package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Optional; import org.graphstream.graph.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonBar.ButtonData; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType; import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox; import javafx.scene.control.ContextMenu; import javafx.scene.control.Dialog; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellEditEvent; import javafx.scene.control.TableRow; import javafx.scene.control.TableView; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.util.Callback; /** * Manager for the Properties pane and its contents. * * @author Julian Ohl, Dominik Renkel * @version 1.6 * */ public final class PropertiesManager { /** Regex for detecting whether a String represent an Integer. */ public static final String IS_INT = "^(-)?\\d+$"; /** Regex for detecting whether a String represents a Boolean. */ public static final String IS_BOOL = "^true$|^false$"; /** * Regex for detecting whether a String represents a floating point number. */ public static final String IS_FLOAT = "^[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$"; /** The Table of Attributes. */ private static TableView properties; /** Flag whether the name has been set. */ public static boolean nameSet; /** Flag whether the value has been set. */ public static boolean valueSet; public static HashSet> tableRows = new HashSet>(); /** * list for organizing items in the properties window in a specific order */ private static LinkedList itemOrderRules = new LinkedList(); /** hashmap for filtering items out of the properties window */ private static HashMap itemVisibilityRules = new HashMap(); /** * Private Constructor to prevent Instantiation. */ private PropertiesManager() { } /** * Initializes the Manager by adding the list of properties to display into * the properties pane. * * @param propertiesInput * The list of properties to display */ public static void initializeItems(TableView propertiesInput) { properties = propertiesInput; setItemRules(); } /** * setting up the rules for the items displayed in the properties window * * ****************************************************** add properties * here for grouping or filtering them out * ****************************************************** */ private static void setItemRules() { // setting the order for specific properties itemOrderRules.add("weight"); itemOrderRules.add("ID"); itemOrderRules.add("typeofNode"); itemOrderRules.add("typeofDevice"); itemOrderRules.add("x"); itemOrderRules.add("y"); itemOrderRules.add("lat"); itemOrderRules.add("long"); // properties, which shall be filtered out of the properties window itemVisibilityRules.put("layout.frozen", -1); //itemVisibilityRules.put("", -1); itemVisibilityRules.put("ui.j2dsk", -1); itemVisibilityRules.put("ui.clicked", -1); itemVisibilityRules.put("", -1); itemVisibilityRules.put("xyz", -1); itemVisibilityRules.put("ui.pie-values", -1); // properties, which shall be filtered out of the properties window , // only if debug is disabled itemVisibilityRules.put("mapping", -2); itemVisibilityRules.put("mapping-parent", -2); itemVisibilityRules.put("mapping-parent-id", -2); itemVisibilityRules.put("ui.class", -2); itemVisibilityRules.put("originalElement", -2); } /** * Update Properties of selected Node/Edge, if a any Property was changed. */ public static final EventHandler> setOnEditCommitHandler = new EventHandler>() { @Override public void handle(CellEditEvent t) { KeyValuePair editedPair = t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow()); Object classType = editedPair.getClassType(); String key = editedPair.getKey(); // handling the problem when using his own names for properties // needed by graphstream // e.g. "ui.label" as "ID", might need an extra function/structure // if more of these are added if (key.equals("ID")) { key = "ui.label"; } String oldValue = t.getOldValue(); String newValue = t.getNewValue(); Element selected = getSelected(); // Type-Check the input if (classType.equals(Integer.class) && newValue.matches(IS_INT)) { GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, key, newValue); selected.changeAttribute(key, Integer.valueOf(newValue)); editedPair.setValue(newValue); Debug.out("Edited integer Attribute " + key); } else if (classType.equals(Boolean.class) && newValue.matches(IS_BOOL)) { GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, key, newValue); selected.changeAttribute(key, Boolean.valueOf(newValue)); editedPair.setValue(newValue); Debug.out("Edited boolean Attribute " + key); } else if (classType.equals(Float.class) && newValue.matches(IS_FLOAT)) { GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, key, newValue); selected.changeAttribute(key, Float.valueOf(newValue)); editedPair.setValue(newValue); Debug.out("Edited float Attribute " + key); } else if (classType.equals(Double.class) && newValue.matches(IS_FLOAT)) { GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, key, newValue); selected.changeAttribute(key, Double.valueOf(newValue)); editedPair.setValue(newValue); Debug.out("Edited double Attribute " + key); } else if (classType.equals(String.class)) { GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, key, newValue); selected.changeAttribute(key, newValue); editedPair.setValue(newValue); Debug.out("Edited String Attribute " + key); if (key.equals("typeofNode")) { selected.changeAttribute("ui.class", newValue); } } else { editedPair.setValue(oldValue); t.getTableView().getItems().get(t.getTablePosition().getRow()).setKey(oldValue); setItemsProperties(); Debug.out("WARNING: invalid input for this attribute type", 2); } // Unselect row after updating Property properties.