package; import java.awt.Dimension; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NullArgumentException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.FileChooser.ExtensionFilter; import javafx.stage.Stage; /** * This class holds all GraphManagers, provides Functions to add Graphs and get * corresponding GraphManagers. * * @author Matthias Wilhelm * @version 1.1 * */ public final class GraphDisplayManager { /** Prefix to add to the Name of the Graphs. */ private static final String GRAPH_STRING_ID_PREFIX = "graph"; /** A List of all GraphManagers managed by this class. */ private static ArrayList vList = new ArrayList(); /** The number of GraphManagers currently being managed. */ private static int count = 0; /** Reference to the GUI Controller for Access to UI Elements. */ private static GUIController guiController; /** The number of the currently used GraphManager. */ private static int currentGraphManager = 0; /** The currently active Layer. */ private static Layer currentLayer = Layer.UNDERLAY; /** * Observable boolean value, true when currentLayer = symbol layer, false * otherwise */ private static BooleanProperty inSymbolLayer = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); /** * set inSymbolLayer to true */ private static final void changeToSymbolLayer() { inSymbolLayer.set(true); }; /** * set inSymbolLayer to false */ private static final void changeToOtherLayer() { inSymbolLayer.set(false); }; /** * * @return inSymbolLayer property */ public static BooleanProperty inSymbolLayerProperty() { return inSymbolLayer; }; /** * An empty GraphManager to use with Layers not yet filled with another * GraphManager. */ private static final GraphManager emptyLayer = new GraphManager(new MyGraph("g")); /** Importer for loading Graphs from Disk. */ private static GraphMLImporter importer = new GraphMLImporter(); /** * Private Constructor to prevent initialization. */ private GraphDisplayManager() { } /** * Sets the Reference to the GUI Controller to use for accessing UI * Elements. * * @param guiController * a Reference to the GUI Controller */ public static void init(GUIController guiController) { GraphDisplayManager.guiController = guiController; addGraph(); currentLayer = Layer.OPERATOR; addGraph(); /* * currentLayer = Layer.MAPPING; addGraph(); */ currentLayer = Layer.SYMBOL; addGraph(); currentLayer = Layer.UNDERLAY; } /** * Adds an empty Graph to the collection. * * @return the id to access the specific Graph */ public static MyGraph addGraph() { String id = getGraphStringID(count); MyGraph g = new MyGraph(id); return addGraph(g, true); } /** * Imports and adds the specified Graph to the collection. * * @param fileName * name of the file on disk uses System.getResource to get the * file * @param replaceCurrent * if true the given graph will replace any preexisting graph in * the current layer, if false they will be merged. * @return the id to access the specific Graph */ public static MyGraph addGraph(String fileName, boolean replaceCurrent) { String id = getGraphStringID(count); MyGraph g = importer.readGraph(id, Main.class.getResource(fileName)); return addGraph(g, replaceCurrent); } /** * Opens a Wizard and adds the chosen Graph to the collection. * * @param stage * the root Window of the program * @param replaceCurrent * if true the given graph will replace any preexisting graph in * the current layer, if false they will be merged. * @return the id to access the specific Graph */ public static MyGraph addGraph(Stage stage, boolean replaceCurrent) { String id = getGraphStringID(count); MyGraph g = importer.readGraph(id, stage); if (g == null) { return getGraphManager().getGraph(); } return addGraph(g, replaceCurrent); } /** * Imports and adds the specified Graph to the collection. * * @param fileURL * URL of the file * @param replaceCurrent * if true the given graph will replace any preexisting graph in * the current layer, if false they will be merged. * @return the id to access the specific Graph */ public static MyGraph addGraph(URL fileURL, boolean replaceCurrent) { String id = getGraphStringID(count); MyGraph g = importer.readGraph(id, fileURL); return addGraph(g, replaceCurrent); } /** * Adds the graph to the collection. All other addGraph() functions call * this one internally. * * @param g * the Graph that should be added to the collection * @param replaceCurrent * if true the given graph will replace any preexisting graph in * the current layer, if false they will be merged. * @return the id to access the specific graph */ public static MyGraph addGraph(MyGraph g, boolean replaceCurrent) { if (g == null) { throw new NullArgumentException(); } GraphManager v; // replacing the current graph or merging if (replaceCurrent) { v = new GraphManager(g); v.getGraph().addAttribute("layer", currentLayer); // set default values GraphHelper.setAllDefaults(g); v.getGraph().addAttribute("ui.antialias"); removeAllCurrentGraphs(); vList.add(v); count++; // set basic style v.setStylesheet(StylesheetManager.DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); } else { v = new GraphManager(GraphHelper.newMerge(false, getGraphManager().getGraph(), g)); v.getGraph().addAttribute("layer", currentLayer); g.addAttribute("layer", currentLayer); v.getGraph().addAttribute("ui.antialias"); g.addAttribute("ui.antialias"); removeAllCurrentGraphs(); vList.add(v); count++; // set basic style v.setStylesheet(StylesheetManager.DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); } // set ui.class v.convertUiClass(); // display the graph switchActiveGraph(); return g; } /** * Removes all GraphManagers from the current Layer. */ private static void removeAllCurrentGraphs() { // TODO weird multithread behavior, count auskommentier fuer matthias for (int i = 0; i < vList.size(); i++) { GraphManager man = vList.get(i); if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(currentLayer)) { vList.remove(i); // count--; } } } /** * Returns a Graph Id to have a name for Graphs. * * @param id * the number of the Graph * @return the new String ID */ private static String