package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import org.graphstream.graph.Element; import org.graphstream.graph.Node; import org.graphstream.ui.geom.Point3; import org.graphstream.ui.graphicGraph.GraphPosLengthUtils; import; import; import; import; public class GraphHelper { public static MyGraph newMerge(boolean vertical, MyGraph... sources) { String newID = "Composite"; for (MyGraph g : sources) { newID = newID.concat("_" + g.getId()); } MyGraph result = new MyGraph(newID); for (MyGraph g : sources) { result.addSubGraph(g); mergeInto(result, g); } return result; } /** * merges the two graphs into one. every Node gets two attributes, * originalGraph and originalElement which are the ids of the Graph and the * graphid + "+#" + nodeid * * @param target * the graph that the source will be merged into * @param source * the graph that will be merged into the traget graph */ // TODO better way to do scaling private static void mergeInto(MyGraph target, MyGraph source) { double targetMinX = target.getMinX(); double targetMaxX = target.getMaxX(); double sourceMinX = source.getMinX(); double sourceMaxX = source.getMaxX(); double scalingFactorX = ((targetMaxX - targetMinX + 1) / (target.getNodeCount() + 1)) / ((sourceMaxX - sourceMinX + 1) / (source.getNodeCount() + 1)); double xOffset = targetMaxX - sourceMinX + 10; double targetMinY = target.getMinY(); double sourceMinY = source.getMinY(); double scalingFactorY = scalingFactorX; // adjust Cordinates and Attributes adjustSourceXCoordinates(source, scalingFactorX, xOffset, sourceMinX); graphAttribute(target); graphAttribute(source); adjustSourceYCoordinates(source, scalingFactorY, targetMinY, sourceMinY); // Copy Nodes and Edges HashMap newIds = copyNodes(target, source); copyEdges(target, source, newIds); } /** * copys all edges from one Graph to another adjusting for nodeId changes. * this must always be called after copyNodes. * * @param target * the graph that the new node will be added into * @param source * the Graph that has the nodes to be copied * @param newIds * a HashMap that give the new id Values of copied Nodes */ private static void copyEdges(MyGraph target, MyGraph source, HashMap newIds) { Random ran = new Random(); boolean searchingForId = true; for (MyEdge e : source.getEdgeSet()) { // finding a new ID for the Node searchingForId = true; String newId = source.getId() + e.getId(); while (searchingForId) { if (target.getEdge(newId) == null) { searchingForId = false; target.addEdge(newId, newIds.get(e.getSourceNode().getId()), newIds.get(e.getTargetNode().getId()), e.isDirected()); if (e.getAttribute("originalElement") == null) { target.getEdge(newId).addAttribute("originalElement", source.getId().concat("+#" + e.getId())); } else { target.getEdge(newId).addAttribute("originalElement", e.getAttribute("originalElement")); } } else { newId = newId.concat(String.valueOf((char) (ran.nextInt(52) + 'a'))); } } for (String s : e.getAttributeKeySet()) { target.getEdge(newId).addAttribute(s, e.getAttribute(s)); } } } /** * copies all Nodes from one Graph to another always must be called before * copyEdges * * @param target * the Graph that the Nodes will be copied into * @param source * the graph that the node will be taken from * @return a HahMap to convert the old id of Nodes to new ones */ private static HashMap copyNodes(MyGraph target, MyGraph source) { HashMap newIds = new HashMap<>(); Random ran = new Random(); boolean searchingForId = true; for (MyNode n : source.getNodeSet()) { // finding a new ID for the Node searchingForId = true; String newId = source.getId() + n.getId(); while (searchingForId) { if (target.getNode(newId) == null) { searchingForId = false; target.addNode(newId); newIds.put(n.getId(), newId); if (n.getAttribute("originalElement") == null) { target.getNode(newId).addAttribute("originalElement", source.getId().concat("+#" + n.getId())); } else { target.getNode(newId).addAttribute("originalElement", n.getAttribute("originalElement")); } } else { newId = newId.concat(String.valueOf((char) (ran.nextInt(52) + 'a'))); } } for (String s : n.getAttributeKeySet()) { Debug.out(s); target.getNode(newId).addAttribute(s, n.getAttribute(s)); } } return newIds; } /** * adjusts the y coordinates of the source graph so the two are of similar * size * * @param g * the source graph with unaltered coordinates * @param scalingFactor * the factor that is used to ensure a roughly similiar size * between the Graphs * @param targetMinY * the minimal