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); } }; /** * Callback to be executed when a right click occurs on the table. */ public static Callback, TableRow> rightClickCallback = new Callback, TableRow>() { @Override public TableRow call(TableView tableView) { final TableRow row = new TableRow<>(); // ContextMenu on non empty rows (add & delete) final ContextMenu menuOnNonEmptyRows = new ContextMenu(); final MenuItem addPropMenuItem = new MenuItem("Add.."); final MenuItem deletePropMenuItem = new MenuItem("Delete"); // ContextMenu on empty rows (only add) final ContextMenu menuOnEmptyRows = new ContextMenu(); final MenuItem onlyAddPropMenuItem = new MenuItem("Add.."); // add functionality onlyAddPropMenuItem.setOnAction((event) -> addPropFunctionality(null)); addPropMenuItem.setOnAction((event) -> addPropFunctionality(null)); // delete functionality deletePropMenuItem.setOnAction((event) -> { Debug.out("Remove Element"); removeProperty(row.getItem()); properties.getItems().remove(row.getItem()); }); // Disable MenuItem in symbol layer onlyAddPropMenuItem.disableProperty().bind(GraphDisplayManager.inSymbolLayerProperty()); addPropMenuItem.disableProperty().bind(GraphDisplayManager.inSymbolLayerProperty()); deletePropMenuItem.disableProperty().bind(GraphDisplayManager.inSymbolLayerProperty()); // add MenuItem to ContextMenu menuOnEmptyRows.getItems().add(onlyAddPropMenuItem); menuOnNonEmptyRows.getItems().addAll(addPropMenuItem, deletePropMenuItem); // when empty row right-clicked open special menu (only add), // otherwise normal menu (add & delete) row.contextMenuProperty().bind(Bindings.when(Bindings.isNotNull(row.itemProperty())) .then(menuOnNonEmptyRows).otherwise(menuOnEmptyRows)); tableRows.add(row); return row; } }; /** * Sets Property-TableView Elements to selected Node or Edge Properties. */ public static void setItemsProperties() { String nid = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getSelectedNodeID(); String eid = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getSelectedEdgeID(); if (nid != null) { MyNode selectedNode = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getNode(nid); showNewDataSet(selectedNode); } else if (eid != null) { MyEdge selectedEdge = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getEdge(eid); showNewDataSet(selectedEdge); } else { return; } } /** * Add properties of selected Node or Edge to Properties TableView. * * @param selected * selected Node or Edge * @param newData */ public static void showNewDataSet(Element selected) { ObservableList newData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); if (selected == null) { properties.setItems(newData); return; } // fix for concurrentModification exception String[] temp = new String[0]; temp = selected.getAttributeKeySet().toArray(temp); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { String key = temp[i]; if(key.startsWith("org.graphstream")){ continue; } switch (key) { // filter out or change attributes added by graphstream that are of // no use to the user case "ui.label": if (selected instanceof MyNode) { Object actualAttribute = selected.getAttribute(key); // replace UI Label with ID" key = "ID"; newData.add(0, new KeyValuePair(key, String.valueOf(actualAttribute), actualAttribute.getClass())); } break; case "weight": if (selected instanceof MyEdge && Layer.OPERATOR == Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getAttribute("layer")) { break; } Object actualAttribute = selected.getAttribute(key); if (actualAttribute != null) { newData.add(new KeyValuePair(key, String.valueOf(actualAttribute), actualAttribute.getClass())); } break; case "process-need": if (selected instanceof MyNode && Layer.UNDERLAY == Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getAttribute("layer")) { break; } actualAttribute = selected.getAttribute(key); if (actualAttribute != null) { newData.add(new KeyValuePair(key, String.valueOf(actualAttribute), actualAttribute.getClass())); } break; case "process-max": if (selected instanceof MyNode && Layer.OPERATOR == Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getAttribute("layer")) { break; } case "typeOfDevice": if (selected instanceof MyNode && Layer.OPERATOR == Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getAttribute("layer")) { break; } default: actualAttribute = selected.getAttribute(key); if (actualAttribute != null) { newData.add(new KeyValuePair(key, String.valueOf(actualAttribute), actualAttribute.getClass())); } break; } } properties.setItems(groupProperties(newData)); } /** * Get the selected node or edge from the GraphManager. * * @return selected node or egde */ private static Element getSelected() { GraphManager viz = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager(); String nid = viz.getSelectedNodeID(); String eid = viz.getSelectedEdgeID(); if (nid != null) { return viz.getGraph().getNode(nid); } else if (eid != null) { return viz.getGraph().getEdge(eid); } else { return null; } } /** * Delete a given Pair from the current Node or Edge. * * @param pair * selectedProperty */ private static void