@@ -30,75 +30,74 @@ public class ToolboxManager {
* the list of entries to add to the toolbox
public static void initializeItems(TableView<Pair<Object, String>> toolbox) {
ObservableList<Pair<Object, String>> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/node.png").toString()), "Standard"),
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/source.png").toString()),"Source"),
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/sink.png").toString()), "Sink"),
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/enProc.png").toString()), "EnProc"),
- pair("", ""),
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/dirEdge.png").toString()), "Directed"),
- pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/undirEdge.png").toString()), "Undirected")
- );
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/node.png").toString()), "Standard"),
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/source.png").toString()), "Source"),
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/sink.png").toString()), "Sink"),
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/enProc.png").toString()), "EnProc"), pair("", ""),
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/dirEdge.png").toString()), "Directed"),
+ pair(new Image(MainApp.class.getResource("/png/undirEdge.png").toString()), "Undirected"));
- private static Pair<Object, String> pair(Object picture, String name) {
- return new Pair<>(picture, name);
- }
- public static class PairKeyFactory implements Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, String>, ObservableValue<String>> {
- @Override
- public ObservableValue<String> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, String> data) {
- return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(data.getValue().getValue());
- }
+ private static Pair<Object, String> pair(Object picture, String name) {
+ return new Pair<>(picture, name);
+ }
+ public static class PairKeyFactory
+ implements Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, String>, ObservableValue<String>> {
+ @Override
+ public ObservableValue<String> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, String> data) {
+ return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(data.getValue().getValue());
+ }
- public static class PairValueFactory implements Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, Object>, ObservableValue<Object>> {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public ObservableValue<Object> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, Object> data) {
- Object value = data.getValue().getKey();
- return (value instanceof ObservableValue)
- ? (ObservableValue<Object>) value
- : new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(value);
- }
+ public static class PairValueFactory
+ implements Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, Object>, ObservableValue<Object>> {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ @Override
+ public ObservableValue<Object> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Pair<Object, String>, Object> data) {
+ Object value = data.getValue().getKey();
+ return (value instanceof ObservableValue) ? (ObservableValue<Object>) value
+ : new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(value);
- public static class PairValueCell extends TableCell<Pair<Object, String>, Object> {
- @Override
- protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
- super.updateItem(item, empty);
+ }
- if (item != null) {
- if (item instanceof String) {
- setText((String) item);
- setGraphic(null);
- } else if (item instanceof Integer) {
- setText(Integer.toString((Integer) item));
- setGraphic(null);
- } else if (item instanceof Boolean) {
- CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
- checkBox.setSelected((boolean) item);
- setGraphic(checkBox);
- } else if (item instanceof Image) {
- setText(null);
- ImageView imageView = new ImageView((Image) item);
- imageView.setFitWidth(20);
- imageView.setFitHeight(20);
- imageView.setPreserveRatio(true);
- imageView.setSmooth(true);
- setGraphic(imageView);
- } else {
- setText("N/A");
- setGraphic(null);
- }
- } else {
- setText(null);
- setGraphic(null);
- }
- }
+ public static class PairValueCell extends TableCell<Pair<Object, String>, Object> {
+ @Override
+ protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
+ super.updateItem(item, empty);
+ if (item != null) {
+ if (item instanceof String) {
+ setText((String) item);
+ setGraphic(null);
+ } else if (item instanceof Integer) {
+ setText(Integer.toString((Integer) item));
+ setGraphic(null);
+ } else if (item instanceof Boolean) {
+ CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox();
+ checkBox.setSelected((boolean) item);
+ setGraphic(checkBox);
+ } else if (item instanceof Image) {
+ setText(null);
+ ImageView imageView = new ImageView((Image) item);
+ imageView.setFitWidth(20);
+ imageView.setFitHeight(20);
+ imageView.setPreserveRatio(true);
+ imageView.setSmooth(true);
+ setGraphic(imageView);
+ } else {
+ setText("N/A");
+ setGraphic(null);
+ }
+ } else {
+ setText(null);
+ setGraphic(null);
+ }
+ }