Selaa lähdekoodia

added merging of graphs

jascha Bohne 8 vuotta sitten

+ 113 - 9

@@ -1,17 +1,121 @@
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Random;
+import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
+import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
 public class GraphHelper {
-	public static MyGraph merge(MyGraph graph1, MyGraph graph2) {
-		Double targetMinX = graph1.getMinX();
-		Double targetMaxX = graph1.getMaxX();
-		Double sourceMinX = graph2.getMinX();
-		Double sourceMaxX = graph2.getMaxX();
-		Double scalingFactor = ((targetMaxX - targetMinX + 1) / graph1.getNodeCount())
-				/ ((sourceMaxX - sourceMinX + 1) / graph2.getNodeCount());
+	//TODO better way to do scaling
+	public static void merge(MyGraph target, MyGraph source) {
+		double targetMinX = target.getMinX();
+		double targetMaxX = target.getMaxX();
+		double sourceMinX = source.getMinX();
+		double sourceMaxX = source.getMaxX();
+		double scalingFactorX = ((targetMaxX - targetMinX + 1) / target.getNodeCount())
+				/ ((sourceMaxX - sourceMinX + 1) / source.getNodeCount());
+		double xOffset = targetMaxX - sourceMinX + 10;
+		double targetMinY = target.getMinY();
+		//double targetMaxY = target.getMaxY();
+		double sourceMinY = source.getMinY();
+		//double sourceMaxY = source.getMaxY();
+		//experimental
+		double scalingFactorY = scalingFactorX;//((targetMaxY - targetMinY + 1) /target.getNodeCount())
+			//	/ ((sourceMaxY - sourceMinY + 1) /source.getNodeCount());
+		//adjust Cordinates and Attributes
+		adjustSourceXCoordinates(source, scalingFactorX, xOffset, sourceMinX);
+		graphAttribute(target);
+		graphAttribute(source);
+		adjustSourceYCoordinates(source, scalingFactorY, targetMinY, sourceMinY);
+		//Copy Nodes and Edges
+		HashMap<String, String> newIds = copyNodes(target, source);
+		copyEdges(target, source, newIds);
+	}
+	private static void copyEdges(MyGraph target, MyGraph source, HashMap<String, String> newIds) {
+		Random ran = new Random();
+		boolean searchingForId = true;
+		for (Edge e : source.getEdgeSet()){
+			//finding a new ID for the Node
+			searchingForId = true;
+			String newId = source.getId() + e.getId(); 
+			while (searchingForId){
+				if(target.getNode(newId) == null){
+					searchingForId = false;
+					target.addEdge(newId, newIds.get(e.getSourceNode().getId()), newIds.get(e.getTargetNode().getId()));
+				} else {
+					newId.concat(String.valueOf((char)(ran.nextInt(52) + 'a')));
+				}
+			}
+			for (String s : e.getAttributeKeySet()){
+				target.getEdge(newId).addAttribute(s,(Object) e.getAttribute(s));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	private static HashMap<String, String>  copyNodes(MyGraph target, MyGraph source) {
+		HashMap<String, String> newIds = new HashMap<>();
+		Random ran = new Random();
+		boolean searchingForId = true;
+		for (Node n : source.getNodeSet()){
+			//finding a new ID for the Node
+			searchingForId = true;
+			String newId = source.getId() + n.getId(); 
+			while (searchingForId){
+				if(target.getNode(newId) == null){
+					searchingForId = false;
+					target.addNode(newId);
+					newIds.put(n.getId(), newId);
+				} else {
+					newId.concat(String.valueOf((char)(ran.nextInt(52) + 'a')));
+				}
+			}
+			for (String s : n.getAttributeKeySet()){
+				target.getNode(newId).addAttribute(s,(Object) n.getAttribute(s));
+			}
+		}
+		return newIds;
+	}
+	private static void adjustSourceYCoordinates(MyGraph g, double scalingFactor, double targetMinY,
+			double sourceMinY) {
+		for (Node n : g.getNodeSet()){
+			double d = (Double)n.getAttribute("y");
+			d = d - sourceMinY;
+			d = d * scalingFactor;
+			d = d + targetMinY;
+			n.addAttribute("y", d);
+		}
+	}
+	private static void graphAttribute(MyGraph g) {
+		for(Node n : g.getNodeSet()){
+			if(n.getAttribute("originalGraph") == null){
+				n.addAttribute("originalGraph", g.getId());
+			}
+		}
+	}
-		// TODO
-		return null;
+	private static void adjustSourceXCoordinates(MyGraph g, Double scalingFactor, Double xOffset, Double SourceMinX) {
+		for (Node n : g.getNodeSet()){
+			Double d = (Double)n.getAttribute("x");
+			d = d - SourceMinX;
+			d = d * scalingFactor;
+			d = d + xOffset;
+			d = d + SourceMinX;
+			n.addAttribute("x", d);
+		}

+ 3 - 1

@@ -177,9 +177,11 @@ public final class GraphDisplayManager {
 			// set basic style
 		} else {
-			v = getCurrentGraphManager();
+			v = getGraphManager();
+			Debug.out(v.getGraph().toString() + " Nodes: " + v.getGraph().getNodeCount() + " Edges: " + v.getGraph().getEdgeCount());
 			GraphHelper.merge(v.getGraph(), g);
 			ret = currentGraphManager;
+			Debug.out(v.getGraph().toString() + " Nodes: " + v.getGraph().getNodeCount() + " Edges: " + v.getGraph().getEdgeCount());
 		// set ui.class