Forráskód Böngészése

does not work yet, error while creating a new DB

Joshua 6 éve

+ 49 - 18

@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import os
 from Attack import BaseAttack
 from Attack.AttackParameters import Parameter as Param
 from Attack.AttackParameters import ParameterTypes
+# from ID2TLib import PcapFile
+# from ID2TLib.PcapFile import PcapFile
 class MessageType(Enum):
@@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ from ID2TLib import FileUtils, Generator
 from ID2TLib.PcapAddressOperations import PcapAddressOperations
 from ID2TLib.CommunicationProcessor import CommunicationProcessor
 from ID2TLib.Botnet.MessageMapping import MessageMapping
+from ID2TLib.PcapFile import PcapFile
+from ID2TLib.Statistics import Statistics
 class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
@@ -72,12 +76,12 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         # Initialize communication
-        super(MembersMgmtCommAttack, self).__init__("Membership Management Communication Attack (MembersMgmtCommAttack)", 
+        super(MembersMgmtCommAttack, self).__init__("Membership Management Communication Attack (MembersMgmtCommAttack)",
                                         "Injects Membership Management Communication", "Botnet communication")
         # Define allowed parameters and their type
         self.supported_params = {
-            # parameters regarding attack 
+            # parameters regarding attack
             Param.INJECT_AT_TIMESTAMP: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FLOAT,
             Param.INJECT_AFTER_PACKET: ParameterTypes.TYPE_PACKET_POSITION,
             Param.PACKETS_PER_SECOND: ParameterTypes.TYPE_FLOAT,
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
     def init_params(self):
         Initialize some parameters of this communication-attack using the user supplied command line parameters.
-        The remaining parameters are implicitly set in the provided data file. Note: the timestamps in the file 
+        The remaining parameters are implicitly set in the provided data file. Note: the timestamps in the file
         have to be sorted in ascending order
         :param statistics: Reference to a statistics object.
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         self.add_param_value(Param.PACKET_PADDING, 20)
     def generate_attack_pcap(self, context):
         # create the final messages that have to be sent, including all bot configurations
         messages = self._create_messages(context)
@@ -180,17 +184,17 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             duration = msg.time - messages[0].time
             # if total number of packets has been sent or the attack duration has been exceeded, stop
-            if ((limit_packetcount is not None and total_pkts >= limit_packetcount) or 
+            if ((limit_packetcount is not None and total_pkts >= limit_packetcount) or
                     (limit_duration is not None and duration >= limit_duration)):
             # if the type of the message is a NL reply, determine the number of entries
-            nl_size = 0     
+            nl_size = 0
             if msg.type == MessageType.SALITY_NL_REPLY:
-                nl_size = randint(1, 25)    # what is max NL entries? 
+                nl_size = randint(1, 25)    # what is max NL entries?
             # create suitable IP/UDP packet and add to packets list
-            packet = pkt_gen.generate_mmcom_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst, 
+            packet = pkt_gen.generate_mmcom_packet(ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst, ttl=ttl, mac_src=mac_src, mac_dst=mac_dst,
                 port_src=port_src, port_dst=port_dst, message_type=msg.type, neighborlist_entries=nl_size)
             Generator.add_padding(packet, padding,True, True)
@@ -236,7 +240,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             :param new_ips: the newly generated IPs that should be assigned to some, or all, IDs
             :param bot_configs: the existing configurations for the bots
             :param idtype: the locality type of the IDs
-            :param router_mac: the MAC address of the router in the PCAP 
+            :param router_mac: the MAC address of the router in the PCAP
             ids = ids_to_add.copy()
@@ -292,6 +296,31 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
                          bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = self.statistics.process_db_query("most_used(ttlValue)")
+        def assign_realworld_ttls(bot_configs):
+            '''
+            Assigns realistic ttl values to each bot from a realworld pcap file.
+            :param bot_configs: the existing configurations for the bots
+            '''
+            # create a PcapFile
+            pcap = PcapFile("resources/oc48-mfn.dirB.20030424-074500.UTC.anon.pcap")
+            # create new instance of an Statistics Object
+            stat = Statistics(pcap)
+            # recalculate the statistic, because there doesn't exist one
+            stat.load_pcap_statistics(False, True, False) # does not work! Why? Won't create DB
+            bot_ttl_dist = stat.get_ttl_distribution("*")
+            # assign local and external TTL randomly
+            for pos,bot in enumerate(sorted(bot_configs.keys())):
+                bot_type = bot_configs[bot]["Type"]
+                if bot_type == "local":
+                    bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = 128
+                else:
+                    source_ttl_prob_dict = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(bot_ttl_dist)
+                    bot_configs[bot]["TTL"] = source_ttl_prob_dict.random()
         def add_delay(timestamp: float, minDelay: float, delay: float):
@@ -337,7 +366,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         # prefer XML input over CSV input (in case both are given)
         if filepath_csv and filepath_xml == self.DEFAULT_XML_PATH:
-            filepath_xml = FileUtils.parse_csv_to_xml(filepath_csv) 
+            filepath_xml = FileUtils.parse_csv_to_xml(filepath_csv)
             filepath_xml = move_xml_to_outdir(filepath_xml)
@@ -391,14 +420,14 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         number_local_ids, number_external_ids = len(local_ids), len(external_ids)
         # assign addresses for local IDs
         if number_local_ids > 0:
-            reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * number_local_ids) 
+            reuse_count_local = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_local * number_local_ids)
             existing_local_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_existing_local_ips(reuse_count_local))
             new_local_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_new_local_ips(number_local_ids - len(existing_local_ips)))
             add_ids_to_config(sorted(local_ids), existing_local_ips, new_local_ips, bot_configs)
         # assign addresses for external IDs
         if number_external_ids > 0:
-            reuse_count_external = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_external * number_external_ids) 
+            reuse_count_external = int(reuse_percent_total * reuse_percent_external * number_external_ids)
             existing_external_ips = sorted(pcapops.get_existing_external_ips(reuse_count_external))
             remaining = len(external_ids) - len(existing_external_ips)
             new_external_ips = sorted([ipgen.random_ip() for _ in range(remaining)])
@@ -435,8 +464,8 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
                 if int(req_msg.src) < int(req_msg.dst):
                     hello_time = hello_times[(req_msg.src, req_msg.dst)]
-                    hello_time = hello_times[(req_msg.dst, req_msg.src)] 
+                    hello_time = hello_times[(req_msg.dst, req_msg.src)]
                 if next_timestamp < hello_time:
                     # use the time of the hello_reply instead of next_timestamp to update this pair of messages
                     post_hello = add_delay(hello_time, minDelay, equi_timeslice)
@@ -461,7 +490,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
                     hello_times[(req_msg.src, req_msg.dst)] = respns_msg.time
                     hello_times[(req_msg.dst, req_msg.src)] = respns_msg.time
         # create port configurations for the bots
         for bot in bot_configs:
             bot_configs[bot]["Port"] = Generator.gen_random_server_port()
@@ -471,6 +500,8 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         # assign realistic TTL for every bot
+        # assign_realworld_ttls(bot_configs)
         # put together the final messages including the full sender and receiver
         # configurations (i.e. IP, MAC, port, ...) for easier later use
         final_messages = []
@@ -484,7 +515,7 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
             # sort out messages that do not have a suitable locality setting
             if type_src == "external" and type_dst == "external":
             msg.src, msg.dst = bot_configs[id_src], bot_configs[id_dst]
             msg.src["ID"], msg.dst["ID"] = id_src, id_dst
             msg.msg_id = new_id
@@ -504,4 +535,4 @@ class MembersMgmtCommAttack(BaseAttack.BaseAttack):
         ts_last_date = datetime.strptime(self.statistics.get_pcap_timestamp_end(), ts_date_format)
         diff_date = ts_last_date - ts_first_date
         duration = "%d.%d" % (diff_date.total_seconds(), diff_date.microseconds)
-        return duration
+        return duration

