import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from logger import log class Config: 'Configuration Class for File Paths' Original_Path = "" Moved_Path = "" Dialogs = 0 Trial = "" Share_Btn_X = 0 Share_Btn_Y = 0 Water_Mark_Btn_X = 0 Water_Mark_Btn_Y = 0 log = log() def read_config(self):'Reading configuration file') tree = ET.parse('configuration.xml') root = tree.getroot() #Get the folder path where the files are present path = root.find('Path') if path == "":'Failed to read the file path attribute') return 0 Config.Original_Path = path.get('path1') if Config.Original_Path == "":'Failed to read the file path') return 0 #Get the folder path where files are to be moved move_path = root.find('MovePath') if move_path == "":'Failed to read the copy file path attribute') return 0 Config.Moved_Path = move_path.get('path2') if Config.Moved_Path == "":'Failed to read the copy file path') return 0 #Get the no. of dialogs screens during coversion no_screens = root.find('No_Screens') if no_screens == "": log.logger.error('Failed to read the no. of dialog box attribute') return 0 Config.Dialogs = no_screens.get('dialog') if Config.Dialogs == "": log.logger.error('Failed to read the no. of dialog boxes') return 0 Config.Dialogs = int(Config.Dialogs) #Get if Camtasia has Trial license trial = root.find('TRIAL') if trial == "": log.logger.error('Failed to read the trial license attribute') return 0 Config.Trial = trial.get('trial') if Config.Trial == "": log.logger.error('Failed to read the trial license value') return 0 #Get the co-ordinates of the share button share_btn = root.find('Share_BTN_COOR') Config.Share_Btn_X = share_btn.get('x') Config.Share_Btn_X = int(Config.Share_Btn_X) Config.Share_Btn_Y = share_btn.get('y') Config.Share_Btn_Y = int(Config.Share_Btn_Y) #Get the co-ordinates Watermark watermark_btn = root.find('WATER_MARK_COOR') Config.Water_Mark_Btn_X = watermark_btn.get('x') Config.Water_Mark_Btn_X = int(Config.Water_Mark_Btn_X) Config.Water_Mark_Btn_Y = watermark_btn.get('y') Config.Water_Mark_Btn_Y = int(Config.Water_Mark_Btn_Y) return 1 def get_Moved_Path(self): return Config.Moved_Path def get_Original_Path(self): return Config.Original_Path