""),
+ ("ToS Entropy", tosEntropy, ""),
+ ("ToS Normalized Entropy", tosNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("ToS Novelty Distribution Entropy", tosNoveltyDistEntropy, ""),
+ ("# MSS values", sum([x[0] for x in newMSSCount]), ""),
+ ("MSS Entropy", mssEntropy, ""),
+ ("MSS Normalized Entropy", mssNormEntropy, ""),
+ ("MSS Novelty Distribution Entropy", mssNoveltyDistEntropy, ""),
+ ("======================","","")]
+ # Reasoning the statistics values
+ if self.do_extra_tests:
+ if payloadRatio > 80:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Too high payload ratio", payloadRatio, "%."))
+ if payloadRatio < 30:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Too low payload ratio", payloadRatio, "% (Injecting attacks that are carried out in the packet payloads is not recommmanded)."))
+ if incorrectChecksumRatio > 5:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High incorrect TCP checksum ratio",incorrectChecksumRatio,"%."))
+ if ipSrcNormEntropy > 0.65:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High IP source normalized entropy",ipSrcNormEntropy,"."))
+ if ipSrcNormEntropy < 0.2:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low IP source normalized entropy", ipSrcNormEntropy, "."))
+ if ipDstNormEntropy > 0.65:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High IP destination normalized entropy", ipDstNormEntropy, "."))
+ if ipDstNormEntropy < 0.2:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low IP destination normalized entropy", ipDstNormEntropy, "."))
+ if ttlNormEntropy > 0.65:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High TTL normalized entropy", ttlNormEntropy, "."))
+ if ttlNormEntropy < 0.2:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low TTL normalized entropy", ttlNormEntropy, "."))
+ if ttlNoveltyDistEntropy < 1:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Too low TTL novelty distribution entropy", ttlNoveltyDistEntropy,
+ "(The distribution of the novel TTL values is suspicious)."))
+ if winNormEntropy > 0.6:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High Window Size normalized entropy", winNormEntropy, "."))
+ if winNormEntropy < 0.1:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low Window Size normalized entropy", winNormEntropy, "."))
+ if winNoveltyDistEntropy < 4:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low Window Size novelty distribution entropy", winNoveltyDistEntropy,
+ "(The distribution of the novel Window Size values is suspicious)."))
+ if tosNormEntropy > 0.4:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High ToS normalized entropy", tosNormEntropy, "."))
+ if tosNormEntropy < 0.1:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low ToS normalized entropy", tosNormEntropy, "."))
+ if tosNoveltyDistEntropy < 0.5:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low ToS novelty distribution entropy", tosNoveltyDistEntropy,
+ "(The distribution of the novel ToS values is suspicious)."))
+ if mssNormEntropy > 0.4:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High MSS normalized entropy", mssNormEntropy, "."))
+ if mssNormEntropy < 0.1:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low MSS normalized entropy", mssNormEntropy, "."))
+ if mssNoveltyDistEntropy < 0.5:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Low MSS novelty distribution entropy", mssNoveltyDistEntropy,
+ "(The distribution of the novel MSS values is suspicious)."))
+ if bigMSS > 50:
+ output.append(("WARNING: High ratio of MSS > 1460", bigMSS, "% (High fragmentation rate in Ethernet)."))
+ if port0Count > 0:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Port number 0 is used in ",port0Count,"packets (awkward-looking port)."))
+ if reservedPortCount > 0:
+ output.append(("WARNING: Reserved port numbers are used in ",reservedPortCount,"packets (uncommonly-used ports)."))
+ return output
+ def write_statistics_to_file(self):
+ """
+ Writes the calculated basic statistics into a file.
+ """
+ def _write_header(title: str):
+ """
+ Writes the section header into the open file.
+ :param title: The section title
+ """
+ target.write("====================== \n")
+ target.write(title + " \n")
+ target.write("====================== \n")
+ target = open(self.pcap_filepath + ".stat", 'w')
+ target.truncate()
+ _write_header("PCAP file information")
+ Statistics.write_list(self.get_file_information(), target.write)
+ _write_header("General statistics")
+ Statistics.write_list(self.get_general_file_statistics(), target.write)
+ _write_header("Tests statistics")
+ Statistics.write_list(self.get_tests_statistics(), target.write)
+ target.close()
+ def get_capture_duration(self):
+ """
+ :return: The duration of the capture in seconds
+ """
+ return self.file_info['captureDuration']
+ def get_pcap_timestamp_start(self):
+ """
+ :return: The timestamp of the first packet in the PCAP file
+ """
+ return self.file_info['timestampFirstPacket']
+ def get_pcap_timestamp_end(self):
+ """
+ :return: The timestamp of the last packet in the PCAP file
+ """
+ return self.file_info['timestampLastPacket']
+ def get_pps_sent(self, ip_address: str):
+ """
+ Calculates the sent packets per seconds for a given IP address.