+ 1 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def gatherInformationOfIpA(ipToCheck):
     countryFound = False
     sourceFound = False
-    # execute a shell command and save it to t
+    # execute 'whois' on the command line and save output to t
     t =['whois', ipToCheck], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
     # save generated output of shell command to a file

+ 4 - 4

@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ class Statistics:
                 "SELECT ipAddressA, Count(DISTINCT ipAddressB) FROM ip_ports JOIN conv_statistics ON ipAddress = ipAddressA WHERE portDirection=\'in\' AND portNumber = portA GROUP BY ipAddress " +
                 "UNION " +
                 "SELECT ipAddressB, Count(DISTINCT ipAddressA) FROM ip_ports JOIN conv_statistics ON ipAddress = ipAddressB WHERE portDirection=\'in\' AND portNumber = portB GROUP BY ipAddress")
         #Because of the structure of the database, there could be 2 entries for the same IP Address, therefore accumulate their sums
         in_degree = self.filter_multiples(in_degree_raw)
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ class Statistics:
         filtered_entries = []
         done = []
-        for p1 in entries:       
+        for p1 in entries:
             added = False
             if p1 in done:
@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ class Statistics:
                 # compute plot height in inches
                 dist_mult_height, dist_mult_width = 0.55, 0.07  # these values turned out to work well
                 plt_height, plt_width = len(graphy) * dist_mult_height, max(graphx) * dist_mult_width
-                title_distance = 1 + 0.012*52.8/plt_height  # orginally, a good title distance turned out to be 1.012 with a plot height of 52.8 
+                title_distance = 1 + 0.012*52.8/plt_height  # orginally, a good title distance turned out to be 1.012 with a plot height of 52.8
                 # have x axis and its label appear at the top (instead of bottom)
                 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ class Statistics:
                 width = 0.5
-                plt.gca().margins(y=0)  # removes the space between data and x-axis within the plot 
+                plt.gca().margins(y=0)  # removes the space between data and x-axis within the plot
                 plt.gcf().set_size_inches(plt_width, plt_height)  # set plot size
                 # plot the above data, first use plain numbers as graphy to maintain sorting