y Coordinate of the target Graph * @param sourceMinY * the minimal y Coordinate of the source Graph */ private static void adjustSourceYCoordinates(MyGraph g, double scalingFactor, double targetMinY, double sourceMinY) { for (MyNode n : g.getNodeSet()) { double d = (Double) n.getAttribute("y"); d = d - sourceMinY; d = d * scalingFactor; d = d + targetMinY; n.addAttribute("y", d); } } /** * gives all Nodes a parameter that has the Id of the Graph they belonged to * before the merge. if a node already has this attriute it will be ignored * * @param g * the originalGraph of the Nodes */ private static void graphAttribute(MyGraph g) { for (MyNode n : g.getNodeSet()) { if (n.getAttribute("originalGraph") == null) { n.addAttribute("originalGraph", g.getId()); } } } /** * adjusts the x coordinates of the source graph so the two are of similar * size * * @param g * the source graph with unaltered coordinates * @param scalingFactor * the factor that is used to ensure a roughly similiar size * between the Graphs * @param xOffset * the x distance between the graphs * @param sourceMinY * the minimal x Coordinate of the source Graph */ private static void adjustSourceXCoordinates(MyGraph g, Double scalingFactor, Double xOffset, Double SourceMinX) { for (MyNode n : g.getNodeSet()) { Double d = (Double) n.getAttribute("x"); d = d - SourceMinX; d = d * scalingFactor; d = d + xOffset; d = d + SourceMinX; n.addAttribute("x", d); } } /** * Converts the Coordinates of all Nodes into a saveable and uniform Format. */ public static void correctCoordinates(MyGraph g) { Point3 coords; MyNode n = null; Iterator allNodes = g.getNodeIterator(); while (allNodes.hasNext()) { n =; if (n.hasAttribute("xyz")) { coords = GraphPosLengthUtils.nodePointPosition(n); n.setAttribute("x", coords.x); propagateAttribute(g, n, "x", coords.x); n.setAttribute("y", coords.y); propagateAttribute(g, n, "y", coords.y); n.removeAttribute("xyz"); } } } /** * Converts the weight property into a label to display on the Graph. * Removes all labels if that option is set */ public static void handleEdgeWeight(MyGraph g) { if (!Layer.UNDERLAY.equals(g.getAttribute("layer"))) { return; } MyEdge e = null; Iterator allEdges = g.getEdgeIterator(); while (allEdges.hasNext()) { e =; if (!e.hasAttribute("weight")) { e.addAttribute("weight", OptionsManager.getDefaultWeight()); } if (OptionsManager.isWeightShown()) { e.setAttribute("ui.label", e.getAttribute("weight").toString()); } else { e.removeAttribute("ui.label"); } } } /** * adds default to all Nodes and converts yEd attributes to regular ones. * * @param g * the graph that the attributes will be added onto */ public static void setAllDefaults(MyGraph g) { for (Node n : g.getNodeSet()) { // general defaults if (!n.hasAttribute("ui.label")) { n.addAttribute("ui.label", ""); } if (!n.hasAttribute("typeofNode") || n.getAttribute("typeofNode").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("typeofNode", "standard"); } // underlay defaults if (Layer.UNDERLAY.equals(g.getAttribute("layer"))) { if (!n.hasAttribute("typeofDevice") || n.getAttribute("typeofDevice").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("typeofDevice", "unknown"); } if (!n.hasAttribute("lat") || n.getAttribute("long").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("lat", OptionsManager.getDefaultLat()); } if (!n.hasAttribute("long") || n.getAttribute("long").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("long", OptionsManager.getDefaultLong()); } if (!n.hasAttribute("process-max") || n.getAttribute("process-max").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("process-max", 0.0); } } // operator defaults if (Layer.OPERATOR.equals(g.getAttribute("layer"))) { if (!n.hasAttribute("process-need") || n.getAttribute("process-need").equals("")) { n.addAttribute("process-need", 0.0); } } } } /** * propagates an Attribute to the Node in the Graph it originated from * * @param g * the root of the Multigraph * @param n * the Element of the multigraph that was changed * @param attribute * the attribute that was changed * @param value * the value the attribute was changed to */ public static void propagateAttribute(MyGraph g, Element n, String attribute, Object value) { if (n.getAttribute("originalElement") == null) { Debug.out("Debug: Attribute originalElement does not Exist"); return; } String origGraph = n.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[0]; String origNode = n.