package; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import org.graphstream.graph.Edge; import org.graphstream.graph.Node; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.util.Pair; public class OperatorInfoMetric implements ScopvizGraphMetric { @Override public boolean isSetupRequired() { return false; } @Override public String getName() { return "Operator Info"; } @Override public void setup() { // No Setup needed. } @Override public LinkedList> calculate(MyGraph g) { LinkedList> result = new LinkedList>(); for (MyGraph subGraph : g.getAllSubGraphs()) { if ((subGraph.getAttribute("layer").equals("OPERATOR")|| subGraph.getAttribute("layer").equals(Layer.OPERATOR)) && !subGraph.isComposite()) { Debug.out("no problems"); String graphId = subGraph.getId(); String info = ""; Double priority = Double.valueOf(subGraph.getAttribute("priority")); boolean placed = fullyPlaced(subGraph, g); info = info.concat("Priority: " + priority.doubleValue()); if (placed) { info = info.concat(", fully placed."); } else { info = info.concat(", not fully placed."); } result.add(new Pair(graphId, info)); } } return result; } /** * Checks whether an operator Graph is fully mapped onto the underlay. * * @param operator * the operator Graph * @param mapping * the mapping Graph * @return true if all Nodes of the operator Graph have a valid mapping */ private boolean fullyPlaced(MyGraph operator, MyGraph mapping) { boolean result = true; LinkedList mappingEdges = new LinkedList(mapping.getEdgeSet().stream() .filter(e -> (((Boolean) e.getAttribute(MappingGraphManager.ATTRIBUTE_KEY_MAPPING)) == true)) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // build list of the operator nodes within the mapping graph LinkedList operatorNodes = new LinkedList(); for (Node n : mapping.getNodeSet()) { String originalGraph = n.getAttribute("originalGraph"); if ((originalGraph != null && originalGraph.equals(operator.getId())) || n.getAttribute(MappingGraphManager.ATTRIBUTE_KEY_MAPPING_PARENT_ID).equals(operator.getId())) { operatorNodes.add(n); } } // check if they have a mapping for (Node n : operatorNodes) { boolean isMapped = false; for (Edge e : mappingEdges) { if (e.getNode0().getId().equals(n.getId())) { isMapped = true; } } if (!isMapped) { result = false; } } return result; } }