getGraphStringID(int id) { return GRAPH_STRING_ID_PREFIX + id; } /** * Switches the active Graph to the one with the given id. * */ public static void switchActiveGraph() { Pane pane = guiController.pane; Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getView() .setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int) pane.getWidth() - 5, (int) pane.getHeight() - 5)); guiController.swingNode.setContent(Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().getView()); Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().updateStylesheet(); Main.getInstance().setCreationMode(CreationMode.CREATE_NONE); } /** * Returns a reference to the current Visualizer. To change it call * {@link #switchActiveGraph(int)} * * @return the current Visualizer * @see #switchActiveGraph(int) */ public static GraphManager getCurrentGraphManager() { return vList.get(currentGraphManager); } /** * Returns the GraphManager for the current Layer. * * @return the GraphManager for the current Layer, or an empty GraphManager * if none is found */ public static GraphManager getGraphManager() { for (GraphManager man : vList) { if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(currentLayer)) { return man; } } return emptyLayer; } /** * Returns the GraphManager for the given layer. * * @param l * the given layer * @return the GraphManager for the given Layer, or an empty GraphManager if * none is found */ public static GraphManager getGraphManager(Layer l) { for (GraphManager man : vList) { if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(l)) { return man; } } return emptyLayer; } /** * Returns the currently active Layer. * * @return the currently active Layer. */ public static Layer getCurrentLayer() { return currentLayer; } /** * Sets the active Layer to a given one. * * @param currentLayer * the layer to switch to */ public static void setCurrentLayer(Layer currentLayer) { if (currentLayer.equals(Layer.MAPPING)) { initMappingLayer(false); } GraphDisplayManager.currentLayer = currentLayer; if (currentLayer.equals(Layer.SYMBOL)) { changeToSymbolLayer(); } else { changeToOtherLayer(); } } /** * Sets up the Mapping Layer. */ public static void initMappingLayer(boolean force) { GraphManager underlay = null, operator = null; MappingGraphManager mapping = null; for (GraphManager man : vList) { if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(Layer.UNDERLAY)) { underlay = man; } else if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(Layer.OPERATOR)) { operator = man; } else if (man.getGraph().getAttribute("layer").equals(Layer.MAPPING) && MappingGraphManager.class.isInstance(man)) { mapping = (MappingGraphManager) man; } } if (underlay == null) { Debug.out("ERROR: no Underlay found", 3); return; } if (operator == null) { Debug.out("ERROR: no Operator found", 3); return; } if (mapping == null || !mapping.hasGraphManagerAsParent(underlay) || !mapping.hasGraphManagerAsParent(operator) || force) { if (mapping == null) Debug.out("WARNING: no Mapping found", 2); else { Debug.out("WARNING: old Mapping found", 2); vList.remove(mapping); } MyGraph g; g = new MyGraph(getGraphStringID(count)); count++; mapping = new MappingGraphManager(g, underlay, operator); g.addAttribute("layer", Layer.MAPPING); g.addAttribute("ui.antialias"); mapping.setStylesheet(StylesheetManager.DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); vList.add(mapping); } mapping.activated(); switchActiveGraph(); } /** * Handler for Scrolling while the Mouse is over the Graph Display Window. */ public static final EventHandler scrollHandler = new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(ScrollEvent event) { double deltaY = event.getDeltaY(); Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().zoom(deltaY / -100); } }; /** * reads a Mapping Graph and sets the underlay, operator and mapping layers * accordingly */ public static void readMapping() { // import the root Graph MyGraph g = null; GraphMLImporter reader = new GraphMLImporter(); FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("open graph"); ExtensionFilter standard = new ExtensionFilter("GraphML Mapping Files", "*.graphmlMap"); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add(standard); fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add(new ExtensionFilter("all Files", "*")); fileChooser.setSelectedExtensionFilter(standard); try { String fileName = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(Main.getInstance().getPrimaryStage()).getPath(); Main.getInstance().getGraphManager().setCurrentPath(fileName); g = reader.readGraph(getGraphStringID(count++), fileName); g.getId(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Debug.out("INFORMATION: Mapping loading aborted", 1); return; } // splitting graphs // saving the layer for reuse later Layer tempLayer = currentLayer; // underlay graph LinkedList graphs = g.getAllSubGraphs(); Iterator graphIter = graphs.iterator(); while (graphIter.hasNext()) { if (!Layer.UNDERLAY.equals("layer"))) { graphIter.remove(); } } MyGraph tempGraph = GraphHelper.newMerge(false, graphs.toArray(new MyGraph[0])); currentLayer = Layer.UNDERLAY; addGraph(tempGraph, true); GraphManager und = getGraphManager(Layer.UNDERLAY); // operator graph graphs = g.getAllSubGraphs(); graphIter = graphs.iterator(); while (graphIter.hasNext()) { if (!Layer.OPERATOR.equals("layer"))) { graphIter.remove(); } } tempGraph = GraphHelper.newMerge(false, graphs.toArray(new MyGraph[0])); currentLayer = Layer.OPERATOR; addGraph(tempGraph, true); GraphManager op = getGraphManager(Layer.OPERATOR); // Mapping graph MyGraph moreTempGraph = new MyGraph(getGraphStringID(count)); moreTempGraph.addAttribute("layer", Layer.MAPPING); MappingGraphManager map = new MappingGraphManager(moreTempGraph, und, op); count++; g.addAttribute("layer", Layer.MAPPING); g.addAttribute("ui.antialias"); map.setStylesheet(StylesheetManager.DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); currentLayer = Layer.MAPPING; removeAllCurrentGraphs(); vList.add(map); map.loadGraph(g); currentLayer = tempLayer; switchActiveGraph(); } }