package; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.util.Pair; /** * Class to compute the placement cost Metric. Placement Cost is defined as the * sum of the costs of individual mapping placements. These Costs are specified * in operator node - underlay node pairs and are loaded from an external file * during setup. * * @author Jan Enders * @version 1.0 * */ public class PlacementCostMetric implements ScopvizGraphMetric { /** * The prefix used to mark the line containing all the relevant operator * node IDs. */ private static final String OPERATOR_ID_PREFIX = "operatorIDs:"; /** * The Prefix used to mark the line containing all the relevant underlay * node IDs. */ private static final String UNDERLAY_ID_PREFIX = "underlayIDs:"; /** The text to display in case of an error during computation. */ private static final Pair ERROR_MESSAGE = new Pair("Error", "ERROR: check Debug logs"); /** The text to display if the Setup has not yet been done. */ private static final Pair SETUP_NEEDED = new Pair("Setup required!", "Setup required!"); /** The Cost Matrix. */ private double[][] costs; /** The operator node IDs specified in the cost data. */ private LinkedList operatorIDs = new LinkedList(); /** The underlay node IDs specified in the cost data. */ private LinkedList underlayIDs = new LinkedList(); /** Whether or not the Setup has been done yet. */ private boolean setupDone = false; /** Flag for when an error occurs during computation */ private boolean error = false; @Override public boolean isSetupRequired() { return true; } @Override public String getName() { return "Placement Cost"; } @Override public void setup() { // Pick File from File Chooser FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Select Placement Cost Data"); File file = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage()); if (file != null) { String fileName = file.getPath(); try { // Read File Line by Line BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); String line; int lineCounter = 0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { lineCounter = processLine(line, lineCounter); } reader.close(); setupDone = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out("ERROR while trying to read File!"); error = true; } } } @Override public LinkedList> calculate(MyGraph g) { LinkedList> results = new LinkedList>(); double placementCostSum = 0; // If an Error occurred, show error message if (error) { results.add(ERROR_MESSAGE); error = false; } // If Setup has not yet been successfully done, show error message if (!setupDone) { results.add(SETUP_NEEDED); } else { LinkedList mappingEdges = new LinkedList(g.getEdgeSet().stream() .filter(e -> (((Boolean) e.getAttribute(MappingGraphManager.ATTRIBUTE_KEY_MAPPING)) == true)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); for (MyEdge e : mappingEdges) { placementCostSum += placementCost(e.getNode0(), e.getNode1()); } results.add(new Pair("Overall Cost", "" + placementCostSum)); } return results; } /** * Processes a single line of the input Data. * * @param line * The line to process * @param lineCounter * The counter of actual lines that has been read so far * @return the possibly increased line counter */ private int processLine(String line, int lineCounter) { // Discard Comments and empty lines if (line.startsWith("%") || line.equals("")) { return lineCounter; } // Read Operator Node ID list if (line.startsWith(OPERATOR_ID_PREFIX)) { operatorIDs = new LinkedList(); String data = line.substring(OPERATOR_ID_PREFIX.length()).trim(); String[] opIDs = data.split(","); for (String s : opIDs) { operatorIDs.add(s.trim()); } // Read Underlay Node ID list } else if (line.startsWith(UNDERLAY_ID_PREFIX)) { underlayIDs = new LinkedList(); String data = line.substring(UNDERLAY_ID_PREFIX.length()).trim(); String[] ulIDs = data.split(","); for (String s : ulIDs) { underlayIDs.add(s.trim()); } } else { // When both lists have been read, create cost array with correct // size if (lineCounter == 2) { costs = new double[operatorIDs.size()][underlayIDs.size()]; } // Parse comma separated data int dataRow = lineCounter - 2; String[] data = line.split(","); double[] convertedData = Arrays.asList(data).stream().mapToDouble(s -> Double.parseDouble(s)).toArray(); costs[dataRow] = Arrays.copyOf(convertedData, costs[dataRow].length); } return lineCounter + 1; } /** * Fethes the placement cost of a specific Coupling of Operator node and * Underlay Node. * * @param operator * The Operator node * @param target * The Underlay node it is mapped to * @return The placement cost */ private double placementCost(MyNode operator, MyNode target) { if (costs == null) { Debug.out( "Tried to read Costs from nonexistant Cost Matrix. Please run Setup before trying to Compute the Metric!"); error = true; return 0; } String operatorID = operator.getId().substring(MappingGraphManager.OPERATOR.length()).trim(); String underlayID = target.getId().substring(MappingGraphManager.UNDERLAY.length()).trim(); int x = operatorIDs.indexOf(operatorID); int y = underlayIDs.indexOf(underlayID); if (x < 0 || y < 0) { Debug.out("Either operator node ID " + operatorID + " or underlay node ID " + underlayID + " do not exist in the cost data!"); error = true; return 0; } return costs[x][y]; } }