package; import; import; import; import; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.scene.control.Alert; import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; /** * Manager Class for the Menu Bar. * * @author Jascha Bohne * @version 1.1 * */ public final class MenuBarManager { /** * Private Constructor to prevent Instantiation. */ private MenuBarManager() { } /** * Handler for the "new" MenuItem. */ public static final void newAction(ActionEvent event) { GraphDisplayManager.addGraph(); } /** * Handler for the "open" MenuItem. */ public static final void openAction(ActionEvent event) { if (GraphDisplayManager.getCurrentLayer() == Layer.MAPPING) { GraphDisplayManager.readMapping(); } else { GraphDisplayManager.addGraph(Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage(), true); ButtonManager.setupOpGraphComboBox(); } } /** * Handler for the "add" MenuItem. */ public static final void addAction(ActionEvent event) { GraphDisplayManager.getGraphManager().deselect(); GraphDisplayManager.addGraph(Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage(), false); ButtonManager.setupOpGraphComboBox(); } /** * Handler for the "save" button. */ public static void saveAction(ActionEvent event) { GraphManager v = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager(); if (GraphDisplayManager.getCurrentLayer().equals(Layer.MAPPING)) { new GraphMLExporter().exportMapping(v.getGraph()); return; } if (v.getCurrentPath() != null) { new GraphMLExporter().writeGraph(v.getGraph(), v.getCurrentPath(), false); } else { new GraphMLExporter().writeGraph(v.getGraph(), Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage()); } } /** * Handler for the "save as..." button. */ public static void saveAsAction(ActionEvent event) { GraphManager v = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager(); if (GraphDisplayManager.getCurrentLayer().equals(Layer.MAPPING)) { new GraphMLExporter().exportMapping(v.getGraph()); return; } new GraphMLExporter().writeGraph(v.getGraph(), Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage()); } /** * Handler for the "quit" button. */ public static void quitAction(ActionEvent event) { Main.getInstance().closeProgram(); } /** * Handler for the "delete" button. */ public static void deleteAction(ActionEvent event) { GraphManager v = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager(); if (v.getSelectedEdgeID() != null) { v.deleteEdge(v.getSelectedEdgeID()); } if (v.getSelectedNodeID() != null) { v.deleteNode(v.getSelectedNodeID()); } PropertiesManager.showNewDataSet(null); } /** * Handler for the "undelete" button. */ public static void undeleteAction(ActionEvent event) { Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().undelete(); } /** * Handler for the "preferences" MenuItem. */ public static void preferencesAction(ActionEvent event) { OptionsManager.openOptionsDialog(); } /** * Handler for the "about" MenuItem. */ public static void aboutAction(ActionEvent event) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setTitle("About this programm"); alert.setHeaderText(null); alert.setContentText("" + "Visualization Software of the Telecooperation group, \n" + "Department of Computer Science, \n" + "Technische Universität Darmstadt. \n" + "\n" + "Created by: \n" + "Jan Enders, Jascha Bohne, Dominik Renkel, \n" + "Julian Ohl and Matthias Wilhelm \n" + "comissioned by Julien Gedeon"); alert.getDialogPane().getChildren().stream().filter(node -> node instanceof Label) .forEach(node -> ((Label) node).setMinHeight(Region.USE_PREF_SIZE)); alert.showAndWait(); } }