+ :param ip_address: The IP address whose packets per second should be calculated
+ :return: The sent packets per seconds for the given IP address
+ """
+ packets_sent = self.stats_db.process_db_query("SELECT pktsSent from ip_statistics WHERE ipAddress=?", False,
+ (ip_address,))
+ capture_duration = float(self.get_capture_duration())
+ return int(float(packets_sent) / capture_duration)
+ def get_pps_received(self, ip_address: str):
+ """
+ Calculate the packets per second received for a given IP address.
+ :param ip_address: The IP address used for the calculation
+ :return: The number of packets per second received
+ """
+ packets_received = self.stats_db.process_db_query("SELECT pktsReceived FROM ip_statistics WHERE ipAddress=?",
+ False,
+ (ip_address,))
+ capture_duration = float(self.get_capture_duration())
+ return int(float(packets_received) / capture_duration)
+ def get_packet_count(self):
+ """
+ :return: The number of packets in the loaded PCAP file
+ """
+ return self.file_info['packetCount']
+ def get_most_used_ip_address(self):
+ """
+ :return: The IP address/addresses with the highest sum of packets sent and received
+ """
+ return self.process_db_query("most_used(ipAddress)")
+ def get_ttl_distribution(self, ipAddress: str):
+ result = self.process_db_query('SELECT ttlValue, ttlCount from ip_ttl WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '"')
+ result_dict = {key: value for (key, value) in result}
+ return result_dict
+ def get_mss_distribution(self, ipAddress: str):
+ result = self.process_db_query('SELECT mssValue, mssCount from tcp_mss WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '"')
+ result_dict = {key: value for (key, value) in result}
+ return result_dict
+ def get_win_distribution(self, ipAddress: str):
+ result = self.process_db_query('SELECT winSize, winCount from tcp_win WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '"')
+ result_dict = {key: value for (key, value) in result}
+ return result_dict
+ def get_tos_distribution(self, ipAddress: str):
+ result = self.process_db_query('SELECT tosValue, tosCount from ip_tos WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '"')
+ result_dict = {key: value for (key, value) in result}
+ return result_dict
+ def get_ip_address_count(self):
+ return self.process_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ip_statistics")
+ def get_ip_addresses(self):
+ return self.process_db_query("SELECT ipAddress FROM ip_statistics")
+ def get_random_ip_address(self, count: int = 1):
+ """
+ :param count: The number of IP addreses to return
+ :return: A randomly chosen IP address from the dataset or iff param count is greater than one, a list of randomly
+ chosen IP addresses
+ """
+ if count == 1:
+ return self.process_db_query("random(all(ipAddress))")
+ else:
+ ip_address_list = []
+ for i in range(0, count):
+ ip_address_list.append(self.process_db_query("random(all(ipAddress))"))
+ return ip_address_list
+ def get_ip_address_from_mac(self, macAddress: str):
+ """
+ :param macAddress: the MAC address of which the IP shall be returned, if existing in DB
+ :return: the IP address used in the dataset by a given MAC address
+ """
+ return self.process_db_query('ipAddress(macAddress=' + macAddress + ")")
+ def get_mac_address(self, ipAddress: str):
+ """
+ :return: The MAC address used in the dataset for the given IP address.
+ """
+ return self.process_db_query('macAddress(ipAddress=' + ipAddress + ")")
+ def get_most_used_mss(self, ipAddress: str):
+ """
+ :param ipAddress: The IP address whose used MSS should be determined
+ :return: The TCP MSS value used by the IP address, or if the IP addresses never specified a MSS,
+ then None is returned
+ """
+ mss_value = self.process_db_query('SELECT mssValue from tcp_mss WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '" ORDER BY mssCount DESC LIMIT 1')
+ if isinstance(mss_value, int):
+ return mss_value
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_most_used_ttl(self, ipAddress: str):
+ """
+ :param ipAddress: The IP address whose used TTL should be determined
+ :return: The TTL value used by the IP address, or if the IP addresses never specified a TTL,
+ then None is returned
+ """
+ ttl_value = self.process_db_query(
+ 'SELECT ttlValue from ip_ttl WHERE ipAddress="' + ipAddress + '" ORDER BY ttlCount DESC LIMIT 1')
+ if isinstance(ttl_value, int):
+ return ttl_value
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_statistics_database(self):
+ """
+ :return: A reference to the statistics database object
+ """
+ return self.stats_db
+ def process_db_query(self, query_string_in: str, print_results: bool = False):
+ """
+ Executes a string identified previously as a query. This can be a standard SQL SELECT/INSERT query or a named
+ query.
+ :param query_string_in: The query to be processed
+ :param print_results: Indicates whether the results should be printed to terminal
+ :return: The result of the query
+ """
+ return self.stats_db.process_db_query(query_string_in, print_results)
+ def is_query(self, value: str):
+ """
+ Checks whether the given string is a standard SQL query (SELECT, INSERT) or a named query.
+ :param value: The string to be checked
+ :return: True if the string is recognized as a query, otherwise False.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return (any(x in value.lower().strip() for x in self.stats_db.get_all_named_query_keywords()) or
+ any(x in value.lower().strip() for x in self.stats_db.get_all_sql_query_keywords()))
+ def calculate_standard_deviation(self, lst):
+ """
+ Calculates the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
+ :param lst: The list of numbers to calculate its SD.
+ """
+ num_items = len(lst)
+ mean = sum(lst) / num_items
+ differences = [x - mean for x in lst]
+ sq_differences = [d ** 2 for d in differences]
+ ssd = sum(sq_differences)
+ variance = ssd / num_items
+ sd = sqrt(variance)
+ return sd
+ def plot_statistics(self, format: str = 'pdf'): #'png'
+ """
+ Plots the statistics associated with the dataset.
+ :param format: The format to be used to save the statistics diagrams.
+ """
+ def plot_distribution(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in queryOutput:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title(title)
+ plt.xlabel(xLabel)
+ plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+ width = 0.1
+ plt.xlim([0, max(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ plt.bar(graphx, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-' + title + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out,dpi=500)
+ return out
+ def plot_ttl(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT ttlValue, SUM(ttlCount) FROM ip_ttl GROUP BY ttlValue")
+ title = "TTL Distribution"
+ xLabel = "TTL Value"
+ yLabel = "Number of Packets"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_distribution(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_mss(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT mssValue, SUM(mssCount) FROM tcp_mss GROUP BY mssValue")
+ title = "MSS Distribution"
+ xLabel = "MSS Value"
+ yLabel = "Number of Packets"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_distribution(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_win(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT winSize, SUM(winCount) FROM tcp_win GROUP BY winSize")
+ title = "Window Size Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Window Size"
+ yLabel = "Number of Packets"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_distribution(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_protocol(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT protocolName, SUM(protocolCount) FROM ip_protocols GROUP BY protocolName")
+ if (result):
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Protocols Distribution")
+ plt.xlabel('Protocols')
+ plt.ylabel('Number of Packets')
+ width = 0.1
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # Protocols' names on x-axis
+ x = range(0,len(graphx))
+ my_xticks = graphx
+ plt.xticks(x, my_xticks)
+ plt.bar(x, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-protocol' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out,dpi=500)
+ return out
+ else:
+ print("Error plot protocol: No protocol values found!")
+ def plot_port(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT portNumber, SUM(portCount) FROM ip_ports GROUP BY portNumber")
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Ports Distribution")
+ plt.xlabel('Ports Numbers')
+ plt.ylabel('Number of Packets')
+ width = 0.1
+ plt.xlim([0, max(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ plt.bar(graphx, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-port' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out,dpi=500)
+ return out
+ # This distribution is not drawable for big datasets
+ def plot_ip_src(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT ipAddress, pktsSent FROM ip_statistics")
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Source IP Distribution")
+ plt.xlabel('Source IP')
+ plt.ylabel('Number of Packets')
+ width = 0.1
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # IPs on x-axis
+ x = range(0, len(graphx))
+ my_xticks = graphx
+ plt.xticks(x, my_xticks, rotation='vertical', fontsize=5)
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ # limit the number of xticks
+ plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=20)
+ plt.bar(x, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-ip-src' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out, dpi=500)
+ return out
+ # This distribution is not drawable for big datasets
+ def plot_ip_dst(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT ipAddress, pktsReceived FROM ip_statistics")
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Destination IP Distribution")
+ plt.xlabel('Destination IP')
+ plt.ylabel('Number of Packets')
+ width = 0.1
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # IPs on x-axis
+ x = range(0, len(graphx))
+ my_xticks = graphx
+ plt.xticks(x, my_xticks, rotation='vertical', fontsize=5)
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ # limit the number of xticks
+ plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=20)
+ plt.bar(x, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-ip-dst' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out, dpi=500)
+ return out
+ def plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in queryOutput:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title(title)
+ plt.xlabel(xLabel)
+ plt.ylabel(yLabel)
+ width = 0.5
