Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Added a distance Check for the Edge Selectiob

MW 7 gadi atpakaļ

+ 5 - 42

@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
 package de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.ui;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.graphstream.algorithm.Toolkit;
-import org.graphstream.graph.Edge;
 import org.graphstream.graph.Graph;
 import org.graphstream.graph.Node;
 import org.graphstream.ui.geom.Point3;
 import de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.debug.Debug;
+import de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.main.AuxilFunctions;
 import de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.main.CreationMode;
 import de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.main.GraphManager;
 import de.tu_darmstadt.informatik.tk.scopviz.main.Layer;
@@ -66,9 +63,10 @@ public class ButtonManager {
 			GraphManager graphManager = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager();
 			Graph graph = graphManager.getGraph();
 			Point3 cursorPos = graphManager.getView().getCamera().transformPxToGu(event.getX(), event.getY());
-			if (Main.getInstance().getCreationMode() == CreationMode.CREATE_NONE)
-				Debug.out("(" + cursorPos.x + ", " + cursorPos.y + ")");
-			Debug.out(getClosestEdge(cursorPos));
+			if (Main.getInstance().getCreationMode() == CreationMode.CREATE_NONE) {
+				// TODO this is just a example usage for the Function
+				Debug.out(AuxilFunctions.getClosestEdge(cursorPos));
+			}
 			Node n;
 			// Create node based on creation Mode
@@ -117,41 +115,6 @@ public class ButtonManager {
-	public static Edge getClosestEdge(Point3 pos) {
-		//TODO get a nice Max_Value, like 5% of maxWidth/maxHeight or something similar
-		return getClosestEdge(pos, Double.MAX_VALUE);
-	}
-	public static Edge getClosestEdge(Point3 pos, double maxDistance) {
-		//TODO clean up, relocate to ... somewhere useful
-		double x0 = pos.x;
-		double y0 = pos.y;
-		GraphManager gm = Main.getInstance().getGraphManager();
-		double dist = maxDistance;
-		Edge result = null;
-		for (Iterator<Edge> iterator = gm.getGraph().getEdgeIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
-			Edge edge = (Edge) iterator.next();
-			double[] n1 = Toolkit.nodePosition(edge.getNode0());
-			double[] n2 = Toolkit.nodePosition(edge.getNode1());
-			double x1 = n1[0];
-			double y1 = n1[1];
-			double x2 = n2[0];
-			double y2 = n2[1];
-			double a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(y2 - y0, 2) + Math.pow(x2 - x0, 2));
-			double b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(y0 - y1, 2) + Math.pow(x0 - x1, 2));
-			double c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2) + Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2));
-			double cdist = Math.abs((y2 - y1) * x0 - (x2 - x1) * y0 + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) / c;
-			double alpha = Math.acos((Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(a, 2)) / (2 * b * c));
-			double beta = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * c));
-			if (cdist < dist && alpha <= Math.PI / 2 && beta <= Math.PI / 2) {
-				Debug.out("" + alpha);
-				dist = cdist;
-				result = edge;
-			}
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
 	public static final EventHandler<ActionEvent> underlayHandler = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {