package; import java.util.Optional; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox; import javafx.scene.control.TableCell; import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn; import javafx.scene.control.TableRow; import javafx.scene.control.TextInputDialog; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.util.Callback; import javafx.util.Pair; /** * Manager for the Toolbox pane. * * @author Dominik Renkel * @version 2.0 * */ public final class ToolboxManager { /** * GUIController reference */ private static GUIController controller; /** * needed, so that MouseClickedEvent is not fired, when SelectionProperty * was changed */ private static boolean selectedPropertyChanged = false; /** * private constructor to prevent Instantiation. */ private ToolboxManager() { } /** * Initialize Toolbox, set controller * * @param guiController */ public static void initialize(GUIController guiController) { controller = guiController; } /** * Initializes the toolbox to contain the specified list of entries. * */ public static void initializeItems() { setUnderlayItems(); } /** * Create Row Elements for underlay toolbox view */ public static void setUnderlayItems() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ObservableList> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList( pair(new Image(MainApp.class .getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/standard_operator.png").toString()), "Standard"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/procEn.png").toString()), "ProcEn"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/source.png").toString()), "Source"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/sink.png").toString()), "Sink"), pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/undirEdge.png") .toString()), "Undirected")); controller.toolbox.getItems().setAll(data); } /** * create row elements for operator toolbox view */ public static void setOperatorItems() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ObservableList> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList( pair(new Image(MainApp.class .getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/standard_operator.png").toString()), "Operator"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/source.png").toString()), "Source"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/sink.png").toString()), "Sink"), pair(new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/dirEdge.png").toString()), "Directed")); controller.toolbox.getItems().setAll(data); } /** * create row elements for mapping toolbox view */ public static void setMappingItems() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ObservableList> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(pair( new Image( MainApp.class.getResource("/de/tu_darmstadt/informatik/tk/scopviz/ui/dirEdge.png").toString()), "Mapping Edge")); controller.toolbox.getItems().setAll(data); } /** * fired when the selected item in the Toolbox was changed * * @param ov * @param oldVal * the previous selected item * @param newVal * the new selected item */ public static void selectedItemChanged(ObservableValue> ov, Pair oldVal, Pair newVal) { if (newVal != null) { // change creation mode based on selected item String rowString = newVal.getValue(); if (rowString.equals("Standard")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_STANDARD_NODE); } else if (rowString.equals("Source")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_SOURCE_NODE); } else if (rowString.equals("Sink")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_SINK_NODE); } else if (rowString.equals("ProcEn")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_PROC_NODE); } else if (rowString.equals("Operator")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_OPERATOR_NODE); } else if (rowString.equals("Directed")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_DIRECTED_EDGE); } else if (rowString.equals("Undirected")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_UNDIRECTED_EDGE); } else if (rowString.equals("Mapping Edge")) { changeCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_DIRECTED_EDGE); } } else { // selected item was an empty row Main.getInstance().setCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_NONE); } // Unselecet Rows if Creation Mode is None if (Main.getInstance().getCreationMode().equals(CreationMode.CREATE_NONE)) { controller.toolbox.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().deselectEdgeCreationNodes(); } // set this property to true, so the MouseClickedHandler doesn't also // fire its event selectedPropertyChanged = true; } /** * fired when a row was clicked * * @param event */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void rowClickedHandler(MouseEvent event) { // only use the handler when the selectionProperty Listener didn't fire // its event if (selectedPropertyChanged) { selectedPropertyChanged = false; return; } // Get the clicked TableRow Node node = ((Node) event.getTarget()).getParent(); TableRow> row = null; if (node instanceof TableRow) { row = (TableRow>) node; } else { // clicking on picture part try { row = (TableRow>) node.getParent(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // there was a dragging move one the picture part when this // exception is thrown -> cant get row from this action return; } } // clear selection if selected row was clicked again if (row.isEmpty() || controller.toolbox.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().get().equals(row.getItem())) { controller.toolbox.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); } } /** * If currentMode already selected then deselect, otherwise set mode on * currentMode * * @param currentMode */ private static void changeCreationMode(CreationMode currentMode) { if (Main.getInstance().getCreationMode().equals(currentMode)) Main.getInstance().setCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_NONE); else Main.getInstance().setCreationMode(currentMode); } /** * create a pair object under given picture and name * * @param picture * @param name * @return */ private static Pair pair(Object picture, String name) { return new Pair<>(picture, name); } /** * the last edge that was created */ private static MyEdge lastCreatedEdge = null; /** * opens a dialog that asks for a weight for a newly created Edge. The * default value is Optionsmanager.getDefaultWeight() * * @param e * the new Edge that needs a weight */ public static void createWeightDialog(MyEdge e) { if (e.equals(lastCreatedEdge)) { return; } lastCreatedEdge = e; Platform.runLater(() -> { TextInputDialog weightDialog = new TextInputDialog(Double.toString(OptionsManager.getDefaultWeight())); weightDialog.setTitle("Edge Weight"); weightDialog.setHeaderText("Please enter the weight of the Edge"); weightDialog.setContentText("Edge Weight"); Optional result = weightDialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { e.addAttribute("weight", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), e, "weight", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); } }); } /** * Class for getting the string out of the pair elements in each row * */ public static class PairKeyFactory implements Callback, String>, ObservableValue> { @Override public ObservableValue call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures, String> data) { return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(data.getValue().getValue()); } } /** * Class for getting the picture out of the pair elements in each row * */ public static class PairValueFactory implements Callback, Object>, ObservableValue> { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ObservableValue call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures, Object> data) { Object value = data.getValue().getKey(); return (value instanceof ObservableValue) ? (ObservableValue) value : new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(value); } } /** * The actual TableCell, that renders the images of nodes and edges. (Image, * String)-Cell additional support for (String, String), (Integer, String), * (Boolean, String), ("N/A", String) table cells * */ public static class PairValueCell extends TableCell, Object> { @Override protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (item != null) { if (item instanceof String) { setText((String) item); setGraphic(null); } else if (item instanceof Integer) { setText(Integer.toString((Integer) item)); setGraphic(null); } else if (item instanceof Boolean) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); checkBox.setSelected((boolean) item); setGraphic(checkBox); } else if (item instanceof Image) { setText(null); ImageView imageView = new ImageView((Image) item); imageView.setFitWidth(20); imageView.setFitHeight(20); imageView.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setSmooth(true); setGraphic(imageView); } else { setText("N/A"); setGraphic(null); } } else { setText(null); setGraphic(null); } } } private static org.graphstream.graph.Node lastCreatedNode = null; public static void createProcMaxDialog(org.graphstream.graph.Node n) { if (n.equals(lastCreatedNode)) { return; } lastCreatedNode = n; Platform.runLater(() -> { TextInputDialog weightDialog = new TextInputDialog(Double.toString(OptionsManager.getDefaultWeight())); weightDialog.setTitle("Maximum Processing Power"); weightDialog.setHeaderText("Please enter the maximum processing power of the Node"); weightDialog.setContentText("processing power"); Optional result = weightDialog.showAndWait(); org.graphstream.graph.Node actualNode = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getNode(n.getId()); if (result.isPresent()) { actualNode.addAttribute("process-max", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), actualNode, "process-max", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); } PropertiesManager.setItemsProperties(); }); } public static void createProcNeedDialog(org.graphstream.graph.Node n) { if (n.equals(lastCreatedNode)) { return; } lastCreatedNode = n; Platform.runLater(() -> { TextInputDialog weightDialog = new TextInputDialog(Double.toString(OptionsManager.getDefaultWeight())); weightDialog.setTitle("needed Processing power"); weightDialog.setHeaderText("Please enter the amount of processing power the node needs"); weightDialog.setContentText("needed Power"); Optional result = weightDialog.showAndWait(); org.graphstream.graph.Node actualNode = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getNode(n.getId()); if(actualNode == null){ actualNode = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph().getNode(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getActiveSubGraph().getId() + n.getId()); } if (result.isPresent() && actualNode!= null) { try { actualNode.addAttribute("process-need", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); } catch (Exception e){ actualNode.addAttribute("process-need", 0.0); } GraphHelper.propagateAttribute(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getGraph(), actualNode, "process-need", Double.parseDouble(result.get())); } PropertiesManager.setItemsProperties(); }); } }