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # timestamp on x-axis
+ x = range(0, len(graphx))
+ # limit the number of xticks
+ plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=20)
+ plt.bar(x, graphy, width, align='center', linewidth=1, color='red', edgecolor='red')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-' + title + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out, dpi=500)
+ return out
+ def plot_interval_pktCount(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, pktsCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "Packet Rate"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Number of Packets"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_ip_src_ent(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, ipSrcEntropy FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "Source IP Entropy"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Entropy"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_ip_dst_ent(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, ipDstEntropy FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "Destination IP Entropy"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Entropy"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_ip(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newIPCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "IP Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_port(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newPortCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "Port Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_ttl(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newTTLCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "TTL Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_tos(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newToSCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "ToS Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_win_size(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newWinSizeCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "Window Size Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_new_mss(file_ending: str):
+ queryOutput = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, newMSSCount FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ title = "MSS Novelty Distribution"
+ xLabel = "Time Interval"
+ yLabel = "Novel values count"
+ if queryOutput:
+ return plot_interval_statistics(queryOutput, title, xLabel, yLabel, file_ending)
+ def plot_interval_ip_dst_cum_ent(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, ipDstCumEntropy FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ # If entropy was not calculated do not plot the graph
+ if graphy[0] != -1:
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Destination IP Cumulative Entropy")
+ # plt.xlabel('Timestamp')
+ plt.xlabel('Time Interval')
+ plt.ylabel('Entropy')
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # timestamp on x-axis
+ x = range(0, len(graphx))
+ # my_xticks = graphx
+ # plt.xticks(x, my_xticks, rotation='vertical', fontsize=5)
+ # plt.tight_layout()
+ # limit the number of xticks
+ plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=20)
+ plt.plot(x, graphy, 'r')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-interval-ip-dst-cum-ent' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out, dpi=500)
+ return out
+ def plot_interval_ip_src_cum_ent(file_ending: str):
+ plt.gcf().clear()
+ result = self.stats_db._process_user_defined_query(
+ "SELECT lastPktTimestamp, ipSrcCumEntropy FROM interval_statistics ORDER BY lastPktTimestamp")
+ graphx, graphy = [], []
+ for row in result:
+ graphx.append(row[0])
+ graphy.append(row[1])
+ # If entropy was not calculated do not plot the graph
+ if graphy[0] != -1:
+ plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
+ plt.title("Source IP Cumulative Entropy")
+ # plt.xlabel('Timestamp')
+ plt.xlabel('Time Interval')
+ plt.ylabel('Entropy')
+ plt.xlim([0, len(graphx)])
+ plt.grid(True)
+ # timestamp on x-axis
+ x = range(0, len(graphx))
+ # my_xticks = graphx
+ # plt.xticks(x, my_xticks, rotation='vertical', fontsize=5)
+ # plt.tight_layout()
+ # limit the number of xticks
+ plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=20)
+ plt.plot(x, graphy, 'r')
+ out = self.pcap_filepath.replace('.pcap', '_plot-interval-ip-src-cum-ent' + file_ending)
+ plt.savefig(out, dpi=500)
+ return out
+ ttl_out_path = plot_ttl('.' + format)
+ mss_out_path = plot_mss('.' + format)
+ win_out_path = plot_win('.' + format)
+ protocol_out_path = plot_protocol('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_pktCount = plot_interval_pktCount('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_ip_src_ent = plot_interval_ip_src_ent('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_ip_dst_ent = plot_interval_ip_dst_ent('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_ip_src_cum_ent = plot_interval_ip_src_cum_ent('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_ip_dst_cum_ent = plot_interval_ip_dst_cum_ent('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_ip = plot_interval_new_ip('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_port = plot_interval_new_port('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_ttl = plot_interval_new_ttl('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_tos = plot_interval_new_tos('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_win_size = plot_interval_new_win_size('.' + format)
+ plot_interval_new_mss = plot_interval_new_mss('.' + format)
+ ## Time consuming plot
+ # port_out_path = plot_port('.' + format)
+ ## Not drawable for too many IPs
+ # ip_src_out_path = plot_ip_src('.' + format)
+ # ip_dst_out_path = plot_ip_dst('.' + format)
+ print("Saved plots in the input PCAP directory.")