removeProperty(KeyValuePair pair) { Element selected = getSelected(); selected.removeAttribute(pair.getKey()); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, pair.getKey(), null); } /** * groups and filters a list of items according to the order and visibility * rules * * @param data * a list of property items * @return the data with the rules applied */ private static ObservableList groupProperties(ObservableList data) { ObservableList newData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); ; // adds all items in the order of the rules. Ordered items as an extra // list, removed from data for (String s : itemOrderRules) { for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { KeyValuePair kvp = data.get(i); if (kvp.getKey().equals(s)) { newData.add(kvp); data.remove(kvp); } } } // filters items according to the rules. Filters on the data without the // ordered items for (String key : itemVisibilityRules.keySet()) { for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { KeyValuePair kvp = data.get(i); if (kvp.getKey().equals(key)) { if (itemVisibilityRules.get(kvp.getKey()) == -1) { data.remove(kvp); } else if (itemVisibilityRules.get(kvp.getKey()) == -2) { if (!Debug.DEBUG_ENABLED) { data.remove(kvp); } } break; } } } // adds the filtered data without the ordered items behind the ordered // items newData.addAll(data); return newData; } /** * TODO Auslagern contextMenu add button functionality. */ private static void addPropFunctionality(String preConfigPropName) { Debug.out("Add Element"); // Create new Dialog Dialog> addPropDialog = new Dialog<>(); addPropDialog.setTitle("Add Property"); addPropDialog.setHeaderText("Choose your Property Details"); // Alert window -> when problems with input Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.WARNING); alert.setTitle("Warning"); alert.setHeaderText("Property-Type Alert"); alert.setContentText("The selected Type doesnt fit the Input"); ButtonType addButtonType = new ButtonType("Confirm", ButtonData.OK_DONE); addPropDialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(addButtonType, ButtonType.CANCEL); // create grid GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(10); grid.setVgap(10); grid.setPadding(new Insets(20, 150, 10, 10)); // create dialog elements TextField name = new TextField(); name.setPromptText("Name"); TextField value = new TextField(); value.setPromptText("Value"); ChoiceBox type = new ChoiceBox(); type.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList("Integer", "Float", "String", "Boolean")); type.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // position elements on grid grid.add(new Label("Property Name:"), 0, 0); grid.add(name, 1, 0); grid.add(new Label("Property Value:"), 0, 1); grid.add(value, 1, 1); grid.add(new Label("Property Type:"), 0, 2); grid.add(type, 1, 2); javafx.scene.Node confirmButton = addPropDialog.getDialogPane().lookupButton(addButtonType); confirmButton.setDisable(true); nameSet = false; valueSet = false; // show pre defined property name if (preConfigPropName != null) { name.setText(preConfigPropName); PropertiesManager.nameSet = true; } // hide confirm button, when textfields empty name.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { PropertiesManager.nameSet = true; if (newValue.trim().isEmpty()) { PropertiesManager.nameSet = false; confirmButton.setDisable(true); } else if (PropertiesManager.valueSet) { confirmButton.setDisable(false); } }); value.textProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { PropertiesManager.valueSet = true; if (newValue.trim().isEmpty()) { PropertiesManager.valueSet = false; confirmButton.setDisable(true); } else if (PropertiesManager.nameSet) { confirmButton.setDisable(false); } }); // set dialog addPropDialog.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); Platform.runLater(() -> name.requestFocus()); // get new property values addPropDialog.setResultConverter(dialogButton -> { if (dialogButton == addButtonType) { ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); tmp.add(name.getText()); tmp.add(value.getText()); tmp.add(type.getValue()); return tmp; } else { return null; } }); Optional> result = addPropDialog.showAndWait(); // create new Property result.ifPresent(t -> { System.out.println("Name: " + t.get(0) + ", Value: " + t.get(1) + ", Type: " + t.get(2)); Element selected = getSelected(); if (t.get(2).equals("Integer") && t.get(1).matches(IS_INT)) { selected.addAttribute(t.get(0), Integer.valueOf(t.get(1))); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, t.get(0), Integer.valueOf(t.get(1))); } else if (t.get(2).equals("Float") && t.get(1).matches(IS_FLOAT)) { selected.addAttribute(t.get(0), Float.valueOf(t.get(1))); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, t.get(0), Float.valueOf(t.get(1))); } else if (t.get(2).equals("String")) { selected.addAttribute(t.get(0), String.valueOf(t.get(1))); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, t.get(0), String.valueOf(t.get(1))); } else if (t.get(2).equals("Boolean") && t.get(1).matches(IS_BOOL)) { selected.addAttribute(t.get(0), Boolean.valueOf(t.get(1))); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), selected, t.get(0), Boolean.valueOf(t.get(1))); } else { // type doesnt fit input -> show alert and re-open property // creation window alert.showAndWait(); addPropFunctionality(t.get(0)); } showNewDataSet(selected); }); } }