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[1]; MyNode oldNode = null; MyEdge oldEdge = null; MyGraph old = null; Iterator graphIter = g.getAllSubGraphs().iterator(); while (graphIter.hasNext()) { old =; if (old.getId().equals(origGraph)) { Iterator nodeIter = old.getNodeIterator(); while (nodeIter.hasNext()) { oldNode =; if (oldNode.getId().equals(origNode)) { if (value == null) { oldNode.removeAttribute(attribute); } else { oldNode.addAttribute(attribute, value); } Debug.out("Debug: propagating successfull"); return; } } Iterator edgeIter = old.getEdgeIterator(); while (edgeIter.hasNext()) { oldEdge =; if (oldEdge.getId().equals(origNode)) { if (value == null) { oldEdge.removeAttribute(attribute); } else { oldEdge.addAttribute(attribute, value); } Debug.out("Debug: propagating successfull"); return; } } Debug.out("WARNING: could not find the specified Element " + origNode + " in the Graph " + origGraph, 2); return; } } Debug.out("WARNING: could not find the specified Graph " + origGraph, 2); } /** * propagates the deletion of a collection of Elements to the Graph the * element originally came from. * * @param g * the root graph of the multigraph * @param col * the collection that has to be deleted * @return the id of the graph that the elements were deleted from or null * if no change occurred */ public static String propagateElementDeletion(MyGraph g, Collection col) { Iterator elementIter = col.iterator(); while (elementIter.hasNext()) { Element e =; return propagateElementDeletion(g, e); } return null; } /** * propagates the deletion of an Element to the Graph it originated from * * @param g * the root graph of the multigraph * @param e * the element that will be deleted * @return the id of the graph that the elements were deleted from or null * if no change occurred */ public static String propagateElementDeletion(MyGraph g, Element e) { if (e.getAttribute("originalElement") == null) { return null; } String origGraph = e.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[0]; String origId = e.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[1]; Iterator graphIter = g.getAllSubGraphs().iterator(); while (graphIter.hasNext()) { MyGraph temp =; if (temp.getId().equals(origGraph)) { if (e instanceof MyNode && temp.getNode(origId) != null) { temp.removeNode(origId); return temp.getId(); } else if (e instanceof MyEdge && temp.getEdge(origId) != null) { temp.removeEdge(origId); return temp.getId(); } else { Debug.out("INFORMATION: could not Delete Element bećause it didn't exist: " + origGraph + ":" + origId, 1); } return null; } } Debug.out("WARNING: could not find the specified Graph " + origGraph, 2); return null; } /** * propagates the undeletion of an Element * * @param g * the root graph of the multigraph * @param e * the element that will be readded * @param newNodeId * the new id of the undeleted Node, only important if elemen is * an Edge * @return the new originalElement Attribute */ public static String propagateElementUndeletion(MyGraph g, Element e, String newNodeId) { if (e.getAttribute("originalElement") == null) { return null; } String origGraph = e.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[0]; // String origId = // e.getAttribute("originalElement").toString().split("\\+#")[1]; Iterator graphIter = g.getAllSubGraphs().iterator(); HashMap attributes = new HashMap(); for (String s : e.getAttributeKeySet()) { attributes.put(s, e.getAttribute(s)); } while (graphIter.hasNext()) { MyGraph temp =; if (temp.getId().equals(origGraph)) { String newId = Main.getInstance().getUnusedID(new GraphManager(temp)); if (e instanceof MyNode) { temp.addNode(newId); temp.getNode(newId).addAttributes(attributes); return temp.getId() + "+#" + newId;// the id of // Graph+newNode } else if (e instanceof MyEdge) { MyEdge ed = (MyEdge) e; String sourceId = ed.getSourceNode().getAttribute("originalElement").toString() .split("\\+#")[newNodeId.split("\\+#").length - 1]; String targetId = ed.getTargetNode().getAttribute("originalElement").toString() .split("\\+#")[newNodeId.split("\\+#").length - 1]; if (temp.getNode(sourceId) == null) { sourceId = newNodeId.split("\\+#")[newNodeId.split("\\+#").length - 1]; } else { targetId = newNodeId.split("\\+#")[newNodeId.split("\\+#").length - 1]; } temp.addEdge(newId, sourceId, targetId, ed.isDirected()); temp.getEdge(newId).addAttributes(attributes); return temp.getId() + "+#" + newId;// the id of // graph+newEdge } } } Debug.out("WARNING: could not find the specified Graph " + origGraph, 2); return null; } }