using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Kinect = Windows.Kinect; using Valve.VR; public class BodyComparer : MonoBehaviour { public BodySourceView bsv; public ViveInput viveInput; private List jointsDataDemo = new List(); private List recordingTimesDemo = new List(); // For saving to CSV private List> posJointsDemos = new List>(); private List> posJointsBodys = new List>(); private List csvTimes = new List(); private bool isComparing; public bool endStepsPressed; private void Update() { if (!isComparing) return; if (SteamVR_Actions.default_GrabPinch.GetStateDown(SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { isComparing = false; endStepsPressed = true; } } public void SetDataDemo(List jointsDataDemo, List recordingTimesDemo) { this.jointsDataDemo = jointsDataDemo; this.recordingTimesDemo = recordingTimesDemo; } public IEnumerator StartCompare() { if (bsv.body == null) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(3); yield break; } isComparing = true; for (int i = 0; i < jointsDataDemo.Count; i++) { Transform body = bsv.body.transform; List oneBodyDemo = new List(); List oneBodyReal = new List(); for (Kinect.JointType jt = Kinect.JointType.SpineBase; jt <= Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight; jt++) { // Skip these joints if (jt == Kinect.JointType.Head || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipRight) continue; JointsData jd = jointsDataDemo[i]; Vector3 posJointDemo = new Vector3(jd.jointsPositionsX[(int)jt], jd.jointsPositionsY[(int)jt], jd.jointsPositionsZ[(int)jt]); Vector3 posJointBody = body.GetChild((int)jt).position; // Save positions demo and real body oneBodyDemo.Add(posJointDemo); oneBodyReal.Add(posJointBody); float distance = (posJointBody - posJointDemo).magnitude; if (distance > 0.15f) { body.GetChild((int)jt).GetComponent().material.color =; // TODO: Haptic feedback if (jt == Kinect.JointType.WristLeft) { SteamVR_Actions.default_Haptic[SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand].Execute(0, 0.01f, 10, 1); } else if (jt == Kinect.JointType.WristRight) { SteamVR_Actions.default_Haptic[SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand].Execute(0, 0.01f, 10, 1); } else if (jt == Kinect.JointType.AnkleLeft) { SteamVR_Actions.default_Haptic[SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftFoot].Execute(0, 0.01f, 10, 1); } else if (jt == Kinect.JointType.AnkleRight) { SteamVR_Actions.default_Haptic[SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightFoot].Execute(0, 0.01f, 10, 1); } } else { body.GetChild((int)jt).GetComponent().material.color = Color.white; } } // Save it to csv later posJointsDemos.Add(oneBodyDemo); posJointsBodys.Add(oneBodyReal); csvTimes.Add(viveInput.csvTime); // If pressed stop, end immediately and save last to csv if (!isComparing) { for (int j = i + 1; j < jointsDataDemo.Count; j++) { List oneBodyDemo2 = new List(); for (Kinect.JointType jt = Kinect.JointType.SpineBase; jt <= Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight; jt++) { // Skip these joints if (jt == Kinect.JointType.Head || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipRight) continue; JointsData jd = jointsDataDemo[j]; Vector3 posJointDemo = new Vector3(jd.jointsPositionsX[(int)jt], jd.jointsPositionsY[(int)jt], jd.jointsPositionsZ[(int)jt]); // Save positions demo and real body oneBodyDemo2.Add(posJointDemo); } // Save it to csv later posJointsDemos.Add(oneBodyDemo2); posJointsBodys.Add(oneBodyReal); csvTimes.Add(viveInput.csvTime); } // Make all joints white Transform bodyEnd2 = bsv.body.transform; for (Kinect.JointType jt = Kinect.JointType.SpineBase; jt <= Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight; jt++) { // Skip these joints if (jt == Kinect.JointType.Head || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipRight) continue; bodyEnd2.GetChild((int)jt).GetComponent().material.color = Color.white; } yield break; } float waitTime = 0; if (isComparing && i < recordingTimesDemo.Count - 1) { waitTime = recordingTimesDemo[i + 1] - recordingTimesDemo[i]; } yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime); } isComparing = false; // Make all joints white Transform bodyEnd = bsv.body.transform; for (Kinect.JointType jt = Kinect.JointType.SpineBase; jt <= Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight; jt++) { // Skip these joints if (jt == Kinect.JointType.Head || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.ThumbRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandRight || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.HandTipRight) continue; bodyEnd.GetChild((int)jt).GetComponent().material.color = Color.white; } } public void WriteCSV() { Debug.Log("Save to CSV"); CSVWriter.WriteCSV(posJointsDemos, posJointsBodys, csvTimes); } }